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Hoseok POV~

I was sitting on dinning table with others, I doesn't have appetite to eat anything, however taehyung force me to, my elbow was rested on table, my hand was placed across my head, I was just playing with my foods boringly

" Appa Jin wants to talk about something" namjoon hyung said he"yes go ahead jinnie" appa told him, I look toward them and find namjoon hyung assuring jin while rubbing his back, Jin eye toward me and smile "umm, headalpha I was saying that ummm...." He paused again eyeing me I frown looking toward him "I- I was just thinking something but it's up to you whether you agree or disagree and that's doesn't really matter, whatever your decision would be I'll be agree with that" Jin hyung nervously spoke appa narrowed his brows and chuckle seeing how nervous Jin hyung was. "like I had told you luna.. my parents are finding a mate for kai" he stopped "yes, ha-yoonah had told me about that, and that's a great news I guess" appa spoke I sigh feeling irritation from this, I was feeling like crying, this news isn't great it's heart wrenching for me, "hmm, so I was.... I-i was thinking that i-if you don't mind, I want h-ho-seok to be kai's mate?" I roll my eyes, but I stopped frowning Ho-seok that's my name, mean I widened eyeing Jin hyung, who was hesitantly looking toward my father, I was over above the sky hearing this, I tried to act normal looking down, I placed my back of hand against my cheeks, to control myself from blushing, I looked up and found eomma staring at me, I was feeling shy I couldn't able to stop the smile to forming up on my face, " ohh, why is your face is red hoseok" I heard taehyung mumbling against my ear teasingly, I pout stomping my foot on his he yelp loudly, everyone look toward us "are you okay taehyungie" Jungkook asked instantly standing up I smirk eyeing them, "Are You Okay Jungkook" appa asked raising his brow Jungkook looked toward appa and his eyes travel to tae who was glaring at him, he chuckled awkwardly nodding his head he again sat on his chair, I giggled to myself but taehyung pinched on my thighs, I silently yelp jerking his hand of

Jimin POV ~

it was midnight I walked out of Yoongi's room toward the balcony, I was feeling uneasy and worried for yoongi, I couldn't able to stop myself to recalling omega Hoseok words, I stopped spotting yoongi, he was still in his black and red armour suit as if he returns from survey, his back was facing  I breath in relief seeing Yoongi, however I was feeling guilty recalling every word tae and hoseok told me, I hesitantly amble forward my heart was beating so fast no wonder I do crave for him everytime crave to feel his warmth, his touch, I crave to hear his voice, my wolf is yearning, it wants to run into his arms, it wants to be his eternity

I stopped a inch away from him staring at him fighting a huge battle with myself, " you're still awake? " He asked still back facing me, I amble parallel to him eyeing forth from where the whole pack can be seen " you're also awake" I said looking up eyeing the side profile of his, his tired eyes, white pale skin was flawlessly shining, his smooth nose and small pink lips, his black silky long hair beautifully hiding his neck

I realized he was staring back I instantly look down feeling nervous, I can feel my skin burning under his gaze, I nervously tuck my hair behind my ear, he sigh looking forward " you can return to your room I'll move out," I said to him in a low voice eyeing forward "you don't have to move out that's your room" he reassure feeling of guilt immediately seize up in my chest, just because of me his family stopped talking to him, his pride got hurt, still he's talking to me lovingly, I guess he loves me much more than my thoughts but do I deserve that " I apologies omega jimin for marking you against your will " he mutter I shooking my head I can sense he's guilty for his deeds, " at least you can give me a chance to prove myself " he paused looking toward me through his softest gaze" to prove my love toward you, " he stare right in my eyes, I can recognize the sincerity in his gaze

" I swear I'll do every possibility to win your heart," he passionately spoke, I want to tell him he doesn't need to win my heart cause he already have it, " and if I still couldn't able to prove my love or you couldn't able to bring yourself to love me..." He paused, I don't need to bring myself to love you yoongi I already love you with my whole heart I said but to myself " you can reject me as your mate" he clarified being dead serious, my heart sink hearing this I felt as if someone just pierce a knife in my chest to stop it from beating I can feel tears whelming up in my eyes

