moon goddess

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Jimin POV~

I cluelessly stare at where I pierce knife, my eyes travel to her face, she extract the knife harshly coldly staring at me, "no" I gasps widening my eyes, fisting on my hanbok taking steps back, I was astonished there was no injury on her chest, she walked toward me, caressing my cheek with the same knife I gulped when she point knife under my chin 

"wrong move my dear" she sneer "be careful next time" she played with that knife walking all the way behind me, I slightly turn my face seeing her face next to mine she point the knife on headalpha and luna with others were froze, they were few steps behind yoongi, slowly she shift the knife toward yoongi "your blunders will cause someone else to be penalized" she warn i bite my inner cheek gulping

"Don't hurt them, please" I muttered my throat was paining as if there are thorns "and do you think I'll hear you" she asked amusingly "come on jimin don't be dreamy, I'm not that much sweet" she cracked resting her hand on my shoulder, I wasn't being able to inhale "I...I'm ready to come with y-you but please...please don't hurt the..m" I plead, she removed her hand walking behind to castle direction, I followed her "tsk, I'm not that much heartless" she stopped turning to me"I'm giving you some time to live with your mate, anyways he's guest in this world for few days" she smile "no..they..t-they have nothing to do with you, said you come here for me..e, and I'm.. I'm here infront of you-" my voice come out shaky she cut me off "and do you think I'll forgive you easily after you run" she questiond being death serious

I burst in to tears "but I-I'm ready to take any kind of punishment" i mumble in broken sobs helplessly "I'll give you.." she pause staring behind me toward yoongi and his family I desperately stare her with blurry eyes "by hurting them" she sneered " please Not Them, do whatever you want to do with me, please" I whine pleading her "take care of you, I'll return" she said almost disappear, " No.. Wait ..You can't... can't go like this, please" I nearly yelled however she already disappeared, slowly everything back to as it was the deary weather back to normal, though my knees had already given up and I fall on the ground gasping for the air, my hands begin to tremble violently, I can barely hold myself I rest my hand against my head as if I'm losing myself, it was hurting while flashing the sore memories of what she done with me, I sobbed loudly, feels a invisible hand is choking, trying to stop me from breathing, "please..d-don' this.." I muttered gasping for air

Yoongi POV~

As the witch disappear in air, I felt something that was holding me paralyzed finally left my body, I gasps stumbling a bit however balancing myself, I looked up and saw Jimin sitting on ground on his knees while his whole body was trembling, I immediately rush toward him cupping his cheeks however, he flinched  backing off "no, d-don't" he mumbling feeling afraid of me  "Jimin love.. it's me yoongi" I assured holding his hand which were trembling, I placed soft kisses on his knuckles "you're fine love, everything is okay," I mutter near his ear embracing him

"No..p-please don't do this"
"It's my fault"
"J-just take me.."

He was keep on repeating those three sentences only, and obviously it was hurting me more than anything, his condition was making me worried I was wishing to rip off that witch neck,  "nothing is your fault my babe, you did nothing my love, and you're not going anywhere" I clarified rubbing his back "you're fine, just try to be relax" I'm trying my best to calm him down, however  I'm not sure how to"J-just look in my eyes" I said him cupping his cheeks however he wasn't ready to listen anything, his tears were streaming down non-stop, mumbling coherent words my heart was clenching seeing him like this

"Omega!" I called him out using my calm alpha voice so his omega could able to hear me, and it did work, he looked in my eyes breathing heavily as if something was troubling him to breath "inhale love" I told him releasing my relaxing pheromones, my scent for him to feel calm "inhale" I repeat cueing him to he try to inhale eyeing me"good.. now exhale" I again cue him, and he followed I softly caressed his face " now inhale a little deeper than before" he followed what I told him "now release your breath" I told him he did  "Good, now repeat like how I told you" I told him, he begin to follow the structures I gave him, he slowly rest his head on my chest I begin to caressed his head softly "you're doing great my omega" I assured him, placing a kiss on his head, we stayed for a while like this until his heavy breathes and shivering body was backed to normal,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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