matrimony² (²/2)

41 6 4

Jimin POV~

Everyone cheer loudly when Kai and ho-seok kissed, I smile feeling happy for omega Ho-seok, I stare down and, I looked forward and spot yoongi on the other side of aisle, I begin to admire his attractive features,  he's looking breathtaking, his blue suit design by the gold was looking stunning against his pale white skin, it's really hard to believe he's my alpha, however I feel arrogant knowing he's actually my alpha, at least moon goddess did something pleasing in my pathetic life by taking me to him and bringing him to me, "let's go Jimin" I heard Jin hyung saying, I back to reality and walked along them on stage

Tae run toward hoseok Hugging- no squashing him, hoseok whine saying stop, he placed a kiss on hoseok cheek congratulating him, he also hugged alpha kai, headalpha Kim and Luna kim congrats both of them by  blessings them, headalpha Jeon and luna jeon walked toward them blessings both of them, Luna got emotional by hugging hoseok, both hoseok and luna weep for a while Hugging each other, headalpha, Jungkook and namjoon tried to cheer them up and in the end they burst into laughter, one by one everyone hugged both hobi and kai, I also walked toward hobi congratulating him,

hobi smiled sweetly pulling me into a warm hug thanking me I smiled as for me getting hug is rare it might be ordinary however it's extraordinary for me, and everything that's extraordinary for me they're giving me as if it's a most simple thing, I mean it's but not for me, though it's for me as well since I meet them, I congrats alpha kai as well, he smiled nodding his head thanking me.

I stood behind headalpha and luna, I was kinda feeling weird seeing a huge crowd, feeling someone presence behind me I immediately turn around, I found yoongi, he tilt his head and raised his brows my heartbeat fasten and my face flushed, I look forward, he was standing a step behind me, a small smile crept on my face feeling relaxed, unknowingly I begin to play with my fingers while looking forward,

"You're looking gorgeous sweetie" he whispered near my ear in his deep voice, I can feel his breathes on my ears, I flutter blood rush up to my cheeks, I stare down tugging my hairs behind my ear, I looked toward him with a shy smile "you're also looking.. handsome" I mumble the last word admiring him once again "thank you" he smiled eyeing me i begin to bite my inner cheek out of shyness

Yoongi POV~

I was standing a step behind jimin eyeing him I can sense his shy pheromones, Oh my moon goddess I'm in love with him, and so everytime even when he doesn't do anything, he done unexpected things to me without even he himself being aware of it, in simple words, even if he breathes he made me fall for him even harder, his charm is irresistible,

I heard Hoseok giggling I looked toward him feeling content for my little omega brother, I frown when Jimin took some steps forward I held his wrist "where are you going?"I asked " I'm thirsty want to drink some water." He answered "wait lemme tell a maid to brought for you" I told him taking step forward "no, I'll myself" he mumble tugging on my suit I sigh nodding my head "alright than, lemme accompanies you" I said "it's fine I'll go by myself"saying he walked out I eyed his walking figure, I thought to follow him, however I felt someone hugging me I pay attention it was hoseok "thank you hyung for everything" Hoseok mumble

I smile patting his back "you should thanked namjoon, he was the one who did this" I told him " I've been thanking namjoon hyung and jin hyung for so long" he answered "now it's you turn, thank to you to, for being always supportive hyung, if I didn't told you about this, I wouldn't be here with alpha Kai" he plainly smile "alright, now be happy don't think about past, enjoy your present, it's your day hobi" I said patting his head "yea, but you've to take my thank you hyung, as I told you if this is my day than behind this the reason is you, so just know hyung I'm really really really grateful to have a hyung like you" Hoseok chirps,

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