Protective wolf

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Author POV ~

Luna, Jin , hobi and taehyung were sitting on the dinning table, waiting for other to come few minutes later namjoon walked in after namjoon Jungkook and kai walked in  "good morning my beautiful eomma" he said while back hugging Luna " good morning my little pup " she grin "eomma" Jungkook whine " what happened to my baby " she asked knowing well Jungkook doesn't like being called baby, "eomma I'm grown up alpha stop babying me " he pout  "what a baby "  Hoseok made a disgusting face Jungkook glared at Hoseok who roll his eyes Luna shook her head sighing , Kai also hugged luna with a beautiful smile on his lips, Luna smile and said " my pup  "

headalpha and Yoongi also walked in dinning room, all of them stand up, he walked toward his chair and gesture everyone to sit before sitting down "let's start" headalpha said everyone was about to "stop"  luna stopped them making everyone turn toward her " is everything is okay eomma " namjoon asked " what happened honey " headalpha said she gesture him something who made 'O' face " we're actually expecting someone to join us as well " headalpha announced " are we expecting any guest ? " Hobi Frown headalpha nod

" Who he's" as taehyung asked the door got opened a maid walked in and behind him was Jimin who was wearing peach color hanbok Looking absolutely gorgeous his silky silver hair bangs were on his forehead however something was missing which is his smile " here he is "

everyone's attention goes to him, he walked in with a straight face, while his eyes were taking glance from every nook and corner of the dinning hall, he stand infront of dinning table and bow " omega Jimin ! " Kai whispered it was enough for others to hear luna narrowed " do you know him kai " Luna asked Jimin also seem to get astounded Kai nervously chuckled he look toward jimin tensed was written all over jimin face " no ab l.. I mean how do I kno.. know him " he smile nervously luna looked toward headalpha who also seem to furrowed brows, Yoongi was also staring to them but his focus was only on Jimin who was looking ethereal

" he's cute " taehyung grin cutely which cause luna to chuckle " can we eat now I'm hungry " Hoseok pout cutely while showing his puppy eyes " okay let's start dinner first " headalpha said " Jimin son you sit beside taehyung " headalpha told him sweetly Jimin lightly nod and walked towards taehyung who was waving to him cutely

While Yoongi eyes were stuck on Jimin who was talking with taehyung and hoseok on the other side Jungkook keep stealing glance to taehyung ,

Jimin POV ~

After dinner I made my way to my room , I was walking in the corridor while looking around everything in details , my room was still few feets away when my eyes fall on the door which is cracked open I peeked inside through the door, it's a massive room with huge shelves full of books, it's a library which is in same corridor as my room , unknowingly a happiness rush through my veins ,

I walked inside the library exploring around the huge shelves, I look above the ceiling of the library was beautifully decorated I was staring every corner with amazed eyes I softly run my fingers through the books in shelves , the smell of books is enough for me to beaming , I pick out an book and opened the book while inhale the smell of book , I might seem demented Though I'm just in love with books smell  , I again tried to inhale the book smell this time it wasn't only the book I smelled .

Soon I heard someone's chatting voices and Library's door cracked opened , I hide behind the huge shelf footsteps echo through the library , it wasn't only a one person I was petrified badly , I heard someone saying in his deep voice someone to go from here I heard fading footsteps and door's shutting sound .

I exhale however still someone was here , I peek behind the shelves to see if I can departure from library or not of course I do not belong from this castle or pack this would be prohibited for me to roam around in the castle like that .

I was about to sneak when someone spoke in his deep voice I frightened and the book fall from my hands causing the thud  " what are you doing here ." I turn around it was alpha Jeon Yoongi the first heir of jeon's , my hands and leg begin to shiver seeing alpha Yoongi, my eyes meet with his dark orbs which were piercing into my soul " I.. I just wanted to explore the library your majesty , " I somehow managed to speak .

Alpha Yoongi was still staring at me I kind of feel different kind of emotion rushing inside me however it was awkward also , I felt my cheeks flushing while I was only staring at the floor fighting with my fingers " I may take my leave your majesty , " I lightly bow and walked few steps when I heard him saying in his raspy voice , " I didn't told you to leave omega . " Hearing his alpha voice took of my guards , he begin to walked my direction .

The dark aura of his making me to feel submissive myself to him , I can also feel he's decreasing it in order to make me feel better still he's frightened me and the next thing I know is my wolf took over me just to keep me safe as I'm the weakest ,

Yoongi POV ~

I frown when I saw omega Jimin's eyes flickered into blue did his omega took over him , did he thought am I going to hurt him , Jimin stare right in my eyes and said , " there's anything else your majesty , " Jimin spoke in cold voice , " you aren't Jimin , " I clamly spoke, he scoffs and said " guess you're right" he paused and step closer to me "remember that you're the heir of jeon's that doesn't made me stop if you tried to hurt Jimin . " He said or you can say threat me . I raised my eyebrow no one ever dare to spoke to me while looking right in my eyes and threat me in my castle he got the gut ,

" And what made you think I'll hurt Jimin . " I asked with raised eyebrow while staring deep in his ocean orbs he was glaring back with same confident " I'm not certain However remember, if you did hurt him I'll kill you on the spot without any hesitation , " he said in the same cold tone and walked of ,  I scoffs

I sneered staring at Jimin's fading figure , " my omega got an protective wolf , " I whispered to me " of course OUR omega is fragile and soft , he need anyone protective toward him , " this ruin my mood it was non other than my wolf ' suga ' i was wrong when I thought I'm alone " you aren't when I'm with you . " My wolf spoke again cause me to Sigh" my bad " I said in sarcast tone " I feel bad for my fragile mate , to have a ruthless human form as a mate ." Suga said , " Jimin isn't yours so keep you concerning to yourself Mr.wolf . " I coldly said " well you cannot deny the fact we both are his mate " he spoke proudly " just shut your mouth . " I outrage and my wolf became shut ,

About Jimin being my mate is I sensed when I first saw him in the forest , obviously he had obscure his scent , still no one can hide my mate from me not even he himself ,

he's beautiful specific I've ever seen the confidence he have is unreliability , he got skills to defense his self as an a omega he's courageous however at the same time he's soft and fragile seeing Jimin my heart melt his doe ocean orbs give make my beats faster his cute button nose , those plumpy juicy lips with cubby cheeks , he's the cutest wolf I've seen , I can feel my heart beats only for him .

I walked outside from the library and glance to where jimin's room is and with a small grin I made my way to my room,

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