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Jimin POV ~

I groan my whole body was numbed and hurting like hell, I attempt to open my eyes however the brightness was exorbitant for my eyes, I lift my hand for rubbing my eyes only to feel a sharp pain on my shoulder which cause me to whine in pain, trying for several times finally I able to open my eyes at first the vision was blurry I blink several times to get a normal vision, I  around only to realize I'm surround by unfamiliar beige wall white ceiling unfamiliar furnitures I was in unfamiliar room which is much better than previous room which wasn't mine, perhaps I'm in heaven , wow I'm Dead I again close my eyes ,

I attempted to lift my hand only to feel a sharp pain which was too much for me to endure I moan loudly, consciousness hit me ' I'm not dead ' a sudden fear rush inside my veins my feet turn cold , several questions come in my mind , where am I ?  Did Wang caught me ?  Am I in dark moon castle ? What is going to happen now?  What he'll do with me ? He's not kill me this easily? I've to run

I swiftly close my eyes and pretend to be asleep, when I heard footsteps I heard door being opened and  Footsteps walking closer to the bed where I was laying, footsteps getting closer as well as my breath becoming heavier I felt them sitting on the edge of the bed where I was laying .

As they sat I heard door being knock I peek my eyes to see what's happening only to see a unfamiliar lady sitting infront of me which cause me to Frown I become more anxious of where I'm  " come in " she ordered someone to come I again close my eyes, only to feel my heavy breath pounding Heart, one thing was sure I'm not in dark moon dynasty I should be happy then why I getting more and more anxious .

I felt someone touching my forehead and changing the bàndage I kept my eyes close pretend I'm asleep cause this is the only way I was feel a little safe, " your highness the fever is gone his condition appears to be better than before however I'm not aware of when he'll be awake , " someone spoke I tried not to breathe out loud as I was feeling suffocating laying on the same position,

" Thank you omega so-yoon " I think the same lady spoke who came first soon I heard Footsteps getting farther like someone walked out I breath out a little bit my eyes were still closed .

I heard a Sigh " you're good at pretending " I heard  her saying I bite my inner cheek I'm not aware of to whom she's talking " sorry to ruin you pretending game but your eyes ball are moving . " I cursed under my breath Still didn't open my eyes I heard her sighing .

" I'm also a mother of omega don't be surprised you can open your eyes pup " she spoke sweetly I felt a unfamiliar warm feeling inside my chest which coerced me to open my eyes I leisurely open my eyes only to spot her standing forth of me with an unknown smile , which is pleasant however terrifying .

Her smile grows bigger she snapped her hand toward me and caressed my cheeks gently I was petrified several intrusive thoughts were in my head however the warmth I was getting by her touch was melting my heart was building tears in my eyes, wanting me to cry my heart out, I scrunch my nose to prevent my tears.

" How are you"

" Who are you"

I cut her of by questioning her " ah, I'm Jeon ha-yoon  Luna of blue moon pack " my breath hitch my foot turn cold i let out a shaky breath hearing blue moon pack I shouldn't have been here , how I ended up in blue moon ,  I .. I hate this pack .

" I ended up in blue moon" I whispered loud enough for her to hear , " you don't remember anything " she frown asking me the last thing I remember I was in Forest I narrowed my eyes  that Black fur alpha.  I somehow managed to sat on the bed while leaning back to the headboard, " how long I've been here" I asked " it's been a week you were unconscious" She said however I wasn't surprised at least for seven days I was in peace .

" Take rest I'll tell a maid to bring something for you to eat " she sweetly said and walked outside I stare her fading figure without blinking, she's sweet but why ? Does she want something from me, does she's also going to sell me  to dark dynasty like packs , sigh I don't think so she's is luna of blue moon pack I had heard headalpha and Luna of blue moon pack are  incredible wolves however I not certain they are for me or not .

I cannot even run from the castle, I can't remember off the top of my head. Before taking any step I've to be aware of the way of castle and would have to stay here for more days, and for that I've stay away from that black fur alpha no matter what, but how would I able to recognize him I've only saw him in wolf form ,

my train of thoughts broke when I heard someone knocking on room door my breath become heavy " come in " I hesitantly said door got opened and a maid walked in with food in her hand I somehow breath in relief  she place the food infront of me and with a bow she walked outside .

I crave to take the spoon the soup was looking delicious, However the urge of eating was wrongful, I don't even remember when I had eat without feeling scared of getting yelled, I strive to eat a little .

even after leaving from dark dynasty, I'm still petrified, don't know if my sore memories would leave me or not , or I've to live my entire life with those inflamed memories

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