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Author POV ~

In blue moon a beautiful young Omega was getting ready, several maids were surrounding him . Some were doing his make up and other were doing his hair . Luna Kim walked in with a cute young boy" is my Jin is ready . " she asked " yes he's almost ready luna." A maid said " Wow hyung you're looking pretty gorgeous " another young omega spoke " thank you tae . " Jin smile

Seokjin was ready now, one of maid made him stand and fix his hanbok Headalpha kim also marched in .

" jinnie is ready ." Headalpha kim asked " yes he is . " Luna answered " oh my jinnie is looking a fallen angle, Can't believe he's now getting marriage" headalpha kim grin

" thank you appa , " Jin shyly said Headalpha kim open his arm and gesture Jin to come he amble to his father and hug him, Jin became overwhelmed feeling his father's warmth, bunch of thought run in his head now he have to leave his mother father and brother he have to start a new life with his mate .

Jin's eyes were getting watery and tears begin to flow down Headalpha kim felt something wet so he back off from the hug and saw Jin was weeping. His heart clenched seeing his son like that .

" don't be sad pup . " Headalpha said gently wiping his tears away " I'll miss y'all . " Jin sobs " we'll also miss you jinnie . " Luna smile sadly " but I won't . " tae interrupt their emotional moment Luna glared at taehyung Jin chuckle Taehyung smile awkwardly .

" okay now stop crying , your makeup will get ruin" headalpha told seokjin " yes and namjoon hyung will run away thinking that you're witch . " taehyung said seokjin glared at taehyung . " eomma tell him to stop teasing me . " Jin whine Luna Kim Playfully hit taehyung ." I didn't said anything wrong tho ." Taehyung pout

" shut up ." Luna said taehyung he roll his eyes " am going out or else y'all will spank me up without any reason . " Taehyung sassily said and walked out .

Namjoon was standing on the stage beside priest . Yoongi and Jungkook was also with namjoon headalpha was chatting with other pack headalpha . Taehyung walked toward namjoon ." hyy brother in law ." Tae chirps " hy bear " namjoon grin " you're looking handsome ." Taehyung winked " thank you , you're also looking pretty gorgeous omega tae " namjoon said
" I'm born gorgeous" taehyung say flipping his hair
" no doubt " Namjoon laugh

On the other hand" who is he hyung ." Jungkook whispered in Yoongi's ear ." he's younger omega son of Kim's . " he answered Jungkook made a 'O' face . " mean brother in law's younger brother ." Jungkook asked

Yoongi nod with usual face, Jungkook raise his one eyebrow ." beautiful he is " he say checking him out
Yoongi look at Jungkook, Jungkook smile innocently Taehyung run toward Hoseok and hug him at first Hoseok flinched as he saw it's taehyung he placid , both hug each other like a small child while jumping .

" I had missed you Hoseokie hyung " taehyung say in high pitch " I also , how are you bear , " hoseok answer " perfect as always . " Taehyung smile " I know right , well you're looking sexy today " hoseok said taehyung showed his boxy smile , he step back and check out Hoseok " you're also looking pretty hot . " hoseok showed his famous sunshine smile " thank you , "

" Alright I'll go and meet with Yoongi Hyung and Jungkook " taehyung said " alright go we'll meet later "
with a nod taehyung made his way toward both of them.

" he's coming , he's coming , he's coming " he nervously whispered under his breath" I've eyes . " yoongi sigh Jungkook looked at Yoongi and thought ' was I loud '
" you were " Yoongi answered

Jungkook again looked at Yoongi , who was staring forth without any emotion , Jungkook pressed his lips in thin line," hii Yoongi hyung , hyy Jungkook" taehyung chirps" hy Omega tae " yoongi said in a respectful manner " hii , it's pleasure to meet you Omega taehyung"

" same to you to " Omega tae said he was having red tint while looking at Jungkook tae begin to play with his fingers, he was about to say something

the crowd start to cheer everyone's attention goes toward a beautiful Omega who is walking to aisle while holding his father hand . He was wearing a blush pink hanbok Looking like an beautiful angle from heaven Small smile was crept on his lips while holding Pink Carnations bouquet in his hands . Tae stand beside Jungkook as the ceremony was already begin ,

Namjoon was staring at jin fondly, he's drooling over Jin's beauty . When both were on the stage Headalpha kim softly take jin hand and placed in namjoon's rough one while said .

" please take care of my son he's sensitive like a flower petal and precious than anything to me " Headalpha said " I'll " Namjoon show his dimple smile

Jin stood beside namjoon while looking down . Namjoon stare at jin with soft gaze, " let's start the ceremony now . " Priest spoke .

Namjoon and stood facing Jin, Jin did the same while keeping his gaze down ," do you, alpha Jeon namjoon take omega Kim seokjin as your lawful husband . " priest asked " I Do " namjoon answered

" do you Omega Kim seokjin , take alpha Jeon namjoon as your lawful husband . " This time priest asked Jin " I do " he answered shyly

" I announced you both as lawful husbands you may kiss the groom now " priest announced

Seokjin POV ~

I'm nervous my heart was pounding around my ribs like it wll come out anytime . Namjoon place his hand on my cheeks I breath out I was excited but nervous at the same time my heart was beating uncountable he Lean for a kiss . I close my eyes and soon felt his soft lips on mine , it was just a small Peck . Though I felt butterflies in my stomach, it was the best feeling in the world .

Everyone cheer loudly for us whole pack was content as our family walked toward us and started to give us their blessings .

Jimin POV ~

I pretend to be asleep when alpha wang approach in room, I hear his footsteps getting closer to bed which was making me nervous I felt a hand softly caressing my cheek where I had bruise it was also cause by him "how beautiful you are " he spoke in a gentle voice which cause my heart to melt and I hate it that I'm actually loving it

when I peek open my eyes to see if he left or not, though he was taking of his shirt standing infront of mirror , I can see his muscles body the board chest which was causing me to fear for my life, when I saw him walked toward the bed I shut my eyes, I was scared to dead what if he did something, I felt the bed mattress shift and a cold hand caressing my cheeks softly , his thumb again caressing the same spot where I had bruise

" I fucking love you but you shouldn't provoked me ," he whispered I can feel his breath on me mean he's closer to my face, " your beauty is unreal " I felt his one hand caressing my waist softly and pulled me closer to him, I can feel his naked chest touching me which made my face heat up but my anger on him is further and I play along and pretended I'm slumbering ,

Later I peek open my one eye and saw Alpha Wang was nodded off . I gently push his arm away from my waist and step outside from the bed without making any noise . I glance at him, he's looking all innocent and a cute little baby he's handsome though he's the beast when he's awake, I pull the duvet on his naked body and, walked towards the wardrobe I took out black cloak hood I fold the hood and and peek outside through the door to make sure no one is around I was about to walked outside however last time I glance toward him and sigh seeing his sleeping figure it's really hard for me to run however I cannot stay here anymore, without making any noise I closed the door and wore cloakhood, I took a step to move forward for my new journey

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