15. Shadow

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Valkas POV

The hunters left and we all had so many questions we wanted answered. "It looked like they all had a personal vendetta with him" I looked to see Snotlout talking. We all nodded "are we going to help him or leave him like last time" Astrid asked. Before we could answer we heard a rustling in the bush and out pounced the Night Fury. "It's his dragon" I said.

Toothless's POV

I sat there and watched as my best friend was beaten up. I tried to go over and help him but Hiccup gave me a signal to stay out of this. By the end I saw how bruised he was and I didn't know what to do. Everyone miss judges him if only he would open up and tell the truth about him. The thing that made my blood boil was that awful man who I knew Hiccup hated. He went up and took off Hiccups hood and started swearing at him and banging his head against a rock.

Stoicks POV

I didn't know what to do it was Hiccups war. Suddenly a Black dragon bounced out of the bush it was his Nightfury it looked so sad. I mean who could blame it.

Hiccups POV

I woke up to see myself chained to a wall and I then felt the pain suddenly hit and it hurt. My vision started to clear and I saw I was on a ship. At least Toothless is not here I thought. The weird thing was this was not a dragon hunter ship it was.....his ship. "Well, well you noticed that something's different" I looked to see him. "Yeah you backstabber" I sneered at him. "Ohh that's no way to treat the person who is your captor" he said and then unlocked the cell and punched me in the face. "Where is that Nightfury of yours?" He asked "somewhere you won't find him...Shadow" I said back. "Well I have a long time to figure out where it is. Since the hunters handed you over for me to deal with." He flaunted "No..." I whispered. He was a dark part of my past, someone I never wanted to be with again. "So are you gonna tell me Hiccup" I shook my head he then got mad and punched me twice. I was used to this pain because of Shadow but this was the 2nd time I had been captured and now I know it Shadow I have to deal with again I actually fear for my life.

Stoicks POV

"We need to help him Stoick, last time he had his dragon but this time he doesn't" I looked to see the teens begging that we would help him and his dragon laying down miserable. I nodded and told them to "mount up we leave to find him in the morning." We then left and went back to Berk.

Hiccups POV

I fell asleep and started to dream about when Shadow betrayed me.

I was 18. "Hes over here Viggo" shadow yelled. "why would treat me like this and sell me out" I asked with an angry tone I had just been brutally beaten by him. "Because dragons are the scum of the earth and are useless like you" he said I got furious and we started fighting I was battling with inferno and he used a random sword he found. It was a big battle and it was almost over he had stabbed me and sliced from my eye all the way down to my chest. I then retaliated and waved my sword and put a huge gash on his arm. I ran over to Toothless and we took off. And that day the emotionless Night Rider was born.

I woke up and just stared at the ground hoping Toothless was okay. Shadow walked in and gave me an evil smile. I don't have a good feeling about this.

Stoicks POV

I laid there that night and all I could think about was my son.

He was now a strong kid who actually liked to stare in this face of danger. And he was nothing like his old awkward self he was lifeless and emotionless except when it came to his dragon. It really bothered me, his eye had a huge scratch and it was something the two men said to each other that made me question who they were to each other. "Hiccup Haddock how's the eye" "good how's the arm" but despite all those thoughts my mind went straight back to the sight of my beaten and bruised son who just laid on the ground not daring to move.

I hope he is okay, his dragon won't stop worrying about him. I do wonder when he did train the NightFury I mean I thought I would have noticed. How did he hide a whole dragon from all the Vikings on Berk and manage to keep it quiet.

Word count: 828

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