the cloakhood

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A week passed

Namjoon POV ~

I walked inside the castle and made my way to my room it was hectic day today I'm exhausted I enter inside the room and saw the most beautiful omega, my omega omega jeon seokjin he was back facing me a smile crept up on my face seeing him I silently walked towards Jin and back hug him .

At first Jin flinched as he was in his own thoughts However he clam down feeling my presence and lean back into my chest . I buries my face where I had mark I inhale his scent which is combinated with mine the proof that this world wide beauty only belong to me he only belong to the Ture blood alpha Jeon namjoon .

" How was your day . " he asked in a sweet voice which melt my heart" exhausted, though after seeing you it's became greater . " I inhale his scent again and I can feel Jin smiling " you should take a bath now ,"

I hummed while still back hugging jin I close my eyes and feeling relax in his presence, Jin was leaning back into me it was an amazing feeling to feel your mate warmth " Joon , " he call out softly I hummed while my eyes were still closed " go take a bath or I'll throw up ."

I open my eyes immediately this took of my guards and I look at jin Shockedly and pout . Looking at me he chuckle " how can you say this to your mate." I complained " so my dearest mate would you please take a bath." He said facing me cutely " how can I go and took a bath . when you're saying this much sweetly ."
I answered like a whipped alpha

Jin raised his eyebrow and I was smiling like an idiot . He circle his arms around my neck and spoke ." okay , so simply you want me to use my Omega power right joonie . " Seokjin smirk . I zone out for a second to process " ab... I mean .. I should take a bath first right . ( Sniff ) I'm sweaty , see you in dinning room. " I run toward bathroom He's dangerous oh moon goddess

Author POV ~

In dinning table headalpha , luna , Hoseok and taehyung were sitting . Headalpha Kim and luna kim had return to moon stone again and taehyung resist to stay in blue moon for a while he wanted to spend sometime with Jeon family and with his hyung or perhaps with someone else ,

Kai was also here so in tae point of view it was best opinion to stay blue moon . Jin walked in dinning room "Jinnie where is joon " luna jeon asked sweetly " he's taking bath eomma he'll be here in few minutes " Jin answered " okay " luna nod Yoongi also walked in dinning room with usual poker face and bow to headalpha and luna to which they response nodding their head he sit on respective chair

" Why everyone is taking this much time today I'm starving " Hoseok whine " than let's start, I cannot keep my baby starving " headalpha calmly told everyone hobi wiggle cutely " thank you appa, because of your so called sons I would've dead " Hoseok pout namjoon also walked in and bow to headalpha and luna both nod their head he sat beside Jin with his cute dimples smile everyone begin while hobi was wiggling like a cute baby which cause headalpha to chuckle at his big baby,

" Didn't Jungkook and kai will join us " jin asked being curious " oh hyung , let me tell you a secret " hobi cutely said while chewing his food " first eat, then speak " Yoongi cut Hoseok of , Hoseok pout and mumble "meanie hyung " when he was finished he started " Jungkook is gym insert and alpha kai might be with him " Hoseok shyly smile before taking kai name " but don't worry appa told a maid to call them " as Hoseok finish saying .

Footsteps echo through the dinning hall, Jungkook and kai walked in they bow " we apologize for being late "
Kai politely said " you both should be my hobi was starving because of you both . " Headalpha fake scold hobi pout Jungkook roll his eyes , Kai lightly bow while mumble sorry to Hoseok whose face heated up , both sit on their respective chair, taehyung steal a glance to Jungkook same goes to Jungkook but wrong time this time taehyung's eyes were on his plate, Jungkook exhale sharply, before starting his dinner,

Yoongi POV ~

I was on the pack borderland the survey was almost done, I'm outside of the pack border just roaming around I wasn't feeling like going back to castle I've been feeling weird lately and I'm sure it's something which was making my wolf feel restless as well as me .

I think I was animated for something however for some reason I was anxious a sudden sword crashing sound bring me back to the world I alert myself and scope out the area, I couldn't found no one the sword crashing sounds were becoming aggressive I Concentrate on the crashing sounds and it was echoing from the forest which was forth of the pack it can be dangerous for our pack to so I turn into to my wolf form and run behind the crashing sounds .

I hide myself behind the trees when I saw Someone in cloakhood was fighting agnist some worriers which belongs to other pack, " look omega throw your sword and come with us " a worrier spoke who seems to an alpha " I prefer death, than coming with you " that Omega spill bitterness with his melodic sweet voice " don't get on our nerve you pretty little thing " he seem to growled however the omega didn't step back he was standing with the same boldness .

The alpha chuckle darkly while walking closer to Omega who stand in defending position " seem. Like he wants us to treat him like a slut " that alpha chuckle looking at others and this cause me to grit my teeth, two worrier begin to walked toward that Omega in cloakhood however the omega attack on them first the beta worrier took out his sword as well and attack on omega however he was fast enough to stopped the attack and a loud crash echo,

And the sword fight begin between them Remaining three worrier also took out their sword still that omega was fighting eagerly, without having any fear he lift his sword in air and Parried the sword in a beta's abdominal area again Extracted the sword the beta Fall on the ground groaning blood sliding down through the metal blade of the sword that omega was staring down to the beta whom he killed .

Alpha worrier was about to attack and that was enough for me to watch, I jumped in-between them and growl toward worrier who back of seeing me, but the alpha worrier who seem to be command walk forth " it's our personal matter so it's better for you to stay out . " I growl loudly and I heard a low whimper which is non other than cloakhood Omega I saw that alpha to gesturing other worriers to attack and in a minute both of the worries were laying on ground pool of blood around them I stand again infront of that , I attack on the command alpha worrier who fall on the ground groaning he was about to stand while grabbing his sword however I dig my fangs in his throat and in a second he was also on the ground bleeding non-stop I titled my head Feeling quite satisfied ,

I turn around to omega who was behind me and I think he cautioned seeing me turning around I swing my tail in air to let him know I meant no harm, I look upward only to spot a ethereal beauty his half face was covert with hood only chubby cheeks cute button nose and his plumpy lips were obvious seeing his porcelain skin I found myself breathless, he somehow seem distracted by something he kept shooking his head lightly and kept exhaling sharply . And in the next moment he fall losing his conscious

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