14. The Frozen North

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The trip across the ocean wasn't too bad, Dream found it fairly relaxing as he slowly rowed his way toward the land mass where Techno and Philza lived. He knew Ranboo also had a home out that way, though he also sometimes stayed in Snowchester with Tubbo. Dream wasn't sure where he would be at right now, but if he did run into him, he just hoped things would be civil. Ranboo had a lot of reasons not to like him and Dream really didn't want to prompt an attack from him. He wasn't too sure what his chances of winning a fight against him would be right now, weak and out of practice while Ranboo has been training with Techno.

But Dream tried not to worry about it too much. He was going to get what he asked for and then he could leave. He didn't particularly need to socialize with any of the Syndicate members.

The air grew colder as Dream reached the tundra and he shivered as he stopped the boat and climbed out. He put it in his inventory and started off across the snow, wrapping his arms around himself as the cold seemed to immediately seep through his hoodie.

It was a rough walk. Moving his prosthetic through the snow was difficult and he had to walk more slowly than he usually would, and the effort of wading through the snow was steadily wearing him out. The exercise did at least cause him to start sweating, making the cold more bearable, but there would still sometimes be gusts of wind that made him shiver all over again, wincing as it cut across his face. He pulled his hood up and tightened the strings, but it only helped a little.

"Okay. Maybe I could have waited to come get my stuff," Dream conceded. But he didn't want to turn back now. When he reached the portal that linked the area to the Nether roads, he sighed with relief. He wasn't too far away now. His legs were aching and his face was starting to feel numb.

He took a break near the portal, letting its warmth wash over him, and he ate a muffin to try and get some strength back. Then he set off again, groaning as the cold surrounded him. Why did Techno have to live way out here? He could understand the isolation, but in such a cold biome? And Techno was a piglin. Why did he do this to himself?

It felt like it was taking massive effort now to take each step. His pulse had picked up. But he pushed on, refusing to give up, he was just walking for crying out loud. He just needed to keep going. He wouldn't get stronger if he stopped every time he felt tired. Even as his body protested, he ignored it and kept walking. Wouldn't be much longer now.

Dream was unsteady on his feet by the time Techno and Philza's cabins came into view. He trudged the rest of the way over, feet dragging through the snow, as he didn't have the energy to lift them higher. He hated how tired he was from the walk. Before the prison, he could make this trip easily.

And here he was, sweating and panting, feeling like he would fall over at any second. But at least he had made it. Through the yard, up the stairs to Techno's door...

Dream pressed a hand to his head, feeling dizzy. Weird. But it was fine. He could rest now. He knocked on the door and waited.

Techno opened it within moments, making Dream wonder if he had been standing right there waiting for him. "Heyy, there he is!"

"Here I am," Dream said, voice a little ragged from breathing the frigid air. That dizziness was getting worse. "I'm here for the stuff you promised."

He didn't hear what Techno said in response. His vision suddenly dimmed, everything fading into a drone, and then his knees buckled and he collapsed. He just barely felt arms grab him, then there was panicked shouting as the world went black.

Dream opened his eyes with a start, quickly looking around.

"Easy, you're fine," Techno said, pulling a blanket around his shoulders. "You just blacked out for a few moments. Scared the hell out of me."

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