7. Back at Berk

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Astrids POV

The flight home was silent, we never even got to speak to Hiccup because of the hunters and now he will probably die in prison. I could see how sad Valka was Hiccup probably didn't even know who she was. We were all sad and felt horrible even Snotlout did. We landed on Berk and everyone was crowded around wondering what happened. I was about to say something but next thing I know I'm being hugged by my mother. I just thought of when we were younger and I asked Hiccup if he could do one thing what would it be and he said meet his mother and he was so close to meeting her but the hunters ruined it. I the hear Stoick call a meeting in the great hall.

Stoicks POV

"People of Berk, our mission was successful we found the Night Rider" everyone cheered but they didn't know the horrible part about it. "We couldn't kill him but he has been taken to Berserker island and is in prison" everyone was happy but confused at my sad tone. "We also revealed the identity of the Night Rider..." No sound was made they saw how all of us who went on the journey looked and knew something had happened. My feelings are conflicted I am so happy my son is alive, Im mad because he's the Night Rider. confused how he beat the others in battle and how he survived that night 7 years ago and I also feared for his safety just thinking how he is being treated in Berserker prison. "The Night Rider is... Hiccup Haddock" the room was filled with shock on one hand their heir was alive and on the other he was a viglantee. I could see Gobbers reaction to what I said he was so sad. "We decided to back away and not help because Berk cannot afford to become enimies with the Dragon Hunters!" I could see some Vikings who agreed with me, some didn't they were mad at me and most were mad at Hiccup.

Astrids POV

Me and the others ran to the forest and straight to the cove and we started to look for clues on what happened that night. How was he alive? "Did you guys find anything?" I yelled "No" they replied. We were all about to leave when I spotted a shield wegged between rocks. "Hey guys look at this" we saw how there was a path way you could follow so we ducked under the shield and followed the path. We went far up the path and then saw a tree that broke into the direction of where we just came from. We ran back down and saw a rock that looked like it was from a bola. I looked at the others and we ran back to the cove. "Have one more look and see if you can find anything" I said.

A few minutes later...

"Guys look" Fishlegs yelled we ran over and saw he was holding a pencil and I knew it was Hiccups he always walking into the woods with a pencil and his journal. "Wait remember the back room in the forge where Hiccup used to work" Snotlout said we all nodded "what if we went to see if we can find anything" we all agreed and went to the forge. Gobber wasn't there so we snuck up stairs and saw how messy it was. "What is that on the wall" I asked. Suddenly a voice from behind us said "it's plans for something" we looked to see Gobber. "Hiccup always used scrambled up the plans so he could read them but no one else could." "Sorry for sneaking up here Gobber" I said "it's fine" and then he walked off. We left not too long after he did. "So he must have been working on something really important." Ruff said we all agreed.

Valkas POV

We went home and I sat in Hiccups old room and cried. "I know it's hard Val Im sorry we couldn't go back" I heard Stoick say I looked up to see him come and sit next to me. "He didn't even know who I was and now he is probably slowly dying in a prison cell." I cried and hugged Stoick. He said to me "you know Val he was so much like you" I looked up at him as he spoke "he was so kind, helpful, caring and innocent. He always was trying to prove himself but he got bullied and told he wasn't good enough but that didn't stop him he never gave up" he smiled at me and then said "I know he is brave enough to survive Val" I hugged Stoick and the looked at Hiccups old bed.

Word count:802

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