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Taehyung POV ~

I was with Jimin, luna told me to have breakfast with him, as he's avoiding food, and isolating his self in room I also wanted to come here to accompanied him and talk with him as it's really been not really but for me long when I last talk to him, I wanted to know about him as he's my twins brother, Jimin had gone to bathroom to freshen up, I sat on the king size bed waiting for him looking around the details of this room as, this room has dark aura like Jungkook ones I sigh looking down "tae where are you?" Hoseok rush in asking "what's it hoseokie" I asked frowning my brows "guess what" hoseok amusingly said "what, did he propose you for marriage" I joke "hummp I wish he would" he pout looking down I sigh "wait you were saying something" I remind him "oh, yes guess what" hoseok again sing excitedly "oh, come on just tell me already, it's hard to guess you know how can I pressure my little brain" I whine as I was getting eager to know what

Hoseok giggled " alright alright listen I.... Told yoongi hyung about Kai" he sing excitedly "what no way Hoseok don't lie" I gasps widening my eyes however through his expression I can guess he isn't lying "what did Yoongi hyung said" I asked "he's going to help me" hoseok chirps "no way that's seem unreal" taehyung paused " wait.... But how, like everyone is castle isn't really talking to him after mating incident" I asked being unsure Hoseok "I know right, however hyung said he have his ways, my yoongi hyungie know the worth of love, he's not like others" Hoseok I stopped eyeing jimin who was standing behind hoseok on the bathroom door frame "did you freshen up already Jimin?" I asked Hoseok turn to jimin, he nod his head walking toward us, "good morning omega Jimin" hoseok chirps " good morning omega hoseok" Jimin smile" you to talk I'll just tell a maid to bring our breakfast" I said walking toward door,

Jimin POV~

" Can I ask something?" I asked looking toward them " yea you can omega Jimin, you don't need to take permission" hoseok answer I pass a small smile sighing "omega tae was...talking about mating incident what does that mean" I asked" ab.. that actually" hoseok looked toward tae " umm, it's when headalpha Jeon got to know alpha Yoongi claimed you forcefully... He was furious on him so much, and he s-slapped alpah yoongi, and told him not to talk to them until he doesn't make up with you," he explained my eyes widened hearing this a small gasps escaped from my mouth " and you know what hyung barely come in castle and doesn't even join us in dinning hall" hoseok added I stare at my fingers feeling miserable thinking it's all my fault

" Jimin.." omega hoseok call out his name, I look toward him "I know whatever hyung did was wrong, but don't you think you're also doing the same" I stare down"I'm convinced he loves you omega jimin, cause he never looked at any omega before you....... an alpha who never eyed any omega, how can he intent to do wrong with the one he loves," he exclaimed, I felt thorns in my throat,tears whelmed up in my eyes I stare down at my fingers to hide them which were ready to fall "and I guess you already punish my hyung enough he doesn't deserve all this" he told me, I inhale deeply trying to gulp down my tears "hoseok.." I heard tae call out his name "what tae I didn't say anything wrong tho" hoseok stopped, "anyways I'm going, and please think about this and stop punishing my hyung Jimin for the sake of moon goddess" he mutter walking out, I bite on my lip being completely clueless about what to do, I'm aware I'm on fault,

"nevermind him Jiminie, he's just sensitive when it comes to yoongi hyung," tae turn to me smiling I slightly smile back nodding my head "let's have breakfast, I'm soooooo much hungry, it's feels like whole jungle animals are running inside my poor tummy" tae pout cutely, I chuckled at him nodding my head, however whole time my mind was stuck on yoongi, I was recalling again and again hoseok words inside my head

Namjoon pov~

After breakfast jin walked to our room, i also went in my room, I wanted to talk to Jin about something, I couldn't able to talk in night as he was sleeping, at morning I was sleeping that's the reason I didn't get proper time to talk,

"Don't you have work today?" As I entered Jin questioned "ah, I do have but I've something important to talk about" I answered "more important than your work?" Jin asked " umm, yea I guess" I unsurely said Jin made 'O' face "alright go ahead I don't have much time" jin shrugged arranging bed, "don't you have time for your husband? " I asked being done " Do you have for me, huh? You keep yourself busy in your work for almost everytime, should have married with your work, why did you marriage with me" Jin burst I was taken aback " ummm, jinnie" I nervously chuckle " I didn't mean that, I apologize, I promise to give you proper time you know recently things are little messed up so-"

"alright, I was just, anyways just go ahead about what you wanted to talk" jin sigh

" You had said your parents are looking for a mate for kai" I asked he looked at me " yea so" Jin mumble "did they find anyone?" I questioned "nah, they're still looking for " Jin stopped and looked toward me" but why are you asking all this out of nowhere" Jin questioned

" Well, umm I was thinking, about hoseok" i said scratching my neck, " what about hoseok" jin asked narrowing his brow " about Kai and hoseok " I spoke he stopped processing for a while "the idea is good but what about hoseok" he asked walking toward me "don't worry about him I'm sure he would be agree" I pause " I just want you to talk about this to your parents" I added " I'll send them a letter but does headalpha Jeon and luna jeon aware about this?" Jin asked "I want you to talk with them" I told him " i-I ab I'm mean how" Jin asked

"don't worry I'm with you we'll talk to them together at dinner time okay" namjoon assure he pout slightly nodding his head namjoon chuckle placing a peck on his lips Jin playfully slap on my chest " ouchh, that's hurt" I said placing my hand over my chest "whatever" Jin roll his eyes cutely I grin " alright take care I'm going see you at dinner time" I smile " yea yea go," he scoffs I nod my head and was about to step out I heard him mumbling " take care joonie" I smile nodding head

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