I slightly shook my head, how can I, I rather die " you can have all your rights to reject mhmm- " I cut him of placing my lips on his closing my eyes, my hands rested on his chest for support as I was tiptoing, he was taken aback by my sudden move, I didn't kiss him it was kind of a peck, to shut his mouth from speaking nonsense,  I was about to back of when his hand rest on my waist he pulled me snaking his arm around my waist I open my eyes widening he gently move his lips, my heart start to pound rapidly, his lip begin to move leisurely and cautiously on my lips, as if I'm something precious or even a small harsh touch will hurt me,

I was feeling  so much comfort, I was melting, melting under in his touch, my hand rest on his shoulder kissing him back, tears begin to roll down  I was feeling at ease getting hold by him, my body snuggly feeling his touch, I couldn't able to hold back myself, it's so pleasing, I began to melt from eyes, I was weeping feeling his loveable touches

Yoongi POV ~

I'm begin to kiss him as gently as possible, I'm trying my best not to make any harsh move in case to hurt him, pouring my heart into that kiss, I can feel his body tremble a bit with a last move I slowly back of, his tears were rolling down to his cheeks his eyes were closed, I cup his cheek gently wipe his tears away with my thumb he leisurely open his eyes and stare in my eyes, with his tearfull one, his eyes were gleaming, he turn around wiping his tears away.

He inhale a shaky breath my heart was hurting seeing his tears "Jimin " I mumble" if I should spill fact than I do love you so much " he stopped I just stare dumbfoundly " I couldn't help but began to love you acknowledging you're my mate " he confess " but it wouldn't be easy to love me yoongi" he added " you know everything better than me yoongi, you know...... you're aware of the crescent moon incident " he look toward me

" I don't know any incident and I don't want to know about that as well, I just know you're my mate that all, and I want you to know if moon goddess want to test me and the price is you, I would be in first position of... every test " I paused " besides that I guess I had told you I'm powerful enough to protect you" I explained holding his hands, I caressed his knuckles he stare down sighing" it's not only about me yoongi....I...I'm not worried about me" he exhale looking toward me " I'm not worried for me" he whispered again "do you love me" I asked

" I do but-"

" Yes or no"

" Yes I do"

" Good, now remember there's no one else but just you and me, don't think about anyone, it's your life, so just listen to your heart... Did you get it" I asked he nod his head eyeing down "words" I demand he looked up "yes it" he mutter in low voice "good" I ruff his hairs he look at me with his doe eyes and eye down his lips curl into a beautiful smile but soon it faded

" What happened?" I asked " I'm guilty about what happened alpah " he said eyeing down I exhale I place my fingers under his chin and made him looked up, his doe eyes stare in mine I smile his doe eyes are irresistible  " I did mistake, I get punished, so there's no need for you to be guilty about alright" I assure "still I was also wrong at some points... Why didn't you say anything, you should have fought with me," I questioned

" You're precious raising my voice seem wrongful, and fighting with you is even worsen" I paused, finding him staring at me sparkling eyes I smirk" plus I didn't wanted to make you feel uncomfortable in my presence so it was better I guess" I added "but you.. did visit me in night when I used to be asleep" he said, I was speechless at this point, I blink my eyes few times "mean you used to pretend to be asleep" I asked " ab..N-no it's sometimes I used to get awake in middle of night or in early morning I did saw you so yea I pretend a bit maybe" he mumble eyeing down " I think you should go and sleep now it's late" I mutter looking around "what about you?" He asked " I've some work and the castle is huge I'll sleep anywhere" I told him he seem hesitate he bite on his lips as if he wants to say something,

" you have your roo- "

" I told you can sleep in that room plus it's not only my room, you're the owner of that room now, so stay in there."

" Okay but, i-I was saying that you can stay with me if you're comfortable .."

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