7. Please

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Dream didn't speak, not knowing what to say, just looking at Quackity as the other stared at him, outraged and angry. Foolish looked surprised but wasn't angry, just tilting his head a little as he took in the situation.

Then Sam moved, stepping forward. Dream kept holding his arm, something Quackity noticed, eyes narrowing as he looked them over. "Quackity," Sam said. "Foolish. What's your business here?"

"What the fuck is he doing out?" Quackity demanded, pointing at Dream. "Don't tell me you let him go?!"

"He's still my prisoner. I'm just letting him get a feel for his new prosthetic foot by testing it on different terrain," Sam replied. "There's nothing to worry about. I'm watching him and he's still in no condition to run away."

Dream felt like he could run if he wanted to, and Sam probably knew it too, but he was glad that he was covering for him.

"Prosthetic..." Quackity glanced down and Dream shifted his new foot. "You couldn't reattach his actual foot?"

"I'm not a surgeon," Sam said. "This was the best I could do. Now, I'll ask you again. What is your business here?"

Quackity looked back up, scowling, but he fixed his expression into a slightly calmer one. "I wanted to talk to you about letting me visit again."

"Absolutely not," Sam said.

"Come on Sam, you let me visit for all that time, you watched what I was doing and never did a thing. And now all of a sudden it's a big deal?"

"You never went that far before. He almost died, Quackity. You almost killed my prisoner. I'm not giving you a chance to do it again."

"As if he didn't deserve it. With everything he's done, he should have been executed."

"That's not for you to decide now. It was agreed that Dream be imprisoned here, to one day be released once he had served a suitable sentence, and I was given the authority to make that decision. He was placed under my care and I take my job as his warden very seriously. You not only almost killed him, you repeatedly defied my orders that day and were disrespectful to me. I am not letting you back in. And I would like you to take a few steps back from my prisoner."

Quackity growled, his wings shifting with agitation. "We're not in your prison right now, you can't boss me around out here." He moved closer to them.

"You're on prison land," Sam said. His voice grew more firm. "Back up."

"Come on," Foolish said, setting a hand on Quackity's arm. "Listen to him."

Quackity shrugged his hand off. "You've gone soft, Sam. Dream's a monster. He doesn't deserve to be out here. Put him back in that cell and leave him there."

"Don't tell me how to do my job," Sam replied, his voice dangerous now. He looked at Foolish. "And you? Did you have business here?"

"Oh, well." Foolish smiled awkwardly. "I was just wanting to visit and see how Dream was doing, and since Quackity was coming, we decided to walk together."

Dream smiled politely at him. "Thanks for thinking about me. I'm doing alright. Better now, since I can walk again."

"Yeah, still can't believe Quackity did all that stuff to you. And chopping off your foot, eesh. That had to hurt."

"It was horrible," Dream said, shuddering a little as he remembered it.

"You're welcome to visit as long as you go through all the proper protocols," Sam said to Foolish. "But my mind is made up on Quackity. He is permanently blacklisted. I don't think Dream minds, do you, Dream?"

Awesamdream - His Beloved Warden [Fic 1]Where stories live. Discover now