blue moon

137 12 0

07 years passed ~

We were sitting in dinning room . Having breakfast peacefully, a guard walked in and bow" your majesty , we have a letter for you , it's from moon stone pack ." He said Headalpha snapped his hand toward guard . Guard place the letter in headalpha 's hand he again bow and walked away . Headalpha opened the letter and started to read the letter

" is everything is okay APPA " I asked being curious about the letter . " hmm , alpha kim From Moon stone pack wants to meet . "

" Oh , it's been a while since we had meet, it would be great ." Eomma spoke being excited to meet with luna kim as she is her friend.

Appa chuckle at her excited wife , " aren't you're excited to much . " Headalpha asked , " of course I'm , am finally going to meet luna kim , last time she had visit when Yoongi was 17 , " eomma spoke in excited tone . " I'm jealous . " Appa pout , " stop acting like a kid you're the father of 4 adult kids old man . " Eomma scowl . " I'm might be old sweety still I've power to made you scream my name . " Headalpha smirk luna flush and slap on headalpha 's shoulder .

" We're still here dad . " I clear my throat and spoke .
" So what . " Headalpha shrugs . " So be flirty in your room . " I sigh " now even my own son is jealous with me. " Headalpha shook his head I scoffs " why would I be jealous . " Headalpha look at my questioned face .
" Cause in your 29, you're single ass . " Headalpha answered I scoffs . " didn't Jungkook came for breakfast . " Namjoon cut me of

" he might be in gym , cause he's gym insert " Hoseok said , Headalpha chuckle at hobi explaination . " go and tell Jungkook to join us in breakfast ." Headalpha told a maid who bow and made her way to gym, I sigh while chewing the food after few minutes later .

" your majesty , alpha Jungkook had go to take a bath he said he'll be there in few minutes . " maid said Headalpha nod his head The maid bow and walked away .

" he really is gym insert , " Luna mimic " namjoon was also like Jungkook when he was in same age as him" headalpha point out " appa , at least I was not in gym 24/7 hours" namjoon whine . " Oh namjoon stop lying , even in night you go for workout " Luna chuckle

" You were also gym insert . " Appa point toward namjoon " appa " namjoon whine " what , did I say something wrong. " Appa asked looking toward me " of course no appa , anyone could guess just looking at his well build muscles , " I answered " than hyung you were also gym lover right ," namjoon mock " thankfully I wasn't " I answered sarcastically " stop lying hyung , Just look at your muscles " namjoon point at my muscles " they're natural muscles . " I answered Namjoon looked at me with done face . Hoseok made a ' O ' face and said

" no one can beat Yoongi hyung . " Namjoon sigh in defeat and asked " appa , why hyung is like that , " appa softly smile to namjoon causing his dimple to popped up " listen , son your mother was also like him when Yoongi was in her womb . "

Hoseok gasps and said " than I Felt bad for you appa ," Hoseok give a pity look and pressed his lips in thin lips " thank you sunshine " appa let out a slurpy sound " yahh , what do you mean by that . " Eomma shout and here we go again " look Honey.... " Appa cut of by her " shut up !"

Appa shut his mouth . Hobi's muffled laughing sound can be heard while looking at appa . Eomma glared at hobi . " you little brat have your breakfast peacefully or I'll spank your ass " she yelled " appa , save me from your wife she's dangerous ." Hoseok fake cried " honey " seeing Luna's glare appa threw his hands up in defeat that's when Jungkook walked in and back hug eomma he kissed on her cheek while saying " Good morning eomma good morning appa and hyungs "

" you better go and eat your breakfast " eomma spoke in stren tone" is everything is okay " Jungkook asked frowning . " if you don't wanna get spanked sit and have your breakfast without saying anything . " I told him Jungkook zip his mouth he walked and sit beside hobi while whispering . " what had happened "

Hobi told Jungkook whatever had happened Jungkook made a 'O' face . As headalpha was done eating so he stood up . " I'm going to throne room , take care luna."
Headalpha said while placing a kiss on her forehead . When Luna doesn't respond headalpha sigh and walked of

I was also done by eating so i stood up . As a elder son I've a lot of responsibility and throne works and pack safety responsibility ." I'm going to study room eomma," i bow to her to which she responds with a sweet smile .

" I'm also Done I'll be going for morning survey and kook , after breakfast you should visit in training hall " namjoon said " okay hyung " Jungkook nod " I'll be off than eomma " namjoon bow and left from the dinning room same goes for me .

The blue moon . Where a lots of Wolfs live peacefully . . blue moon is huge and powerful pack . Blue moon pack is known as a beautiful and peaceful pack . Where omega and alpha have equal rights the headalpha of blue moon is "Jeon-hyuk " . He's best leader for his whole pack . He looks cold though He's the softest alpha . He love all his pack's wolfs . His Whole pack also adore and respect him a lot .

the Luna of the blue Moon pack is " Jeon Ha-yoon " . Jeon hyuk and Jeon Ha-yoon both are alpha they were friends from childhood and Jeon hyuk was Park ha-yoon's childhood crush , both of their families relation were good , Soon when their families got to know about ha-yoon's crush on hyuk , Jeons didn't hesitate to accept her their in law cause She's sweet and have a Friendly personality yet she's powerful and dangerous , sometimes she can be sassy to ,

alpha Jeon hyuk also didn't hesitate to accept her as his wife cause he also had crush on her because of her bold and sassy nature yet her beauty was on another level she is cute and beautiful she have cat eyes her porcelain white skin with cute button nose her thin glossy lips . Jeon hyuk had a lot of reasons to fall for her . In simple words she is perfect .

They've three alpha son who are true bloods and one Omega son , they're protect toward their little omega brother . Whom all of them adore and love to much .

The first heir of jeon's is Jeon Yoongi is 29 years Old , he have cold and clam nature . he don't really talk to anyone until it's necessary He known as a true blood alpha have powerful dominated Aura around him all the time his clamness can kill anyone itself . Though he have soft spot for his family and pack however he doesn't show it to anyone . He's soon to be head of the blue moon .

Jeon namjoon is 27 he is the second son of Jeon's . He has sharp brain . He's have soft nature toward everyone like his father though at the same time He's the Worst nightmare for his enemies . He known as a wise alpha cause he can solve any problems in a minute he have dark aura though most of time he decreased his dark aura so it won't be effected pups and omega ,

Third is Jeon hoseok he is Omega son . He's 26 year old he's cute fluffy and have a sunshine smile . Hoseok is really closed to Head alpha cause he sensitive and sweet like child and he's the only omega son of jeon's . He's stubborn and spoiled but little things make him happy . Head alpha can do anything to make him happy and can destroy anyone because of whom his eyes got teary and Ture bloods are also protective toward their omega brother .

Fourth and last one is Jeon Jungkook he's 23 years Old and maknae in jeon's . he is aggressive and powerful have short temper He's multi talented . He love doing boxing . If you didn't find him anywhere just go to gym he's available at gym 24/7 hours . everyone treat him like a child he really hate this cause he think he's grown ass man.

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