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Jimin POV ~

I was in dining area we all were having breakfast I was just playing with spoon, my head is full of chaos cause of which every thought was burdening me with a heavy weight, I'm not even being able to eat

" Jimin son "

I instantly looked up hearing headalpha voice

" I'm grateful for your Gallantry, it's beyond my imagination with how much bravely you withstand those warrior "

he say delightedly I looked down biting on my lip " I'm buoyant by you son and, I want to endowment you with what you wish for, " I looked toward Headalpha he smile warmly, my eyes travel to luna she was also sweetly smiling as if she's proud of me, like this my eyes travel to everyone in dinning table everyone seem in joyful humour, " take your time son, you can tell me anytime " headalpha assured I gaze toward yoongi he was having his breakfast

" I do .....want something " I said and I saw with the corner of my eyes yoongi looked up perhaps wanting to know what I want, " go ahead son " he smile tenderly while I just stare I open my mouth however no voice come out I breath out" I want to leave...... I don't want to stay in this pack anymore" I spilled looking up I recognize the surprised look on their face

" Did we done something which upset you " luna asked "no" i shook my head " than what's the reason" she asked I sigh " I didn't come here with my wish and this isn't my house " I answered " didn't we made you comfortable enough to think it as your home" Jin hyung question I stare down "I just don't want to stay here" I shrugged

" Where you'll go after leaving" headalpha question I exhale I didn't think about this perhaps wander in forest, live underneath the sky, " somewhere..... anywhere" I mumble " you aren't going anywhere" I raised my head hearing yoongi voice, his dead serious look send shivers" you don't have any rights to stop me" I said "you're mistaken, I've got all rights to" he answered I breath out thinking he knows

" Obscuring your scent doesn't stop me to sense you're my mate" I exhale turning my head to other side biting on my lip "what! really hyung" hoseok surprisingly spoke I heard tae gasping, but others were having same look as before, mean they were aware of me being yoongi mate "I'm not going to stay here" I clarified "and I dare you to step out" he say in calmly however I can feel the strom in him, I exhale thinking it's difficult than my hypothesis, I cannot give up this easily I've to leave at any cost

" stopping me from leaving is like inviting your and your pack destruction" I paused "yesterday night whatever happened was just a small part of beginning.... It can get worse if I stay" I explained

"I don't care, I'm powerful enough to fight from the world" he shrugged, I pause feeling my heart pounds

" You aren't understanding" I nearly whispered " right you're the one" he exclaimed I look toward Headalpha"headalpha at least you understand me, you're aware of everything well than anyone" I said "I cannot let you go Jimin, we find you after so many years, I had promised to my sister, I promised to her I'll take care of her sons"

I frown looking toward him what does he mean "what?" I mumble narrowing my brows "right, you heard me, you're Park Jimin son of my sister and friend, Luna and headalpha of crescent moon pack" I blink few times to process what headalpha said "oh my moon goddess really he's our Jimin?" Tae exclaimed in high pitch "how, um, I mean you might be mistaken I'm just an ordinary wolf"

" I know it's just hard to accept, you might don't remember anything, and how would you, you were only five years old when you got separate" luna spoke "you might not remember us but we do, a small cute chubby Jimin" Luna said, I stay silent processing if they're saying truth "guess what at that time your favorite flower were also orchids crescent moon pack was identified as pack of orchids cause those were common in crescent moon, more common than blue moon " Jin hyung grin

" no wonder why I feel a deep connect after meeting him, and how easily I get along" tae chirps and I was just feeling like I missed something huge, a huge part of my life, which I don't remember and believe in anymore, I was more imposed to think about that, and a thing run in my mind this is why they treated me differently, and sold me to dark moon dynasty, cause I wasn't their real son but an orphan who was a burden?

And here I'm also an orphan but son of headalpha 's sister and they're treating me more than anything , how can I hurt them with my presence, tears roll down I immediately turn my face wiping them off "I've to go" I stand up saying and walked towards my room

• • •

Black textile already spread all over the sky, stars were burning as if hole in textile, displaying the difference between of the sky and the land, in the darkness of night, I sneak out from castle in evening as this is the only way I can run from here, I didn't want to still I've to I run hiding from guards keeping my footsteps hushedly so no one could able to hear, soon I was in pack marketplace, alot of wolves were roaming, some where sitting on woods made chairs displaying on stall, accessories, posts bowls, fabrics weapons and many more to sold, I walked forward and several pubs, from where delicious foods smells coming and roaming all over street, alpha along their omega/beta mates, some where along their friends having dinner, laughing and joking around, small pups running and playing with their friends infront of pubs, a small grin crept on my face eyeing them, as I look forward I spot some warriors, I wide my eyes realizing they aren't from this pack, they're from dark dynasty, I immediately walked to my left side where a small street happen to have in between a pub, and accessory shop, this time I stopped observing around, I begin to walk swiftly, without looking around just focused on my path,

Out of nowhere I collided into someone, I gasps almost falling however, the next person hold into my hand preventing me from falling, I stand properly and jerk my hand off,

" Are you okay?"

Hearing him I look toward him, I can sense he was a beta his brow were raised up having a tensed look on his face, eyeing his well create features, his pale skin felt like I know him,

" I apologize, my intentions weren't wrong I was just trying to help you"

" Hyy wan, what are you doing over there come"

an alpha yell from distance perhaps his friend

" Yes almost coming "

He answered not before grinning he slightly bow walking away ,

As I took step forward, I gasps when I felt a pull, someone pulled me from behind placing hand over my mouth to preventing me from shout or scream, I shut my eyes close thinking they caught me.I frightened thinking I'm dead.

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