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Author POV ~

Days passes things were same, yoongi would rarely come in castle, Jimin didn't left Yoongi's room, they barely eat, jimin was regretting about how he had behave toward yoongi, only thing in his mind repeating was the disappoinment in Yoongi's voice, on the other hand yoongi was also feeling ashamed a bit claiming him without his will, however he's also feeling relief reassuring his self Jimin is here, however he can't stop of thinking he ruined everything horribly he doesn't have any hope of it getting better, still there a small spark of hope in him thinking everything will be alright, but when? everyone in castle is also worried for both of them,

Everyone was sitting in dinning area quietly, everyone of them was in their own little world, all of them stand in respect when headalpha walked in, headalpha gesture them to sit after sitting down, headalpha eye to everyone, one by one, everyone was there expect Yoongi and Jimin, headalpha exhale eyeing Yoongi's chair and mumble " let's start" he said starting his dinner, everyone followed headalpha, chewing his food headalpha eye to luna who was just blankly staring toward where yoongi used to sit,

"what happened ha-yoonah" headalpha softly asked she look toward him with her slightly glossy eyes " why aren't you're eating my luna" he asked again, "how can I, how can I eat not knowing if my pup had something or not" she asked looking toward Headalpha "it's almost two weeks now I barely see him, he barely come in castle, I'm not even sure if he's eating properly or not. I don't know if he's sleeping properly or not, I don't know where he's" Luna sigh "Don't worry about him, he's a grown ass man, he know how to take care of his self " headalpha shrugged "still hyuk.. I'm a mother, no matter how much my pup is grown, he's still a pup for me!" Luna clarified "can't you just forgive him he's also your son hyuk..." Luna stare at him hopefully Jungkook also turn his head toward Headalpha looking at him optimistically " yes appa, please forgive hyungie, I also miss my yoongi hyung so much" hobi pout looking at his father headalpha sigh eyeing all of them hanging his head a little low, namjoon stare at his father in discomposure, Jin placed his hand on namjoon 's assuring him everything will be okay,

" I guess I already clarified to you all, I'll talk to him when Jimin would forgive him" headalpha answered frankly

Luna POV ~

I walked toward Yoongi's room where jimin's staying in, I'm also worried for him, he's also barely leaving this room, avoiding food, after getting claimed he was having instense fever for almost three day, if he keep on repeating same he would get ill, I exhale feeling apprehensive about him, I went in the room to check on him, as maid told me he again skipped his meal however the scene infront of me, made me freeze on my spot, tear whelmed up in my eyes out of happiness a small grin crept on my face, breathing in relief

Yoongi was sitting on ground beside jimin who was asleep hugging his arm, snuggling into his arm holding it so closer into his embrace as if his life depends on the way he's gripping Yoongi's hand,yoongi was also asleep sitting on his knees his head was placed on the bed as if he was admiring jimin before falling asleep, I amble toward them with quiet steps of mine, the position of Yoongi's was bit discomforting however yoongi seem relax as if this is the most comforting place, I smile seeing them, my heart swelled up wishing for them to be together always, I bend down a little brushing my hand over Yoongi's temple to backward on his silky black hairs, with a small smile, a tears drop from my eyes caressing jimin's head as well he snuggled more into Yoongi hand I smiled mumbling "my babies"

" I hope both of you solve your matter soon," I mumble once again feeling just so glad seeing them like this, I wipe my falling tears which were happy tears I stand up properly, looking up I found hyuk also standing there slightly smiling, i smile at him mumbling them a sweet night, I dragged hyuk with myself out saying "let's go we might disturb their beautiful sleep honey"

Author POV~

In morning Luna Hoseok and taehyung were in living area, hoseok and taehyung were funning around with Luna, when Jin walked in "luna I want to talk about something" Jin said "yes jinnie go ahead" she look toward jin "i got a letter from my eomma yesterday, she was saying that tae should return to crystal moon now," Jin repeat his mother's words " ahh, I don't really want him to return" hoseok said hugging tae while tae sigh feeling upset as he himself doesn't want to go, "hobi, we can't force him, but if tae want to stay than I'll talk to luna Kim" Luna Jeon said "I can assume tae also want to stay here" hoseok amusingly said side eyeing tae who pout however smile shyly "do you" Luna asked while taehyung nod hesitantly " umm, I want to as I would be bore over there, I would be alone in castle there is no friend and Jin hyung is also here so..." Taehyung look at Luna who smile assuring she'll talk to luna kim Jin sigh knowing his dramatic brother "but I can also assume that you won't be eomma is searching a mate for kai so they're visiting different pack and inviting headalpha of the pack in castle so you won't be" Jin complete while hoseok stare at Jin being astonished whispering 'what' no one could able to hear him expect tae as he was only standing beside hoseok, hobi exhale sharply

" Oh, really that's a really great news" Luna chirps "yea, Kai was saying he doesn't want to however eomma is forcing him as he's old ass" Jin explain chuckling "no wonder he's," Luna chuckle "really glad to know that, I hope he get a best partner," Luna smile sweetly "I also hope so "Jin mumble smiling back " he's my favorite son I want to play with his small small cute pups" luna cutely said Jin laugh, hoseok quietly walked out having tears in his eyes, tae tensely look at hoseok

Yoongi POV~

I shut my eyes feeling warm rays on my face, I slowly open my eyes furrowing my brows, my brows rested seeing jimin Angelic face so close to me, I stare at his impeccable features through my soft gaze, unknowingly my fingers reached to touch his soft baby skin, I brush his chubby cheeks delicately with the help of back of my hand, my heart is beating in rhythm, gazing him gingerly, I smile at the way he was hugging my hand

Last night I came here, I had some work, I tried to ignore him founding him sleeping soundlessly however I couldn't able to, how can I ignore him I can't ignore his existence even for a second, I think to myself I forgot for what I had came here for, in a case of trying to fight myself to ignore him, I just amble to his sleeping figure absentmindedly, and sat down on the ground eyeing his soft features, unconsciously I begin to caress his face gently trying not to be rough with my touches, and guess what he caged my arm in his embrace sniffing and snuggling into it, I tried to free my hand however my true intentions weren't to, I wanted to stay like this, and perhaps he read my mind in his sleep, he didn't free my arm so neither I try more, I can feel his hot breathes on my palm as his nose was snuggling in, his soft juicy lips were touching on my wrist, I wanted to touch his plumpy lips with mine, I rest my head on bed and stare at his quieten face moon goddess know when I fall asleep serenity, staring his collectedness face and hearing his faint breathes.

chain of my thoughts broke when I felt him moving, I should leave before he woke up, or someone enter in I thought to myself, I slowly free my hand from his grip, I stood up quietly groaning as I was sleeping on same sitting position for hours, I found my body numb, I stare at him and placed a small kiss on his forehead before walking out from room, I don't want him to feel uncomfortable in my presence,

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