12. Night Rider on Berk

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Hiccups POV

I saw Stoick fly up on his dragon. I still couldn't believe it, Berkians riding dragons. He told us "they are okay with you staying but they also know your identity" I nodded like it was okay but I'm actually furious that my identity was revealed to the whole island. We all then flew down and landed on Berk. Everyone looked at me confused.

Gobbers POV

I was so excited to see Hiccup again but something told me by the expression on Stoick's face after he told everyone that something was different. He flew up to get them and I heard people talking about how unsure they were about this. Stoick and the teens flew down with a black dragon following them. They all landed we all walked up and what we saw shocked us. It was a man in all black armour a cloak and mask covering his face you could only see his eyes (A/n like Heather). He had one leg and his dragon had a prosthetic as well. Who was he?

Spitelout POV

They all landed and I looked at the man on the black dragon he looked tough. He had one leg and lots of armor you couldn't see his face properly. His dragon looked scary it was giving us a death stare, it was angry. The man then turned to the dragon and said something I don't know what it was but the dragon calmed down. He was standing behind Stoick and our kids minding his own business.

Hiccups POV

"Toothless" I said in a sharp voice "calm down" he then calmed but he was still on guard just in case. "I thought you were bringing the Night Rider?" One of the villagers asked. I guess since I didn't look like the runt they thought I was they didn't recognise me. "This is the Night Rider....Hiccup" Stoick said. "How do you know he has a mask, how can we trust him if he won't show us his true identity." "Yeah take off his mask." They all yelled "Shut it unless you want an axe in your head..." Everyone went quiet. "Don't say things you'll regret" I heard Stoick whisper to me I rolled my eyes.

Gobbers POV

No this couldn't be Hiccup he was a runt. "Shut it unless you want an axe in your head" this took me back I would usually be the one threating someone. "So he is going help us find an island" Spitelout asked. Stoick nodded the villagers looked mad. But all I could think was what happened to my apprentice. Stoick told everyone to go and continue to pack up the island and we all left.

Snotlouts POV

I am so glad that Hiccup is not staying I'm the heir to Berk now. But I don't know how we tell him that his mum is alive that's the only thing that does worry me. Stoick told us to show Hiccup around the island we reluctently agreed.

Hiccups POV

I don't need a tour of the island I used to live here but I didn't say anything because I'm on thin ice after my comment. We walked all over Berk and everything was destroyed or on fire. I couldn't believe it in the raids the damage wasn't this bad sure there were fires but not this bad. We made it to the forest and I was really sad I grew up in this forest and it was absolutely destroyed we ran to the cove it was pretty much the only untouched area on the whole island. I ran in and the others followed. "Wow...it is still in pretty good shape" Toothless looked at me with a smile. "Yeah even this sheild is still in tact" Ruff said the others didnt care but I did I walked up to it and laughed "whats so funny" Astrid said. "It's still here after all these years" I said "what do you mean" I Ignored them. "So are you gonna stay with us after we find an island" Ruff asked. "No way" I said and I walked off.

Spitelouts POV

That was my nephew no way. After Stoick told everyone to leave to pack up the village gossip started all the villages were talking about how much Hiccup had changed over the past 10 years. But all I can think about is how he threatened us how can we trust him if he threatened to put an axe in our head. To be fair people were trying to get him to take off his mask but we already know his identity why hide it something wrong and I want to know what.

Next morning....

Hiccups POV

I slept in the cove that night even though they told me to sleep in one of the Huts. There was no way I was doing that, we met up in the great hall and they had a map ready to find a good location. We mounted our dragons and took off to find an island. I was so glad to be off Berk and I hoped to find a good location today so I would never have to return to Berk again. "Okay what's a good island?" Stoick asked. "Well do you want to live in the borders of the archipelago or out of the archipelago" I asked "wait...what do you mean outside the archipelago" they questioned.

Word count: 907

I'm so glad I got this chapter out. But now I have to work on 3 assignments before tommorow so only one chapter tonight 😥 sorry.

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