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Yoongi POV~

" you don't have to sleep over there, if you're comfortable you can sleep with me on bed" jimin unsurely said patting on bed, " I'm all comfortable, but are you?" I questioned "look if you aren't then don't force yourself okay" I added "I'm not forcing.. myself I'm... All comfortable with.... you" he said playing with his fingers I raised my brows" are you sure?" I asked he immediately nodded his head I stare at him biting my inner cheek to control my smile, he shyly looked away"alright, I think I should freshen up first" saying I walked toward bathroom he nodded his head

When I was done bathing I walked in room and found jimin sleeping soundlessly, I walked toward wardrobe with quite steps of mine, I took a shirt and wore it before walking toward bed, I lay on bed making sure not to make any noise I don't wanted to disturb his seren sleep, i stare at him for a while and close my eyes to sleep,

However unconsciously I found myself staring at him again, a while later he hugged me snuggling into me, he was deep in sleep, I grin hugging him back, I was feeling so content as if I'm in seventh heaven, well not wrong to say I'm with my heaven, I was overjoyed so much that I couldn't able to close my eyes for a second, whole night passed, just adoring him, tugging his bangs behind, caressing his cheeks softly, he's so much more precious to me, and I can do anything to keep him with me, I'll do anything to keep that elegant smile on his face, I'll make sure he never lose those beautiful sparkle in his eyes, and the sparkle of his face,

he was having a cute pout on his lips, I wanted to kiss that of badly, and I didn't take any second to placed my lips over his plumpy, his lips are soft and kissable I barely can hold myself seeing those plumpy lips of his, as I placed my lips the earlier kiss flash infront of my eyes, I still can't get over that kiss, it had possessed me, I don't think I'll be able to get cure nor I want to, if the possession is like paradise,

whole night passed I barely blink my eyes, the sun was already setting and I can hear the birds chirp

Jimin POV~

We walked to dining area, Yoongi was saying we'll have our breakfast in room but I insisted him, we'll have along everyone as I don't want him to suffer cause of me, yoongi was walking ahead I was behind him eyeing down and biting my lips, out of blue I gasps bumming into something, I back off looking up it was yoongi he stopped I looked around and realized we're already in dinning room, I peek behind yoongi and saw headalpha ignoring his presence, Yoongi exhale sharply, turning his head, I stood next to him, holding his hand and interlocking our fingers,

I was staring at our hands when I look up I found yoongi staring at me with his soft gaze, I blushed a bit turning my face forth inhaling deeply, I found luna smiling toward us, omega tae and hoseok also seem jolly seeing us, headalpha stare at for a while however I cannot see any emotions on his face "why you both are standing there come join us" he said gesturing us to sit, alpah namjoon omega Jin, and alpha Jungkook also turn to look as they were back facing us, I looked toward yoongi, he was also having a cold gaze I bite my lips walking forth, as I was holding Yoongi's hand I lead yoongi toward dinning table I sat down, Yoongi was also about to sit" you stop" headalpha announced eyeing yoongi, everyone look toward Headalpha along yoongi, headalpha stood up, so did I, he step forward toward yoongi, I was feeling anxious about what's going to happen,

but I breath in relief seeing him pulling Yoongi into a hug "I'm proud of you my son" as headalpha grinning patting his back, " I'm glad, to see you again here" he back of I also smile seeing them he caressed my head my eyes begin to get teary feeling his fatherly warmth "I'm glad you both did solve your problems," headalpha softly smile toward me, I stare at him with my teary eyes "if he ever annoys you or even hurt you a bit, just come to me, I'll teach him lesson by myself" headalpha said glaring yoongi I chuckled nodding my head, he hugged me patting my head, i begin to feel overwhelmed headalpha was giving me fatherly vibe it was feeling like he's my own father.

"Alright now let's have breakfast it's getting cold" headalpha announced, we all sat down, and start eating, I was happy as if I'm over above the sky

"Anyways Jin you had talk about Kai and hoseok" Luna give a hint to jin who immediately nod his head being attentive to hear what luna is going to say, I look toward hoseok who seem excited to know what's Luna going to talk, I look toward luna she was gesturing headalpha to begin, " um.. yea Jin my son, I'm not ready for this wedding" headalpha stopped I immediately look toward hoseok who was seeming distressed I frowning my brows I know how much hoseok wanted to get Kai's mate, " but why appa" Jin. Hyung asked, I stare at yoongi as I know yoongi assured hoseok he is gonna help him " I'm certain you want best for you brother, but I can't force hoseok like you know he's only my omega son, so it's up to him I give him all rights to choose a partner for him, I hope you understand" headalpha finished" but I don't think hoseok would have any problem" headalpha finished unknowingly I was chewing on my nail, I saw Luna smiling slightly eyeing Hoseok, I narrowed looking at her,

" Look jinnie when you talk about this hoseok himself was here, he didn't say anything, so we can't assume it as yes," luna explained Jin was about to say something However Luna wink amusingly, jin made a 'O' face "alright if this is what you want Headalpha and luna" Jin sadly sigh, " I'll tell eomma to find someone el-

" I didn't disagree also" saying Hoseok stood up everyone look toward hoseok "what happened to you all of sudden son" headalpha asked "I love alpah Kai really, if I didn't say anything doesn't mean I'm disagre-" omega hoseok stopped realizing he blinked his eyes few times eyeing everyone" nevermind " he mumble and was about to walk away "where do you think you're going" headalpha questioned Hoseok stopped turning around "what did you said?" Headalpha asked Hoseok exhale closing his eyes" I... Umm i-I love alpah kai" hoseok mumble shyly having a pout,

I looked toward Headalpha he chuckled silently eyeing Hoseok who was eyeing down,"come here" gesturing headalpha told Hoseok to, he did went to him " than why didn't my sunshine told me huh?" Headalpha asked holding hoseok in his embrace, and hoseok was hugging him back just like a small pup, "I was just shy" hoseok mumble, headalpha chuckle caressing his back, I smile at them, everyone on the table seem in joyful humor, I looked toward Yoongi he was already staring at me, I widely smile, feeling content like everything is fine now,

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