9. Steamy Shower

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The shower Sam took Dream to was immense, even accounting for Sam's size. When he turned it on, it seemed the water was warm within seconds.

"Go ahead and get in," Sam said, laying their clothes out on the counter.

Dream climbed in, turning his face toward the spray and rubbing his hands through his hair, washing sweat out. After a few moments, Sam joined him, briefly getting wet before grabbing a large bottle of shampoo and coating his hands, before beginning to work it through all his fur. Dream felt more comfortable than he expected having Sam in the shower with him. It was cozy and domestic. Dream would love to do this more often.

As Dream cleaned up, he was able to watch as weeks of filth washed down the drain. He tried to keep himself clean using the sink in his cell, but he could only do so much with that, where he didn't have soap and couldn't fully submerge himself. So he could see the water turn slightly red as old caked-on blood got washed off, along with streaks of brown from dirt, and while it hurt a little cleaning off some of his wounds, he felt better once they were washed.

But even with his thorough attention to himself, Dream was still fully clean before Sam was done lathering up, so Dream decided to help. He got more shampoo and scooped up Sam's tail to start washing it.

The end of it flicked and Sam looked at him with surprise. "You don't need to do that."

"It's okay, I want to help," Dream replied. "You've got so much fur."

"Well, alright, make sure you're careful with the end of my tail, the fur there is long and gets tangled easily."

Dream nodded and ran his fingers through the thick tuft of fur, making sure it wasn't tangled. Then he worked his way along the length of Sam's tail, admiring the shape of the other's back and ass while he did so.

When Dream reached the base, he slid his hand under, scratching lightly, wondering if it was sensitive here. Sam didn't make a sound so he assumed not, but he tried the top of it anyway, right where it met his back.

Sam shifted then, making a soft noise.

"I love your tail," Dream said. "It's so pretty."

"Thank you. I take good care of it."

Dream massaged Sam's ass, loving how the curve of it felt under his hands, and Sam tensed a bit before relaxing with a chuckle.

"You're touchy, huh?" he asked.

"Mhm. You're just so beautiful, I want to touch you as much as you'll let me." Dream was getting hard again. He just couldn't help it, he was touch-starved and Sam was so attractive. He rubbed under Sam's tail again, then asked, "Can I eat you out?"

Sam inhaled. He turned to face Dream, giving him an incredulous look. "You still want more?"

"Well, yeah? I've been here for months without being able to fuck anyone. I'm just... I'm really frustrated, and I want to keep touching you," Dream begged without shame. "Please, I can eat you out, or suck you off again, or I can even ride your cock, just please let me touch you."

Sam took Dream's shoulders in a firm grip and moved him, pinning him to the wall. He looked down at him with a smoldering gaze, then said, "I'll do one more thing for you, but then we need to get out of the shower and you need to go back to your cell, alright?"

Dream nodded eagerly. "Okay!"

Sam sank down onto his knees and took Dream into his mouth. No hesitation or teasing, he just smoothly took him in, sucking firmly. Dream arched, glad for the wall at his back, slamming one arm back against it for support while his other hand went to Sam's hair.

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