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Jimin POV ~

I whine feeling the sun rays on my face, I half open my eyes and glared at window from where sun rays were peeking inside room I sat on the bed and shuffle toward window I draw the curtain and throw myself on bed with a huff, I crawled on bed slackly the bed is warm and comfy I snuggles into pillow my body rested I was about to nodded off, i flinched hearing a knock on my door . I shook my head rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand while getting up from the bed, I amble to door, I opened the door seeing two familiar figure sigh in relief .

" Were you sleeping , sorry if we disturb you . " Omega tae said I shook my head" n..no I wasn't , please come inside . " I said omega tae and Hoseok walked in with a grin . " Please don't mind the bed is messy . " I said feeling embarrassed . " Oh , don't be sorry , it's totally fine " omega hoseok smile .

" Btw we thought to go backyard do you wanna join us . " Omega Tae asked excitedly same goes for Hoseok I stare at them for sometime and I questioned myself am I allow to go in backyard , it's not like I'm royal or something, I hesitantly nod my head the grin on their face grow bigger I my lips curl to a small smile, I felt content seeing them smiling cause of me " but I'll fresh up first, " I said

" No worries, " omega hoseok chirps " we'll be waiting in living room " omega tae smile warmly I nod both headed outside .

I made my way to bathroom feeling happy about the grin on omega tae and Hoseok 's face. taking a bath I walked toward wardrobe and pick out a light blue hanbok for myself .

And headed to living area after getting ready where Omega tae and omega hoseok already were waiting for me , " oh Jiminie is here . " Omega Hoseok exclaimed ,
" finally now let's go I wanna swing badly, " omega tae whine , " yea let's go . " Omega Hoseok said and both dragged me with them .

We stopped when we were in yard a cold breeze faintly stroke past us and nature smell hit my nose I gladly inhale the fresh smell and filled my lungs with it I was feeling alive, looking around the yard it's serene here various trees , flowers , birds chirping sound , each flowers smells were interflow in air and the smell was refreshing , there were divergent kind of flowers and plants rose , sweet alyssum , prayer, sansiniera Calendula ,Hellebore and many more however the flower caught my eyes was orchid which was in three different colors purple , white and blue shift .

Omega tae rush toward swing which is beautifully encircling with pink flowers bale and huge enough Trio can sit easily , " tae wait for me . " Omega Hoseok shout " Come. " Omega tae shout back giggling though he didn't stop omega hoseok look at me and smile .
" Jiminie You can explore the garden if you want" I nod " when you're done you can come over there we'll be there . " Omega hoseok said and run toward the swing as well ,

I look around for sometime and amble toward the orchids , orchid were my favorite flower or might still are , I think I'm seeing this flower almost 7 years later, several memories refreshed, looking at those flowers , I felt my eyes teary I hate those memories but I love them ,

I run my fingers through the orchids , flowers quake gently , each orchids fragrance was mixed in air , the white once fragrance is sweet and musty , the blue shift fragrance is like fruit, salty, marine and powdery and purple have soft sweet-smelling fragrances, which cause bees to mimic around it almost everytime

I'm memorizing all the beauty of orchids, the younger self of mine flashed in my mind playing around the orchid the mild smile of mine and my younger brother, we used to like playing infront of the lake which was near our cottage I kind of don't have a lot memories of my childhood I only have few and faded as if I escaped everything, anyways I don't really wanna remember those so it's good to only have faded memories of my smiley face I guess ,

" Beautiful aren't they . " I flinched hearing a sudden voice I swiftly stand up, it was omega Jin , I bow toward him to which he told me to not , " do you like those flowers . " Omega jin asked I nod and say" They're beautiful and have amazing fragrance though they're rare . " While looking at the flowers Jin nod his head ,
" hmm , they only bloom in northern areas such as blue moon, and crescent moon land which doesn't exist anymore ." I also nod with a pout omega Jin chuckle .

" Let's go breakfast is ready ." Omega Jin spoke sweetly " omega tae and omega hoseok ." I asked while looking back to have glimpse of them" I already told them they call out your name but you were so lost in the beauty of those flowers" Omega jin said with a grin " I'm sorry ." I said feeling guilty . " Don't be it's okay to be lost in something you love ." Omega Jin said warmly smiling I stare at omega Jin face for few seconds I felt like tearing up though I held myself back .

" Should we head inside . " Omega Jin asked I nod we both walked inside the castle omega Jin is soft hearted omega tae is lucky to have a brother like omega Jin , if I was still with my younger brother would I be the same like Jin hyung ?, all of sudden I bumped into something hard which cause me to winces in pain while rubbing my forehead I stumble.

I rub my forehead and look up with narrowed brows only to spot alpha Yoongi my breath hitch staring into his dark orbs staring right in mine , I'm not sure why my breath hitch it is because I'm frighten or he's attractive ,

" I know I'm handsome so stop staring . " Alpha Yoongi smirk slightly I wide my eyes and back of when I realize there's a inch distance between us , my face redden how dumb I'm where even I got lost in " I ... I'm sorry . " I bow he raised his eyebrow and said " be in earth when next time you walk . " I nod hesitantly looking up once again our eyes meet an unknown feeling rush up in my veins .

This feeling inside me is newly discovered, looking in his dark orbs made me feel safe as nothing will harm me or he'll keep me secure in any circumstances even he's still a stranger for me I only know his name and perhaps meet three or four times, he is dangerous I've heard about him other wolves saying he's cold and rude, and it's a fact ture blood's are dangerous wolf however I feel no harm when I'm around him, I feel frightened when other wolves are around but never find him harmful for me looking in his orbs I feel so comfortable he's a safe zone for me or maybe a home I'm looking for,

I return to earth when I heard someone clearing throat, I turn to where the sound came it was luna jeon with suspicious eyes I blink my eyes for few times being embarrassed as if I got caught red handed I was baffled of what to do, I bow in tiny toward luna and alpha Yoongi I run, I was internally scolding myself for staring at him like a creep ,

I walked in dinning room others were already sitting in their respective chair I bow and sat beside omega tae
" what took you so long . " Omega Jin asked as he had already gone when that incident happened , " actually... I..um forgot the way of dining room . " I lied they looked unsatisfied however they didn't question much .

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