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Author POV ~

Yoongi walked in holding Jimin unconscious body in his embrace bridal style, jimin's head was resting against Yoongi's board chest, his hand was swinging in air, his silver bangs where hiding his forehead, he was looking small in Yoongi's embrace, yoongi walked toward his room, there was no expression on his face but satisfaction, gratified written all over his face,

As he step in his room and made Jimin lay on his king size bed, he cover him with duvet , he heard someone footsteps behind him, yoongi turn around only spot Jin with tension written all over his face Yoongi raised his brow

" Yoongi, I think Jimin left he's not in his roo-"

He stopped eyeing the figure of someone on Yoongi's bed, as he saw his face he narrowed his brows, yoongi also stare at his figure with a small smirk

" Y-yoon-

" I marked him "

"what" Jin gasps loudly placing his hand over his mouth "did you tried to know his will upon this" Jin asked walking in "nope, I don't think he has any problem, we're mate already" Yoongi shrugged Jin sigh

"still Yoongi, you should have asked if he's ready for this or not" Jin spoke in disappointment "who's ready for what" luna asked walking in Jin stand beside yoongi widening his eyes he looked toward yoongi hesitantly

" Eomma I want to clarified something to y'all let's talk in living room"

Everyone was standing in living area when yoongi clear his throat before saying

" I claimed Jimin as mine"

" How can you"

Luna gasps, everyone stare at yoongi, astonished written all over their face obviously, yoongi known as most respectful alpah when it comes to omega and it's something irresistible to accept,

" Is that true hyung"

" And why would I lie to y'all at this hour,"

Namjoon eye toward Jin who just nod his head, to reassure he's saying truth, namjoon exhale sharply turning his head


I was walking back castle I spot some teen pups around thirteen or fourteen years young bullying other, I sigh eyeing them "yahh, stop bullying your friend" I hissed at them "we aren't bullying him we're just playing " an teen alpha talk back when I raised my brow staring at him coldly "hmm, playing" I stare at other who was having tears in his eyes "you're interfering in our matter just go you don't know who is my father I'll complain to him about you, he'll show you your limit" I raised my brow looking at him "and who's your father" I asked "he's alpah Yoongi's most closest member of warrior" he said proudly I made a 'O' face "and who's alpha Yoongi" I asked "don't you know" they laugh at me " he's the first heir of headalpha of our pack everyone fear of him he's the most powerful alpah and appa told me he's True blood and he's my idol " he said

" Oh, than your alpah Yoongi also bully his friends" I asked" noo he doesn't he love everyone and give respect to everyone" he clarified" if your alpah Yoongi doesn't do that and he's your idol as well how can you do that" I asked and he stopped looking at me thinking something deeply "I did a huge mistake and I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that I promise I'll never" he said apologizing to me " don't apologize to apologies to your friend" I said pointing at other who was looking at me with a small smile " I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that forgive me please san" he said to his friends hugging him,I smirk slightly eyeing them other also hug him apologize I looked up my eyes spot some familiar, I focus on him and realize it was jimin, I look at other side and found some warriors, warriors of dark moon dynasty, I found myself fuming, I swiftly move toward him and pull him toward me placing my hand over his mouth, because those warrior were also roaming and I can't take any risk when it comes to Jimin, his body flinch tensing up, I pin him to the wall his eyes were shut closed, I stare at him angelic face, he slowly open his eyes

He breath in relief seeing me however his breath hitched, widening his eyes, I was just glaring at him with instense gaze of mine, I was feeling frustrated thinking what if they had find him, what if I didn't spot him, what if he actually had left," What had I told you" I gritted my teeth glaring into his soul.

" I- umm... "

" You"

" Just...let m-me go "

" Over my dead body "

" Please, I've to go "

He said and tried to pushed me with his small cute hands and soft touch, however I was standing like a rock, his soft touch couldn't able to push me a inch away, I sigh

" I'm warning you, don't strength me to force you,"

I declare using my alpha voice, staring right in his eyes, I can feel he was frighten a bit, he stare down he taking a long deep breath

" Y-you're no one to force me "

A small growl escaped from my mouth, I hear his soft whimpers, My dark aura begin to increase the next thing I know my wolf took over me, my fangs grow out, eyes flicker to red, I felt him begin to feel submissives toward me, my hand snack around his small waist
I snap him closer to me, pushing his hanbok from neck, sniffing him, i brush my nose against his milky white skin

" P-please alpha Yoongi"

I hear him pleading, however I couldn't help I already lose control over me, he was making me crazy, I wanted to claim him as soon as possible, I lick his skin, digging my fangs into his skin, he yelled loudly fisting on my suit however i just dig my fangs deep in him, he was gasping loudly with small sobs, I could care less, I was claiming him as mine, claiming what's already mine, his grip slowly began to loosen as if he was losing his strength, he was kind of gasping for air, I took out my fangs licking the blood on the spot I just mark him, I was licking his mark which was satisfying me, I was loving that mark of mine on his skin, slowly he lose all his strength, his grip totally loosen, his body collapse however I was fast enough to hold him from his waist before his body touch on ground, he was totally limp in my arms, I caressed his cheeks delicately wiping hide tears away, I placed a kiss on his forehead, holding him in my arms bridal style, and made my way to castle, feeling satisfied, my wolf was restless from the time when the warrior took wang name saying my mate his, I wanted my mark only on his skin showing the world he only belongs to me, and finally he have my mark

End of flashback

I astonished when I felt a vigorous slap right across my face, my face slightly turn to right side of mine, I hears gasps," Hyung!" Jungkook nearly Shout " appa " namjoon said walking forward, "stop namjoon, don't you dare to take any step" headalpha clarified gritting his teeth, namjoon did follow him, obviously infront of headalpha we're nothing, I clench my jaw

" I can't believe Yoongi, how can you force someone" headalpha asked

" I didn't force anyone, he's already my mate I just claimed him" I sigh coldly

" Still, yoongi you tried to know his will" headalpha asked furiously

" I don't think so he have problem, he's my mate" I exhale frustratingly, "and as I thought till now was you're a respectful alpah when it comes to an omega" headalpha sarcastically say" I can't believe yoongi you're my son, I always used to feel proud, but now what I'm going to do, what I'm going to say to that poor omega, I promised his father I'll protect his son, however now what, what I'm going to say I couldn't able to protect him from my own son?" Headalpha gritted his teeth

" You're exaggerating appa I did nothing wrong"Yoongi shrugged " mind your words Yoongi" headalpha spoke in his alpha voice, raising his hand I coldly look at him when eomma run toward us holding appa's hand

" Placid honey, aggravation isn't going to solve this matter" Luna softly rub appa's back trying to calm him down "can't you see what your son did" headalpha said in furry "I know what he did and I also wasn't expecting that but now nothing can be happened" luna coldly stare at me I sigh

" I had alert him not to take any of these step but he did listen, it was his fault as well" yoongi shrugged

" Look, look still he's shamelessly blaming others" headalpha gritted his teeth at me

" Calm down appa everything will be okay" namjoon walked in between us " tell him namjoon to leave before I lose my control do something horrible" headalpha said namjoon nod his head " let's just go hyung" Jungkook said to me holding my hand I jerk my hand off walking out furiously.

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