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In night time . Somewhere in forest a Omega son was skipping behind his alpha father feeling safe . The Omega is around 15 years Old , the fireflies were flying around them . He was giggling and playing around with fireflies . He is fluffy cute like his cuteness is exordinary . His giggles were like melody . firefly flinched and flow away when omega tried to touch them he cutely pout .

" Appa Where are we going " that little omega asked while being curious since it's been an hour they were walking .

" It's Surprise , you'll see when we reached there . " His father said with a smiley face who knows what going on inside his mind . " Than we should have bring ji-wan also , he love surprises . " Little Omega spoke since he know how much his little brother love surprises .

"But it's only for you my baby . " his father spoke with a sweet voice which melt little omega , seeing his father smiling face he felt good cause it's first time his father is talking and smiling at him like that or maybe last .

" When Will we reached there appa . " he asked with a Pout cause now he was tired of walking with his cute little foots .

" In few minutes , " his father spoke while glancing forth .

little omega hummed while walking step to step with his father he was humming something under his breath he was beaming cause it's first time his dad took him outside with him and also it's his birthday he is really happy . Without knowing what actually is waiting for him .

Walking for few minutes they finally reached an open land Moon was shining bright in the dark sky moonlight was falling on the land causing the land shine as well . A lot of Stars were blinking like diamond in the night sky looking ethereal , little omega Looked at the moon with loveable eyes. A lots of fireflies were flying around him omega start to play with them while giggling cutely .

Suddenly 3 alpha and 2 beta worriers walked towards both of them . Omega's father bow 90° toward them . Omega saw his father bowing so did he with respectful manners .

" are y'all From dark moon dynasty right. " Spoke by Omega's dad . " yes headalpha Wang send us here . " A Beta worrier spoke while having a cold gaze ." does he's also with you . " Alpha spoke plain sailing causing omega father to nod

Omega was looking at them with doe cute eyes without knowing what's happening . " yes , here he's . "
Omega's father spoke while pointing at him . Omega Frown his eyebrows unaware about what his appa talking about .

" A..appa . " He hesitantly spoke while looking at his father direction his father ignored that fluffy cute Omega .

" okay so , listen omega from now on he's not your father , you're going with us and better obey us it'll be good for you , " one of beta spoke looking at him with cold gaze which was making omega weak under his gaze . Omega's heart tighten hearing this he let out a shaky breath stumble back ,

He hold his father's sleeves like a 5 year old boy and confusedly looked at his father with watery eyes" a..appa what are they saying ," omega whispered loud enough to his father to hear . " are you dumb or you're pretending to be one " Omega's dad speak in annoying tone Making his heart sink " I'm not your appa got that in your shitty brain . "

Omega's heart break into million pieces he felt a sting in his heart and abdomen after hearing this from the person he Adore so much . His eyes become watery . Omega back of while saying .

" I.. I want to go to eomma , please " Little omega begged

"Nor Eun-Ae is your eomma nor I'm your appa and nor ji- wan is your brother anymore . You're nothing for us from now on ." He spoke with cold face .

Causing Omega to stumbled back while shooking his head in denial like whole world crashed on him , Tears start to flowing like water from Omega's eyes . Alpha cold gaze was making him weak more . He was to young to be hearing those harsh words and to be broken like this. he was looking at the ground like he was paralyzed . His hand was placed on his heart like it was aching while tears were flowing down on the ground .

He tried hold his sobs his throat was hurting cause of lump he couldn't able to hold back and sobbed loudly while looking at his father he was waiting for him to say it is jokes . Omega's father didn't even bother to glance toward his son miserable condition

"we don't have enough time , your rewarded Will be sent to your house by tomorrow and You little one let's go " , alpha spoke coldly while looking right into his eyes

His tears were shining under the moon light like white Pearl's, hearing this he was about to run that's when a beta worrier stopped him by his collar omega tried to free worrier grip from his collar though he was strong and the omega was fragile to protect his self, he saw his father walking away figure though his throat was having a lump to call out his father name or scream and his foot has no energy to run behind him he was pitying his own miserable condition .

Alpha Sudden growl voice cause him to whimper , omega sniff and fall on the ground while hugged his knees more tightly .

" he's not gonna listen like that go drag him Forcefully ." Alpha spoke in demanding voice one beta worrier and one alpha worrier walked towards little Omega who was already shivering

they tried to dragged omega forced fully . Though the Omega push them harshly which cause them to stumble back a little both looked at that omega with annoyed look . Omega gulped down his saliva in fear.

Little omega was literally praying to Moon goddess to send someone for help . He was wishing for someone to come and safe him from these beasts because he's an Omega and Omega rank is low infront of alpha or beta they can't able to protect their self and even he's little infront of them .

Still he was trying to protect his self from them , he was trying to fight for his self . He was tryna to be courageous infront of them .the only thought was running through his head ," so this was a surprised for my birthday from my father ."

Suddenly an alpha attack on Omega's neck . Omega start to suffocating and dizzy his vision started to become blurry and he fall down on the ground with a thud sound . The Omega was wishing this to be a nightmare and when he will wake up , he'll found his self on his bed, though somewhere in his heart he knows it's a real nightmare to which he'll never gonna wake up, tears gather in his eyes again and he lost his conscious .

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