indefinite emotions

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Jimin POV ~

I half open my eyes, it's were blurry a little bit I look around and found myself in a gloomy dark room, i look at my right side, and saw huge windows from where sun rays were peaking in room making the golden outline on the wall to glister, and the warm, creamy, woody, slightly sweet and musky scent of it's room was making it more comfy, I snuggled into pillow digging my nose deep in pillow, filling my lung with the earthy aroma, I was about to fall asleep again with how much relaxing and comforting it is that it's making me just so lazy, however I instantly flash my eyes open, remembering something , I sat on the bed groaning as my neck and shoulders were hurting along my back

I brush my fingertips on my neck, and hissed sensing the mark on my neck, I look forward and spot a huge mirror through which I can see my reflection, I slightly push my hanbok, my stomach flutter founding two small hole which were fresh and red, I got confused feeling satisfaction however I was feeling in the wrong, I couldn't help but stare that mark on my skin feeling slightly pleased as if my wolf is howling in happiness, however feeling distressed as well, I'm not being able to confirm my emotions

My eyes travel to the entrance of room, I spot yoongi standing there, staring at me with his soft gaze, my hand slipped down in my lap, i looking at other side exhaling, I'm not sure what to do or say, I'm not sure if I should be happy or feel guilty, I'm not sure if I should accept my fate, or yell at him for claiming me forcefully however one thing is sure, I'm not going to sit still I'm going to give him a hard time for marking me without my will, I hear him clearing his throat, I look at him with corner of my eyes finding him walking toward me, I pretend I'm not looking at him

" Omega Jimin" hearing him softly saying my name cause my heart to flutter I bite on my lips looking outside from the window he exhale, I felt the bed shift, I move backward, looking down he exhale

" don't be afraid I'm not going to eat you alive" he spoke I look at him

"I want to talk to you about something"

"I don't want to talk about anything" I spoke in a low voice I look toward him he raised his eyebrow looking at me "are you also inflamed on me because I claimed you?" He asked I look at him

'I don't know' " I'm" I said he nod his head "before holding grudges toward me know that I warned you," He recalled I fought a small battle on my fingers

" Can you please just leave" I said "why aren't you're answering Jimin, before taking any step I warned you didn't I?" Yoongi repeat I sigh feeling bit afraid "please go from here" I mumble loud enough for him to hear "you seriously want me to go? " He raised his brows " goo... from here.." my lips become wobbly and tears roll down from my cheeks " didn't you heard what he said Yoongi" I looked up hearing headalpha voice, headalpha and luna walked in I look toward yoongi slightly who was staring at me, sitting infront of me, he raised his brows nodding his head " alright" he mumble before leaving I can feel disappoinment in his voice, when he walked out, I stare down and more tears fall, I bite on my lips to preventing myself from making any noise"you don't have to waste precious tears of your treasure" I heard headalpha saying he snap his hand to wipe my tears off, I couldn't help but let my tears to fall down sobbing lightly " Oh, my son" he said snapping me closer to his embrace hugging me, I cried more feeling his fatherly warmth

Yoongi POV ~

It was middle of the night when the moon was on the center of the sky gleaming brightly making everywhere bright, I was laying on grass under a tree in the forest of the pack my both hands were under my head staring up at the sky, I'm not sure what I'm feeling, but something like heaviness on my chest as if a huge mountain is placed on it, after survey I just lay down here, I wasn't feeling like returning to castle, I'm just feeling numb, tired sick of something, I don't think returning will help as no one is really talking to me, they're neglecting my presence as if I didn't exist.

I thought Jimin would wake up and understand me, he'll understand my perspective however I wrong, no one is understanding me, but I'm, I just did all this because I cannot lose him, and I cannot let him to be someone else mate, I wanted to claim him on the point when those warrior took my mate's name as wang's, it just boil my blood horrible only I know how I control myself thinking he's here infront of my eyes nothing can happened,

When he said he wanted to leave this pack, I couldn't help I tried to stop him however he didn't listen, so this is the only way left for me to made him stay, and he's here, I want to give him time to comprehend everything , I know it cause a sudden change in his life, for which he wasn't prepare, but I can't help I exhale sharply closing my eyes, I rest my left arm on my eyes, feeling tightness in my chest

Author POV ~

Jungkook was laying in taehyung's lap who was sitting on grass, while taehyung was playing with his hairs small smile was crept on his face, Jungkook's eyes were closed he was relaxing in taehyung's lap, they were in backyard of the castle, however a hidden place of yard where no one can see them expect moon and stars, Jungkook exhale sharply

" What's bothering you kookie" taehyung asked gently caressing his hairs, " I don't know tae, I'm feeling frustrated" Jungkook distressingly spoke "you can talk to me" taehyung said "I can't believe tae how can omega Jimin do this to hyung... he's showing his self victim," Jungkook sigh taehyung look at him "we can't blame him also Jungkook's who knows what he's going through, also hyung did wrong claiming him" taehyung explain "no tae, in here hyung is the one going through, first hyung wait for him than he said he want to leave, hyung tried to stop him however he didn't listen, now hyung spot him in the market place of pack he even tried to made him understand also however he didn't, so what do you thought hyung will let him go easily even after knowing he's his mate" Jungkook sigh " you know everything tae, you even saw appa slapped hyung, he never raised his hand infront of hyung... And yesterday he just" Jungkook sigh "I can understand your concern about Yoongi hyung Jungkook but put yourself in his place, even once think of being an omega, and getting claimed by someone forcefully without having any rights to make any decision for your life even you're the one living it, how would you feel" taehyung questioned Jungkook stare at him with his doe eyes tae smiled " I'm not saying yoongi hyung did wrong, I know how hard it is to let go of someone I know yoongi hyung love him, I'm not saying all this because Jimin is my twin brother, but I think he wasn't ready for all this, he wasn't mentally prepare for a sudden change in his life, he might need sometime". Taehyung explained to Jungkook, he was staring tae absent minded, as if he's thinking something deeply,

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