2. Berk 7yrs later

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Astrids POV

It's been 7 years since Hiccups death and Berk has changed a lot at first the village was quiet at the loss of their heir except the Jorgensens they were so happy Snotlout was becoming heir of Berk. And as horrible as it is to say this Stoick acted fine he had been through this before and he continued his Cheifly duties.

But a year later in the middle of a raid the dragons stopped and left it was so weird we didn't know what happened so we sailed to find the nest we had some knowledge of where it was the Chief was always looking for it. But suddenly a violent storm started and dragged us in the wrong direction and we found ourselves on an island with ice everywhere. There was a woman on the island and she rode a dragon and her name was Valka and apparently she was Stoicks WIFE!! We were all a bit nervous at the fact that she rode a dragon but she proved that a dragon is loyal and they can eventually act like a dog. Valka agreed to come back as long as Berk agreed to allow dragons as friends not enemies we were not too sure but the dragons had not attacked in years so now everyone rides dragons I wish Hiccup could be here to see this. The only thing that was really sad the last 7 years was when we had to tell Valka that she would never see her son again she nearly fell to her knees with shock that she wasn't there for her son and now she would never get the chance to see him.

Stoick still wanted revenge on the dragon that killed Hiccup but we promised to give up our dragon killing ways. Over the past 7 years a viglantee called Night rider showed up over the archipelago people never see his dragon and some say that if you try to fight him you won't survive. People on Berk think it's fake but I don't I think he is the reason the raids stopped but he raids villages and destroys armadas so even though he rides some type of dragon real or not he is still an enemy to Berk.

Snotlout is still trying to date me but I just punch him in the face. Me and my friends are the official dragon riders of Berk I ride a Nadder named Stormfly, Snotlout riders a Monstrous Nightmare named Hookfang. The twins ride a Zippleback named Barf and Belch and Fishlegs rides a Gronckle called Meatlug. Even Stoick has a dragon it's a Rumblehorn called Skullcrusher. We have filled the book of dragons with all the new knowledge we get and correct things that were already in it. I wonder how the Night Rider trained a dragon.

We cancelled the dragon training when Hiccup died so I did not kill the dragon as runner up. We keep our dragons a secret from our allies and the world we don't want any enemies we have a lot of good defence but a war is not something we enjoy.

Something still makes me mad even with all this knowledge we still don't know what dragon killed Hiccup.

Word count: 543

A/n I know its a short chapter but it's just something to fill the gap in between

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