26. Moving Forward

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Dream wasn't surprised when Quackity did end up telling the others what exactly had gone down. They were shocked and disappointed like Sam was, some even angry, but there was a surprising level of understanding too. Like Sam, they were just glad he didn't go through with what he really wanted to do, and had come clean about it. They mostly seemed of the opinion that Dream and Quackity just needed to stay away from each other, for the safety of everyone.

Sam wasn't as affectionate with Dream for a while, but Dream understood and kept to himself while Sam did his own thing, though they did still often share meals and sleep in the same bed.

But over the course of a few weeks, Sam relaxed and began showing affection again. He would give Dream light headbutts, or wrap his tail around his waist and squeeze him gently. They would kiss in the mornings and at night, Sam often purring as they held each other, and it felt like things were going back to normal. Sam didn't outright tell him he forgave him for his actions, but he seemed to be moving past it and trusting that Dream wouldn't do it again.

One night, Dream held Sam's hand as they headed to the bedroom and Sam was giving him suggestive looks that made Dream's pulse race. He almost didn't want to believe it, they haven't had sex since Dream told him about what he did, and he thought maybe he was just imagining the heat in Sam's eyes. Or Sam was just teasing him.

Then they were in the room and Sam was pulling his clothes off, running his tongue against his upper lip before saying, "You gonna get those clothes off and join me?"

Dream stared, then nodded eagerly and began tossing his own clothes off. "Yeah! Oh man, it's been a while."

"Yeah. I've missed you. I know I've been a little distant but I just needed some time to process things. I still love you." Sam dropped the last of his clothes to the ground and sprawled back on the bed, playfully swinging his tail from side to side and lifting his back slightly. He looked both sexy and adorable, and when Dream joined him on the bed, he couldn't help but settle his hands into his soft stomach fur, petting gently.

Sam purred, wiggling against the covers. Dream rubbed lower down and glanced at Sam's cock as it twitched, the tip curling slightly as it responded to the touch. Even soft, Sam's size was impressive, and Dream lightly traced his fingers along the length of him.

"Mm. That's it," Sam encouraged.

"What do you want me to do to you?" Dream asked, moving to swing a leg over Sam and straddle his thighs. He took in how good he looked stretched out under him, face lightly flushed and ears perked.

"Well." Sam reached up to cup his face, stroking his thumb along his cheek. "Anything would be good, but I think I really want to feel your mouth again."

Dream smiled, face flushing. He loved sucking Sam off. He shifted, pushing Sam's legs open so he could kneel between them, then lowered himself. Sam was already sinking his fingers into his hair, and when Dream nuzzled along his cock, it pressed back against his lips. Dream licked over the tip and traced a line to the base of him, inhaling slowly, just appreciating being intimate with Sam again.

Sam didn't rush him, stroking his hair and purring as Dream pressed kisses back up the length of his cock, then curled his tongue around him again. He teased for a few more moments, but he was eager to have Sam in his mouth, so he opened his mouth and eased him inside.

"Ohh, yeah." Sam's hips jerked slightly, and when Dream sank further over him, he moaned softly. Dream had really missed this. He lazily bobbed his head, in no hurry to get the other off, wanting to savor his needy noises and the heat of his body under his hands. He felt the subtle twitches of Sam's fingers, how he restrained himself from pushing Dream's head down. Dream found it endearing how polite he was even when he was desperately horny. Outside of mating season, anyway. It was nice, but Dream kinda missed when he had gotten demanding during that season, pulling Dream's hair and making him follow Sam's pace. Maybe he could talk Sam into treating him like that again soon.

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