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Author POV~

The wedding day . Whole pack wolves were on top of the world the whole pack decorated with beautiful flowers, fresh smells of flowers interflow in the air and roam everywhere corner In blue moon pack, everyone is beaming today cause it was the day the second heir of Jeon true blood alpah namjoon is getting married .

The theme was pink and white , and the ceremony spot was decorate with Blush roses, peonies, ranunculus, and carnations , Jungkook Yoongi headalpha luna Hoseok everyone was ready though the groom wasn't he was taking to much time for getting ready, of course it's his wedding

Headalpha, Yoongi, Jungkook were at ceremony spot blue moon pack is huge and they had invited every pack's wolfs which are closer to them .

Jungkook was tried because of standing there and meeting with everyone whom headalpha was meeting , Yoongi was having a usual cold Face. Alpha and beta worrier were standing every corner. The security was strong .

On the other side luna was shouting at namjoon to hurry up ceremony will start soon while knocking at namjoon's room door Hoseok was also with luna cause he wanted to see his brother first .

" hurry up joon , we don't have much time " luna shout " wow first time I'm seeing namjoon hyung taking this much time ." Hoseok said being amazed " Don't worry hyung Jin hyung won't run away after seeing you , didn't said that before but you're good looking ," hoseok shout Luna slap hoseok playfully after taking almost half an hour Namjoon finally open the door.

a graceful dimples smile plastered on his face his brown hair were beautiful combed and the black suit he was wearing looking magnificent on his well build muscle body no wonder he's the second heir of Jeon the dream alpha of Omega's luna was fan girling over namjoon

"my moon goddess really this handsome man is my son " luna said " Obviously eomma he'll look handsome after all he took this much time " hobi scoffs " even as a omega I didn't take this much time " hoseok finished "come on your appa's sunshine do you want me to open my mouth" luna mimic " eomma " hoseok whine " don't tease my big baby it's his wedding" luna said while caressing namjoon's face" yeah yeah anyways you're looking handsome hyung " Hoseok winked

" eomma tell hyung to hurry u- " Jungkook made a 'O' face " looking good bro" Jungkook said " thanks kook , thanks eomma & sunshine . " Namjoon thank to everyone for compliment " can't believe finally my hyung is getting marriage , congratulations hyung . " Hoseok hugged namjoon

" okay now hurry up everyone is waiting for y'all ." Jungkook announced " yeah , let's go . " luna dragged them

Jimin POV~

I was standing infront of dressing table I had a
bath and was only wearing a plain white shirt water were dripping down from my hairs and making my shirt wet . I applying moisturizer on my pale skin. with a sigh I look at my reflection inside the mirror with bunch of noises in my head I want them to stop however they never

I may act tough all the time and show I'm emotionless but I'm not, I feel worthless and useless, I'm the culprit of my destruction. I hate you so much I said while staring at my reflection, don't know why I couldn't be able to do anything infront of the alphas I chuckled to myself, I've the answer wanna know because we're known to be omega who are feminine alpah and beta are known to be dominant, and in my point of view this isn't equitable my train of thoughts broke as someone opened the door aggressively I didn't bother to look at who is it, as I'm already aware of who could it be .

Before I looked up I felt a sharp pain in back of my head I can feel his grip tighten on my hair and harshly pull back I whine in pain "I know you're fucking whore but you don't Fucking have to whore around everyone." Alpha wang growled

"I'm not a whore nor I whore around others ." I shout in pain " you better watch with whom you're talking to bitch ," wang fussed " I don't give a shit whoever you're " I cries" you piece of shit . "

Wang growl and pushed me, my back hit on the wall harshly I whimper he step closer to me while glaring at me with with his emerald eyes I shiver down under his intense gaze, " you little slut what do you think of your self. " Wang gritted

He took a lit candle from side table which cause me to wide my eyes before I could able to do something he was already digging it into my exposed collarbone feeling the sudden burning sense I whine in response I tries to push him back though he hold both of my hand tightly with his other hand tears made their way out I was whimpering in pain the candle's wax and that lit fire had burned my collarbone badly like someone is digging pins and needles in collarbone of mine

" were not you're the who was talking with that fucking moon stone peck member. " Wang yelled

I only cries in response no word was coming out of my mouth the pain was too much for me and also in collarbone . My knees weaken . " ," was the only word I breath out " like the way you beg infront of me . " Alpha Wang smirk

As he pull out the candle I fell on the floor I was feeling itchy on collarbone, Tears were flowing from my eyes I heard alpha wang sigh and he sit infront of me, he tried to cup my cheek however I toss my face to prevent myself from his touchs

" I don't want to hurt you bub , but you've to learn manners before becoming Luna of dark dynasty and also know what your position is in this castle." He spoke while his hand again reached to caressed my cheek

" I prefer death rather than being luna of this dynasty . " I said glaring right in his emerald eyes his eyes were soften unlike before which were melting something inside me " and like always I won't let you die this easily love . " He chuckled softly " I hate you " I said with purity of my heart

Alpha Wang look at me darkly the black outline of his emerald eyes terror me for my life, he forcefully pressed his lips on mine, I push him back however my both hands were pin against wall I toss my face right to prevent myself getting kiss by him .

Wang harshly cup my cheeks with his one hand and again slammed his lip on mine he was kissing me like a wild animal it was making me feel disgusting, I was perturbed how will I face myself tears were flowing like waterfall . He bite my lower lip which cause me to moan he enter his tongue inside my mouth and started to explore every corner I was hating myself for not being able to do anything other than crying and whining, kissing for a while his mouth travel down to my neck he started to suck on my neck " p.. please no" I cried
He stopped and look up to my messy condition he place a peck on my lips " don't worry I'll make you love me " he spoke in deep voice and again start to kiss me passionately I was helpless, all of sudden there was a knocked on the door .

" Headalpha wang , alpha Kai wants to meet you in throne room . "

Hearing the voice I breath in relief . Alpha Wang groan in-between the kiss he back off " I'm busy right now" wang yelled " it's emergency your majesty you've to come" guard spoke wang growled in response a small whimper escape from my mouth eyeing at my messy condition a creepy smirk plastered on his face, his eyes were full of lust which was sickening me

" swear if I didn't had to go I would've fuck you on the spot . " He say in his raspy voice while caressing my cheek with his thumb softly it was disgusting under his touch I glared at him with ragefull eyes while breathing heavily .


" Headalpha wang , "

"coming . "

Alpha wang walked away, I was sitting on the same spot, don't know if should I cry at my miserable. Even crying seem exhausting, just wishing to die I don't wanna make me suffer anymore, I just wanna run, remembering what happened while ago cause my stomach churning the only thought was running through my head to leave this castle as soon as possible

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