14. Hiccups mission

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Warning violence and swearing

Stoicks POV

After what happened on that island we flew back to Berk, as usual Hiccup went to the cove but this time we followed him to spy on his mission. "Okay Toothless let's go" he took off and we followed him.

An hour later.....

We had finally reached the destination it didn't look like a village. We landed and hid behind trees. I was so confused on what was going on.

Hiccup stood in the middle with his Dragon ready to attack. A man walked up behind him then shot an arrow at Toothless, Hiccup jumped in front of it the arrow peirced his flesh though. I looked to see the teens confused at what was about to happen. "Hiccup Haddock...hows the eye" a voice said "good how about your arm" Hiccup said with sarcasm. Wait what happens to his eye. Hiccup charged at the man and they started sword fighting, he was actually pretty good at it.

Hiccups POV

My side was stinging from the arrow that hit me. But I didn't care I wanted this guy dead. I flipped him over and had my sword to his throat until I heard more voices. "Well well well" "look who decided to show up" "the weakling is surrounded" the voices said. "Great a setup" I said sarcastically the people were Drago, Crogan, Johan, Viggo, Ryker, Dagur. They all laughed evilly. "Your surrounded no way out you'll die here" Drago said. "Well I had good run" I replied. "Sarcasm won't save you and the Night..." "YOU WONT TOUCH A SCALE ON HIM" I yelled.

Stoicks POV

Hiccup was surrounded by these people I only knew one of them and that was Drago Bludvist.... "YOU WONT TOUCH A SCALE ON HIM" I heard Hiccup yell he really loved his dragon. "Well we will see what happens" suddenly out of knowhere green gas started to fill the area and I saw the black Dragon run but not Hiccup what was he doing.

Hiccups POV

After my little stunt the hunters started to charge at me I took them one by one which was harder than I thought. Dagur punched me but I dodged and tripped him, then from behind me Drago shoved the bottom of the spear into my back I then turned and ducked but was kicked in the face by Crogan. I grabbed Inferno and held off Rykers attack I felt a sudden pain in my shoulder and looked to see Johan had stabbed me with a Dagger, blood dripped from the blade I punched Johan in the face. I pulled the blade out and then saw Viggo charging at me so I threw a Zippleback gas bomb and lit it up. I looked to see all my opponents standing up I then looked to see a certain Viking wasn't there. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him running at me I turned around and blocked the attack. He knocked inferno out of my hands so I ran at him and tackled him to the ground. We were fighting and punching each other he got back on his feet and ran at me I was just about get rid of him but I looked down to see a sword that peirced through my flesh he yanked it out and I fell...

Astrids POV

We were all sitting there waiting to see what was gonna happen. Hiccup had this man pinned to the ground but this mysterious Viking managed to get up and just as Hiccup was about to get rid of him we saw Hiccup fall to the ground and a sword covered in blood. Tears ran down my face I looked to see all the others with their hands over their mouths in shock. But I then saw Valka bury her face into Stoicks chest as he sat there in shock. Just before we thought it could get anymore brutal the hunters surrounded him.

Hiccups POV

I layed there in pain, then I saw the hunters surround me Drago lifted me up by the shirt and punched me in the face. I fell to the ground I could barley move as they continued to beat me up.

A few minutes later....

The hunters step back away from me to talk. My vision is foggy, I have bruises, stab wounds, scars, burns and everywhere hurts. The hunters then left I have no clue why but all that was left was me and him...

Valkas POV

I watched as my son was beaten up and nearly died. He looked so helpless but acted like it was normal. Astrid ran up and hugged me crying I hugged her back while Stoick comforted the other teens. This was not something you want to see. The hunters than left him alone he just laid there not daring to move. The hunters all left but one he just stood there and kneeled down infront of him. We decided to move down closer to where they were and listen. "So what is your plan exactly" the man asked him. "l..like I'd t..tell yo...u" Hiccup coughed out. He didn't look so good, the stranger banged his head against the rocks "Fucking tell me" he yelled and punched Hiccup a few more times while swearing at him. "Wh...y sh..ould I t..tell you" Hiccup said the stranger got mad and pulled off Hiccups hood and pulled off his bandna. Ohh my thor.. Hiccup had a huge scar that went from his eye down his neck it looked old. And his face was bruised, I saw all the Vikings stand there scared. "Because we're friends remember" he said what did he mean 'friends' "y...eah right...." Hiccup coughed out. The man gave him a death stare and put his hood and bandana on then the other hunters came and threw Hiccup in the cage....

Word count: 983

What will happen to Hiccup? Who is this mysterious man that seems to know Hiccup well and is his so called 'friend' look out for more chapters they are coming soon.

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