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Author POV ~

Yoongi walked inside the castle while carrying the cloakhood Omega who seem to lose his conscious, there wasn't any kind of expression obvious on his face , nevertheless it was kind of staggering for others seeing Yoongi with an unknown omega cause Yoongi never looked at any omega,

he climb the staircase not before telling a maid to call healer omega, in guest room Yoongi made him lay down on the queen size bed , he exhale sharply while staring at omega face whose skin seem to pale, " Yoongi " Yoongi turn around only to spot luna Jeon " you're still up eomma " Yoongi narrowed luna jeon nod " hm, your appa wasn't in room so I come out to see him, but what's going on who's he " Luna Jeon asked staring the laying figure on the bed " I'll tell you but first let the healer omega come " Yoongi sigh Luna Jeon nod while curiously staring the figure soon healer come both luna and Yoongi walked outside and walked inside the library which is same corridor .

Yoongi POV ~

When we entre inside the library appa was already sitting on the chair looking through something acknowledging our presence he looked up " what  both son and mother doing here this time" headalpha asked quietly " I was looking for you however there's something Yoongi wanna talk about" eomma said her eyebrow were narrowed I told eomma and appa whatever had happened a while ago "I'm aware of I shouldn't had bought him in castle however I didn't had any idea cause he was injured and ... Um and my wolf is sensing him as my mate. " I sigh looking both of them I can see the sparkle in eomma's eye " did you have talk to him" appa asked in concerning tone
" no we didn't he lose his conscious before we had talked" I rub my forehead while closing my eyes .

Someone knock on the library door " come in " appa ordered " a guard walked in and bow " healer omega wants to talk about the omega you bought alpha Yoongi " guard spoke " asked her to come here " I said guard bow and marched outside , later healer omega walked in she bow to headalpha,Luna and to me " your highness , I've checked that Omega and bandage on his injures however the wounds are deep hence it will take time for him to recover . " She finished speaking " we're thankful to you healer omega " appa spoke

" There is something I want to talk to you " healer omega spoke hesitantly" what is it omega soo-yoon " appa frown " when I was doing that Omega's bandage my eyes spot something which is beyond my expectations" healer omega said I furrowed my brows
" what do you mean soo_yoon " eomma asked I was also worried what she's going to say" He have the moon sign on the center of his back which only belongs to the moonchild" healer omega stop there was a pin drop silent eomma and appa just looked at each other being surprised , I myself was astounded it's something implausible

" Your highness you're already aware of the last moonchild was from crescent moon pack and when the war was happening no one could able to acknowledge where he evacuate " she finally finished I looked toward appa " Alright thank you omega soo-yoon, just please keep this a secret " appa said " It's nothing to be concerned about your majesty " healer omega bow and left

" i-is it True " eomma asked uncertainty " still we aren't sure about this" appa sigh " what do you mean by you aren't sure the moon sign isn't enough and I know omega soo-yoon would never say something which is false " eomma clarified" you know how much I had wait for him you are aware of how much we tired to find him....now he's here you're denying he's not him"  eomma furiously spoke "I know honey however we aren't aware of where he was all the time.... and Yoongi said his wolf is sensing him as mate " appa stop and took a deep breath " also according to Yoongi's state different peck of wolves are behind him he's moonchild then he might goes through a lot and others shouldn't be aware of he's here in blue moon  " appa stop " this is the only way he would be safe here " appa added

Eomma just nod I exhale sharply moonchild are gifted once however their life is more likely hell that's what I had heard about them, I had heard about crescent moon peck how it destroyed because the luna of it's peck was moonchild " I want to see him " saying this eomma left appa sigh I can see how distressed appa seem still he smiled toward me I bow and left as well

I hesitantly walked toward his room my heart was telling me to go and stare at his flawless feature I was keep getting the glimpse of his unblemished soft cheeks  without me realizing I was standing on the frame of the door I was memorized by how good looking that omega is the silver hair bangs were smoothly falling on his forehead how angelic his face features are, my heart was pounding rapidly with each passing second how that plumply lips of his were apart a little his pale and smooth skin

" There's no doubt he's moonchild look he exactly look like his mother" eomma spoke I back to the earth " still he looks exactly like four years old chubby baby" eomma grin " do you remember yoongi he used to visit blue moon with his mother and father and everytime you were the one he play with the most" she smile " moon goddess know where he was all of the time how much my poor baby had to go through" eomma sigh caressing the bruises on his cheek sadness was visible in her voice " I'm grateful to moon goddess for bringing my pup back to us " she stopped " and giving my yoongi a beautiful mate " she smiled looking toward me

a weird kind of overwhelming feeling rush inside me hearing mate, my mate I've never think of having or perhaps I didn't get time to think of, however after seeing him my wolf begin to howls in happiness a possessiveness seizing up in me to keep him mine only to mark him. and to dig out person's eyes who look at him, I'm eager to meet him, to know him to hear his voice, I eager to stare deep in his eyes eomma left saying she have some work I amble closer to his bed and brush my fingers lightly of his cheeks to afraid to touch him he's soft like a petal my touch might can leave bruises behind

" Rest well mate"

I spoke staring at his figure softly as if my intense gaze may cause harm to him

" I'm desirous of to meet you soon omega "

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