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Author POV ~

Headalpha and luna were sitting in living hall Jin was also along them namjoon and Jungkook also walked in bowing to headalpha and luna they nod their head in response kai also marched in bowing he said " you called me your highness "

" Yeah son, please sit down" Kai did what luna said " is everything is okay " Kai asked being unsure "of course son, first let yoongi come than we'll begin " headalpha say kai looked toward Jin confused he gesture he also don't know, soon yoongi also walked in

" Alright everyone is here, Kai I want to ask you about that omega" headalpha spoke " w-which omega " kai hesitate " omega park Jimin, observing your actions I can say you know him " headalpha stop " I apologies for interrupting but who's he appa " Jungkook asked " yea appa I'm also curious about who he's " namjoon asked

" I'm going to tell you all but remember no one should know about him expect y'all whoever in this room" it's more likely to be a threat from headalpha namjin Jungkook and kai gulped nodding their head, headalpha gesture luna to speak " y'all might be aware about the crescent moon peck " luna said " yes, it's the peck which's head were luna park and headalpha park " Jin confirm" yes and also the luna of it's peck was moonchild " namjoon added " but it get destroyed after the war now it's the only deserted land with abandoned house " Jungkook spoke

Luna jeon nod his head " y'all are right pups and both of they had 2 omega son also " luna pause " one is our tae whom we able to save however the second son who was the moonchild also got lost we couldn't able to save him... even after attempt earnestly we couldn't able to find a trace where he evacuate " luna exhale
" he's him our jimin the second son of headalpha and luna park the moonchild, moon goddess keep mercy on us he brought jimin to us again " luna smile hearing this everyone was taken aback " and the good news is he's also yoongi's mate " Luna stop " my moon goddess it's ture " Jin asked  being astounded by both news luna nod " that's really surprising but how you're so sure he's park Jimin " namjoon asked " the moonchild only born once in thirty-five years until that no Moonchild would be in this world so it's obvious he's him " headalpha finished

" in that case, I.... meet with Omega Jimin in dark moon dynasty" kai spoke this was shocking for everyone
" what! " Luna whispered Kai nod " he was in alpah Wang's cage" Kai sigh " that dynasty in under hinge by the witches whose are behind the moonchild " luna said with worried written all over her face " all I know about dark dynasty is in there omega don't really get treated well " Jungkook added Kai nod " no wonder why his wolf is this much protective" yoongi sigh

" We better get ready for any kind of situationship anything could be happen " Jin said " you're right son, yoongi namjoon and Jungkook you three with the next sunrise increase the security around the castle and border of the pack and keep eyes on everyone who enter in pack" headalpha order " As you say headalpha " trio said bowing

• • •

Yoongi POV ~

I walked toward balcony, I often come here when my mind is fogged up by thoughts, I stopped on the midway spotting omega jimin I think calling him mate is better I grin slightly, my mate was backing standing on balcony he was chewing on his thumb nail looking around with his doe eyes I amble closer I can't explain it's just satisfying seeing him front of my eyes

" Chewing on nail isn't good "

He flinched and instantly turn around facing me he look down " it's midnight you're still awake” I asked " I wasn't feeling sleepy" he answered nervously I nod my head we both stand in hushed owls hooting sounds were echoing in the dark night cold breeze passing through us I heard him sighing and I wonder what he might be thinking " a.. alpha Yoongi " he hesitantly call out I hummed turning to him

" I'm sorry" he said looking down I raised my brow
" earlier.. in library.." he look through his lashes I can sense he's guilty' tell him that's totally fine ' my wolf said " no one got gut to threaten me looking in my eyes and also in my castle" I clarified, he seem timorous, his fingers were fighting a battle " don't be anxious just letting you know you did something, which no one have dare to do " I told him

" I- I should go now " saying he instantly left I smile standing on the same spot and stare at his figure

Jungkook POV ~

I rush in backyard i stopped spotting a figure who was back facing pacing back and forth slightly humming something to his self I grin staring at his beautiful figure, he's treasure for me my everything, the humming sound in so peaceful I back hugged him smelling his snuggling my face into neck he just sigh

" Where were you I've been waiting for almost an hour"

He whine cutely Crossing his arms across his chest

" Apologize my omega I was stuck in some work" I sigh "hmm apologize accepted my alpha " he say turning to face me His arms rest on around my shoulder he smile cutely and my heart warmth up seeing his cute smile I place a peck on his lips, he just chuckle being shy

" Why don't we just tell eomma and appa about we're being each other mate"

I asked " Jungkook, let's just wait a little I'm not running anywhere okay " he said " still tae I don't want to meet with my omega like this, I want you in my room everyday, want to cuddle with you while sleeping and want to mark you mine " I spoke possessively " I want to show everyone in this world a beauty like you belongs to me only" I claim he timidly look down " I'm certain alpha but please just be patient for a little while " he softly say in his sweet like honey voice, and soft brush his fingers on my cheeks " alright, and I hope this little while doesn't increase for more little while " I say staring in his sparkling eyes he looked down being shy, I placed a kiss on his cheek, his face redden looking down, I just chuckle at his cuteness, holding him in my embrace carefully in case not to hurt my treasure and it's amazing feeling I've ever felt in my life, I inhale deeply his scent he smells like freshly picked strawberries, fruity and sweet scent of his always made me lose my mind It have a calming effect on the mind and body of mine, his scent help me to reduce all my stress

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