4. Making Arrangements

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Dream expected it would be a while before Technoblade visited, he often kept to himself and lived far from the others on the server, only rarely visiting the towns to do some trading and maybe exchange gossip before returning to his cozy home where he lived next to Philza. His only other neighbor was Ranboo, who he's been mentoring. When not training, Techno was quite happy to farm, look after his animals, and read.

The chance that Puffy would manage to catch him soon to pass along Dream's request was slim. Which was why Dream was pleasantly surprised by Techno showing up only a few days later.

Sam was cautious about letting him in, but he checked him thoroughly for contraband and Techno cooperated, and finally Techno was walking across the bridge to Dream's cell while Sam waited at the controls.

"No lava wall?" Techno asked as he came in, looking around and then taking in the bed where Dream was sitting.

"No, he turned it off while I was still recovering and just never turned it back on," Dream said. "He's not worried about me escaping anyway." He waved his leg at him. Sam was almost done with the first prototype for his prosthetic, and would be attaching it and letting Dream test it very soon. Dream's sickness had passed and the wound had healed nicely, and he was thankful for how well Sam has been looking after him.

"Yeah, you're not gonna get very far on that," Techno commented. "Unless you get really good at jumping. You could probably do it though, you're like a lil parkour master, aren't you? Anyway, you needed to talk to me?"

"I do. Come here, sit down." Dream scooted over and patted the bed next to him. Techno raised a brow, his pig's snout giving an unimpressed twitch.

"I can stand, thanks."

"Okay, well." Dream shrugged. "You know how you owe me that favor? I'm calling it in."

"...Maybe I will sit." Techno sat down, the bed shifting under his weight. "What do you want? Want me to break you out? Because this place seems locked up pretty tight..."

Dream shook his head. "Nah. I might have wanted you to do that at one point, but right now, I'm okay with staying here for a bit. Again, escape attempt on this... I don't even want to try, unless you want to carry me."

"I could do that as long as you don't make it weird. You're scrawny, bet you barely weigh anything."

"Haha, well, I'm not escaping. I'll leave when Sam decides I can. No, there's something else I want you to do for me." Dream lowered his voice. "I want you to make a little stockpile for me. All my stuff was confiscated when I was arrested and I don't really know if I'll get it back, so I want you to get some good backup gear for me. The best you can get. A sword, axe, pickaxe, and armor. Maybe some good potions and food, stuff like that. Have it ready for me to come collect once I'm released."

"And when will that be?" Techno asked.

"Don't know yet, but I'm hoping it's soon. I've been on such good behavior." Dream gave him an innocent smile.

Techno looked unconvinced. "Uh-huh. Well, that's not my business. Get you gear, done. Want me to build you a house too while I'm at it? You're gonna need somewhere to live once you're out."

"I have a house," Dream lied automatically, which Techno snorted at.

"Sure you do, I'm sure you have a wonderful home to return to once you're out. Okay then, I'll get some supplies for you. And this is just to get re-equipped, right? You're not plannin' to do something drastic like taking revenge on a certain someone for mangling you, right?"

Dream was silent for a moment, then said, "Oh, of course not. I just want stuff, so I can go back out into the world without dying. It would be really embarrassing if I survived all this just to get killed by a skeleton on my first day out."

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