8. Intimate

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Going to Sam's bedroom? Dream was not going to let an opportunity like that pass him by. He immediately agreed, letting Sam lead him out. It took all of Dream's willpower to not just sprint for the room, but he still walked quickly, making Sam laugh at his enthusiasm.

The bedroom was only a couple doors down from the kitchen, and once they stepped inside, Dream was relieved to feel soft carpet rather than obsidian. He dug his toes against it as he looked around. The room was modestly decorated, with an oak dresser and matching oak nightstands, some bookcases next to a large blue armchair, and one corner of the room contained a decorative pot with lilacs growing from it. A few paintings hung from the walls, along with a photo of a cute wolf that Dream recognized as Fran. There were two doors in here and he assumed one led to a closet and the other to a bathroom. Then his gaze was drawn toward the huge bed draped with green blankets, several pillows at its headboard.

Dream felt Sam step up behind him and turned to face him, reaching up to slide his fingers into his hair, encouraging him to lean down so he could kiss him. Sam responded without hesitation, which pleased Dream. It was good to see him finally giving in to his desires. When they separated, Sam took his respirator fully off, putting it in his inventory. He also took off his enchanted netherite armor, stepping away to hang it all on a nearby armor stand. He wore a thinner gold chestplate underneath, an extra layer of protection, but he took that off too as he returned to Dream, revealing the plain green shirt he had as padding under it.

Besides that, he wore simple brown leather pants and no shoes, and Dream chuckled at seeing he still had the same aversion to wearing shoes as he's always had. He pushed past it when suited up in armor, but Sam's preference was being barefoot, as he found that shoes pushed uncomfortably against his toe claws and he didn't like trimming them.

With Sam out of that dark armor, this already felt much more intimate. It was just the two of them, old friends letting their relationship blossom into something new. He kissed Sam again, feeling along his sides and sliding his fingers under his waistband.

Sam paused, then leaned back, grabbing Dream's wrists. "You move fast," Sam murmured.

"I just really want you," Dream said honestly, experimentally trying to tug his wrists away and feeling a deep furl of arousal when Sam didn't let go. "I don't really want to take it slow, but... I mean, if that's how you prefer it..."

"No, it's okay, we can go at your pace. I'm just always a little nervous when sleeping with someone for the first time," Sam admitted, flustered.

It made sense now. Sam was shy. He was shy, and he probably had no idea how cute it made him look.

"I get that," Dream said, trying again to free his wrists. This time, Sam let him, though Dream quickly found himself missing that solid grip. He liked having control, but he wouldn't mind being pinned down by those large hands. "I'm a little nervous too, but mostly excited. I've been thinking about this."

"Yeah... if we're being honest, I have too," Sam replied.

The confession made heat race through Dream's veins, his heart pounding. "Come on then, let's not wait any longer," Dream encouraged. He patted Sam's hip. "I want to see you. Please?"

Sam took a breath, ears going back for a moment, and Dream kept stroking his hip and side as he tried to help him relax. While Dream was enjoying getting to see all of Sam's face, without a helmet or respirator in the way, he wanted more from his precious caretaker. But he was patient, letting Sam take however long he needed to gather his confidence.

"Okay, but I might look... a little strange," Sam said at last, slowly moving his hands down and hooking his thumbs under his waistband. Dream took the opportunity to check him out, admiring his strong arms, the way his chest fur puffed up under his shirt and made his chest look thicker. When Sam continued to hesitate, though, Dream looked back at his face.

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