20. We just walked in on a war...

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Hiccups POV

I was panicking. I mean I am prepared for war but if the hunters can take down 6 dragons with riders than how is one dragon going to make a dent. "How many ships?" I asked. "Around 150 ships" Snotlout said. (A/n Too much😅) oh no... "Your dragons are in the stables if you would like to see them" I said completely ignoring the information I was just told. They nodded and I guided them to the stables.

Astrids POV

I wanted to make small talk because it was really quiet so I just asked "how long have you been fighting the hunters?" I really was curious. "About 9 years" he said. Wait..9 YEARS!? "All the hunters work for Drago Bludvist and his main goal is to control dragons by using the alpha in order to conquer people. To bring fear to those who will follow and get rid of those who won't" Hiccup said sadly. "What happened to the last alpha?" Snotlout asked. "There were 2 of them Drago's evil alpha and our good alpha Drago's killed ours making it the overall alpha" Hiccup replied "then your Night Fury killed it making him the new alpha" Valka said. He nodded and then said "and Drago will do anything to find the alpha" by the time he said that we reached the stables and he opened it and we ran in to our dragons. I saw Hiccup smile and then walk off.

Hiccups POV

I walk down to the club house and started to think of a plan. The odds were not really in my favour unless I worked with those...Berkians. they all walked down from the stables to meet me and that's when I said "I know I have been really unfair to you but *sigh* I need your help" they all looked at eachother and nodded in a agreement at the statement I made. Well all except Snotlout "so, you get to treat us like dirt and then have the audacity to ask for help" he is quickly shut up with a punch to the face from no other than Astrid Hofferson. "Of course we will help you if it means protecting the alpha dragon we will do it" she replied. I smiled but the nice moment was quickly cut short but a screech. "Toothless...?"

Astrids POV

There was a really loud screech and suddenly hiccup looked back worried and said "Toothless...?" The screech was louder this time and in that language dragonese. "TOOTHLESS!" he yelled and sprinted off. We chased after him.

Hiccups POV

He calling for help.

He is in danger.

"TOOTHLESS!" I ran out of the club house and towards my dragon I saw that he was being cornered by hunters. I started to run faster taking every short cut I could. Running as fast as I could. They had muzzed him and tackled him to the ground. He broke out but then they put some type of arrow in him that knocked him out. I ran down with my sword in hand and started to fight the hunters off until I made it to him. Just as I was about to free him there was a sword being held up to his neck. "Take one more step and the Night Fury gets it" Shadow said "no" I whimpered out "ohh look who's the weak one" Shadow teased. "Take him to the ship" and with that my dragon was gone. I heard the others group up behind me saying something that I couldn't hear all I could hear was ringing and the voices inside my head.

Valkas POV

we started calling his name and asking him where the dragon was but there was no reply from him. He just started at the ground. We then saw a hunter piece of equipment on the ground. "They took him" I said, the others gasped and looked over to Hiccup who just stood there.

Hiccups POV

You let him down

He will be dead because of you

It's all your fault

You should be the one dying

You should have never left

Toothless would be better off without you

Your a faliure

You don't deserve Toothless

Go die

All these voices I'm my head kept talking at me and maybe they were right?

"Hiccup" I look back to see the others "we will get him back" Astrid said I nod and smile. We walk back to the club house to figure out a plan. But I still hear the voices and try to block them out.

You should die for letting the hunters take him.

I tried to ignore it and focus on getting my best bud back. I hope toothless is still alive when I get there and that he will want to stay with me.

Word count: 805
Here you go hope it's good
Idk if there is spelling errors or not 😂
Also idk why it posted before the A/n but whatever

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