5. There goes my Life

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Hiccups POV

I ran into the forest and I saw them chasing after me Toothless followed close behind me as we ran. Suddenly when I thought I out ran them I was tackled to the ground by them. I couldn't deal with this right now I had hunters chasing me and trying to kill me. Then Stoick came up to me and pulled of my helmet but when he saw my face he dropped it and said "Hiccup...?" Toothless tackled the others off me and they ran behind Stoick and were staring at me. I pulled out inferno and started backing up. "Your the Night Rider? What type of Dragon is that? How are you alive? How did you beat us?" Those were all the questions being asked. All I could reply with was "umm..." Then as I was about to say something I heard something that shook my very soul.

Stoicks POV

There my son was standing in front of me but he was the Night Rider the viglantee who destroys villages my smile turned into a scowl. He started to back away with his dragons, while holding out his sword then the others started to ask questions and he replied "umm..." He then  stopped in his tracks. "HES OVER HERE!" "GET THE MUZZLE AND CUFFS READY!" I looked at him as stress turned into panic "Shit! Hunters" what did he mean hunters, he quickly snatched his helmet and said "Toothless" and signalled the dragon to follow him and they ran off. Then 3 men burst out and said "have you seen him?" "Who?" Valka said "the Night Rider" "No we haven't" I said then men walked off.

"What just happened" Valka asked. "We have to help Hiccup before the hunters kill him!" Ruff said I looked at them and nodded.

Hiccups POV

I put on my helmet and started running as fast as I could the affects of the dragon root arrows still affected Toothless so he couldn't fly but he could run. "Come on bud they're right behind us!" If they find us then they could hurt Toothless and I am not taking that chance.

Half an hour later...

Every direction we run they are in front of us there is nowhere to go. I heard some hunter coming so me and Toothless hid in a tree I heard them speaking. "Maybe the dragon and the rider aren't here?" "No they are I saw them go down and crash here just split up and keep looking." Well it looks like they are not giving up that easily. We got out of the tree and continued running the thought that Berkians knew I was alive and was Night Rider scared me they could leak my identity.

Stoicks POV

We were following Hiccup and his dragon but eventually we lost them they must have hidden in a cave or something. We then his because we saw someone coming then we listened to the hunters talking. "Maybe the dragon and the rider aren't here?" "No they are I saw them go down and land here just split up and keep looking." Wow they really don't give up. When they left we saw Hiccup and the dragon climb out of the tree and start running again it looked like something was bothering him.

Hiccups POV

We had been running for what felt like 2 hours and I thought we got away and said to Toothless "can you fly yet bud?" He just shook his head "its okay bud we just gotta keep running." We started running again Until A bola came flying and caught Toothless I tried to go help him but was tackled down by hunters.

Astrids POV

We had managed to keep up with Hiccup and saw how his dragon was hit with a bola and he was tackled to the ground by hunters. We watched in horror as they muzzled his dragon and restrained him. The leader hunter walked up and then said "you can tell us what we want to know or you can answer to Viggo's mercy" he stroked his sword on the word  Mercy. Hiccup looked at them and said "I won't surrender to Viggo's Mercy as you call it" the hunter stared at him then said "take him." We were all shocked by his response he was not the same useless, cowardly Hiccup from Berk.

Hiccups POV

I watched as Toothless was trapped and trying to escape and he looked at me with worry I said "you'll be fine they won't hurt you" "what about you" Toothless said but before was cut off by the lead hunter "TAKE THEM TO THE SHIP WE HEAD FOR BERSERKER ISLAND!"

Astrids POV

I looked at Stoick, all of us wondered what the next move was, do we help him. "We will go back to Berk!" Stoick said "But what about Hiccup" Fishlegs asked. "Berk can not afford to make enemies with the Dragon hunters. It Hiccups war and he's the Night Rider an enemy of Berk he destroys villages. It is for the good of Berk" I couldn't believe he was gonna let his son die AGAIN. Just because the archipelago thinks he's a traitor but I guess it is also for the good of Berk.

Word count: 879

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