3. Hiccup 7yrs later

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Hiccups POV

I still cannot believe I left Berk and never looked back. These past 7 yrs have been crazy me and Toothless have nearly died like so many times mainly because of my stunt ideas like the flight suit he is still not happy about that.

We have made so many enemies and very few allies so I started wearing armour (Like in Httyd 3) and adopted a new name Night Rider. I spend my time freeing dragons and raid villages that give dragons to Viggo or who kill them. Now it's not what you think I don't destroy villages Toothless just sends out a call of some sorts and the dragons follow but sometimes they don't and that's where the destruction comes in. But I pledge loyalty to dragons after I was saved by them so I can't hurt them.

When we left Berk we found I
Red Death the evil Queen of dragons and we killed her but unfortunately fire and Toothless's tail don't mix so we fell and I got hurt really badly and was left in horrible condition so was Toothless. We woke up on another island with a bunch of dragons they saved us. Unfortunately I lost my leg but I learned to live with it and built a new prosthetic (like in Httyd 2) I stayed in the cave with the king of dragons and learned to speak Dragonese the language of dragons and everyday I fight for them.

2 years after I left Berk I made  enemies with Dagur, Ryker, Viggo and Alvin. They are after the king of dragons and the 2 dragon artifacts they need the Dragon eye and its lenses can lead them to it, they don't know that I live with the king of dragons and I can't let them find out so I now live on a separate island but go and check up on it once a month. I'm doing everything in my power to keep those dragons safe.

I don't miss Berk or the names I was called runt, the fishbone, useless. I've changed so much I have inferno my sword that lights up on command and I am a very skilled fighter but my best weapon is my best bud Toothless. Toothless's tail is not real but he is still happy. I once built him an automatic tail but he got mad and broke it I think he just likes our brother like bond we share and thinks that if he could fly on his own we would grow apart but that will never happen.

No one on Berk knows I'm alive and neither does anyone in the archipelago they all know me as Night Rider. I have thought about visiting Berk but I know as soon as I get there we will get shot down because change is not possible with those Vikings.

Word count: 480

A/n again sorry for the short chapter it is just a filler

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