matrimony² ( ¹/2)

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Author POV~

As days passes, Jin talk to his parents about hoseok, and they agreed on this willingly, they visited blue moon pack, asking permission for hoseok and kai's wedding, headalpha and luna jeon gladly accept their proposal, hoseok was over above the moon, it was surreal for him, and Kai also agreed for having hoseok as his mate, they begin to do preparation for their wedding, as headalpha Jeon wanted to do hoseok and kai's married in magnificently way, obviously why not hoseok is only his omega child and close to headalpha Jeon,

On the other hand yoongi and jimin's relation was also getting better, and admiring jimin while he's sleeping become a habit of yoongi now, as most of the time yoongi is busy in his responsibility, the only time they meet at breakfast and dinner, after dinner he went out of survey and return at midnight night when jimin's already asleep however it's not like jimin doesn't wait for him he do, and most of time when yoongi returns he find jimin sleeping in a most uncomfortable way which clarified that he waits, he felt sorry, however Jimin understand him and his responsibility toward his pack, and yoongi is more glad for that.

It was hoseok wedding day, yoongi had gone a long ago, Jimin was in their room sitting on the edge of the bed, staring out through the huge glass wall, he wasn't feeling okay something was off, hearing a knock on the door his chain of thoughts broke he stood up when someone entered, spotting Luna he bow, she smiled sweetly however gasps "why aren't you're ready yet, the ceremony is almost going to get start" luna asked jimin and he realized he had to get ready "I-I'll just, it will won't take much time " he assure Luna sigh in disbelief

"alright but hurry up Yoongi has been looking for you Eagerly" she almost teased jimin, his face flushed slightly he bite on his lower lip to control his self from smiling he bow to luna and walking toward bathroom, "wait" she stopped him "yes" Jimin turn toward her "go freshen up I had brought a dress for you wear that okay, I'll tell a maid to bring it to your room" she told him, he nod my head standing there "now go get ready" Luna chuckle jimin nod his head embarrassedly, and made his way to bathroom

Luna POV~

I smiled eyeing jimin how innocent he's, I walked to living area, ordering a maid to place the purple hanbok I recently brought, in yoongi's room she bow and walked out to follow my order, I walked to where my little Hoseok was getting ready for his wedding, tae was with him, my eyes slightly begin to get watery realizing my Ho-seok is all grown up without even realising me, it's his wedding day now, I dried up tears in my eyes and walked in taehyung was pulling hoseok leg while hoseok was whining like a baby and yelling at him to stopped

" What's going on with my two pups huh?" I sing walking in "eomma look tae is teasing me" hoseok whine seeing me "really tae why are you teasing my baby" I asked winking at tae" aunty, I'm not teasing, just playing around" taehyung answered grinning widely "he's just playing around baby" I told Hoseok " eomma it's samee" he again whine I laughed along taehyung

" anyway hoseok is secretive like how he hide well he loves kai" I also join taehyung, he giggles hoseok grow a huge pout "you also played well discovering that secret eomma" hoseok pout "I know right, I'm genius" I said flipping my hairs "well aunty I'm really curious how did you know that?" Taehyung asked "I had seen how his face lit up when someone mention Kai, and how he blushed in mess whenever he came here, I'm a mother and a mother know about her children well than anyone" I answered smiling softly taehyung made a 'O'

"wanna know something" I asked taehyung immediately nod his head I look toward hoseok who was staring me through mirror, I smirk eyeing tae "what do you think don't I know about you and jungk-" tae become panic widening his eyes " I-I I should go and check on kai hyung... Will give you information about what he's doing hobi" announcing he run out without even turning back l chuckle at him "do you really eomma" hoseok asked "of course what do you think "

"Wah, eomma you're so expert in finding out," hoseok was amazes I smile patting his head.

Yoongi POV

I was done checking the whole security, talking to guards, alerting them for any situation, I walked on the forth garden of castle where the ceremony was held, whole pack was in that garden celebrating pups were playing around, I slightly smile eyeing them appa was talking with headalpha kim, and other packs head, namjoon also walked in, I looked toward him, he nod his head in assurance everything is okay, I nod back, I look forward, and spot kai was standing nervously on stage Jungkook and taehyung were there, talking with him or it's not wrong to say teasing him, I shook my head at them.

My eyes travel to the whole place looking for jimin, however I didn't spot him anywhere I sigh being worried why didn't he come yet, where he's, I sigh again walking forward toward kai, namjoon and Jungkook, we talked for a while omega tae was also with us, I was keep looking around to have a glimpse of Jimin, and he was nowhere to be founded, I exhale standing there eyeing around while my hands were behind my back

" Oh, omega jimin" tae shout running toward them, hearing him I immediately look up to tae, and follow his direction, and I found myself breathless seeing him, he was wearing a lavendery purple hanbok it's uper layer was giving a blackish shade, and the top of it was creamy white, he's unique he have the authority to look cute and fuckable at the same time, I was staring him, his existence seem dreamy everytime I eye him, our eyes meet however the eye contact didn't last more than ten seconds,

As he broke eye contact looking away however I couldn't able to bring myself to look away, where else should I look when the one I look for every time is there, hearing a cough I turn, I frown finding kai disgusted look, Jungkook was smirking and namjoon clearing his throat staring at me "what" I asked "your stare was creeping me out" kai cringe I rolled my eyes "I'll see you later," I mocked

" Later why?" He questioned "later I don't have time, I might would be busy" he clarified "you brat" I mumble "Hyung is giving aged man vibe" Jungkook giggled I exhale, again eyeing jimin he wasn't there, I narrowed look around for him until

Our attention caught by the loudest cheers, I smile slightly spotting hobi walking through the aisle appa was holding his hand leading him the way, we step down from the stage, appa escort hobi to kai,

Hoseok POV~

It was feeling like everything is surreal, I was over above the sky, walking through the aisle appa was holding my hand and leading me the way, my heart was uncontrollably beating as if it'll fall out of my chest, I wasn't being able to control my self from grinning, the biggest wish of mine is almost full filling, appa stopped I didn't raised my head, just look through my lashes my whole body was burning out of shyness, appa took my hand and placed it on his face

My heart which was alright beating like it run marathon begin to beat more, "take it as threats or whatever, take care of my sunshine well, I raised him with so much love and affection, one tear in his eyes can bring me to destroy the whole world, hope you understood" appa clarified "I'll make sure to take care of him in every way is possible, beside that I promise to never let any tears in his eyes, and I'll never make him feel any less, I'll treat him the way, he has been treated in here or maybe more than that but promise not less." he assured my stomach flutter hearing him,

I stood beside him my whole face was flushed I exhale sharply trying to control my beats, if my heart beats like this I'm for sure gonna die, and what's the point of everything if I died, I don't want to, it's finally the day you were waiting for so long, now stop beating you stupid heart

"Shall we begin" priest asked, we both stood infront of each other while he was holding my hand in his,

"do you Alpha kim Jong-in take Omega Jeon Ho-seok as your lawful husband" priest asked

" I do" alpah Kai answered, I grin

"do you Omega Jeon Ho-seok take Alpha Kim Jong-in as your lawful husband " priest asked me

" Yes, I do " I answered exhaling in satisfaction and finally I looked up eyeing alpha

" I announced you both husbands now you may kiss the groom" priest announced blood rush up to my cheeks feeling overwhelmed by the thought of him kissing me, once again my heartbeat fasten, he step closer to me and leaning, I closed my eyes feeling his breathes on my lips I gulped feeling his lips on mine I felt butterflies all over my stomach, I was so happy that I could barely find any words to describe my happiness

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