15. Sam's Story

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For a while, Sam didn't speak, seemingly gathering his thoughts together. Then he started talking.

"I knew from the start the egg was bad," he said. "Bad tried to get a lot of people enslaved by it, he was spreading a lot of propaganda, and was always trying to get people to come meet it, claiming that they would understand everything once they let the egg talk to them. But that's how it gets you. It gets you close, and it starts shoving its way into your mind, looking for your weaknesses, trying to convince you that it would improve your life for the better. And if you don't submit willingly, it doesn't hesitate to torture you into letting it control you."

"Oh wow." Dream shook his head, wondering how such a thing came to be on his server. He had gotten bad vibes from it the one time he was introduced to it, hence deciding to avoid it, but hadn't thought it would be that horrible. "Sounds terrible."

"It was. Bad was one of its most devoted followers, and I still don't know how much of what he did was him, or if it was the egg directly controlling him. But there was a point where he and Ant tried to get me close to the egg so it could corrupt me, but Puffy warned me and I was able to get away from it. They did get Tommy to go down there, but for some reason, the egg wasn't really able to control him. I'm not sure why, I think some people might have a natural immunity, but he stood right on top of it and it still couldn't get to him. They tried to bring Tubbo down too, but Tubbo had a really bad reaction to it, it made him cry, I don't know if it would have been able to corrupt him after that but I was able to rescue them before it could do anything else. I was so mad that day, that they would try to brainwash the children, and I knew I would never join the Eggpire. Puffy was pretty mad too, and we ended up working together to try and stop that horrible cult."

Dream nodded in understanding.

"They wanted to kill Puffy, we caught them talking about feeding her to the egg, but we overheard. We got into a fight with them, both of us were furious about them endangering the children, and I told them why I would never join them. I thought they might be reasonable, they seemed willing to hear us out, but..." Sam shook his head, a haunted expression crossing his face. "Bad and Ant showed us then how much the egg had taken control of them. It was awful, all those vines on them, then..." Sam fiddled with his bracers. "Bad managed to trap me. He hit a button, I got trapped with the egg, and Puffy got away. She found out that she could stay in the Holy Land and anyone infested by the egg couldn't or wouldn't go in. Puffy and Tommy were able to get me out later, and we stepped up our plans to defeat the egg."

Dream frowned slightly. "You were trapped? What happened?"

"I... it doesn't matter." Sam shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it. They got me out, that's all that matters. The rest isn't important."

Dream wasn't sure, but he could tell Sam wasn't budging on it. "Okay. What happened after that?"

"I tried to pretend for a bit that the egg had taken control of me, just to get some information, but I don't know how much they bought it," Sam said. "Bad tried to get Techno on his side, but Techno wasn't drawn to the egg, and apparently couldn't even hear anything it tried to tell him. I wasn't there for it so I don't know what happened exactly, but I think Ranboo got captured but they got him out, and Techno really didn't want anything to do with the egg then. He joined Puffy's resistance, they started calling themselves Pro-Omelet."

Dream laughed a little at that.

"What else, um... I helped Hannah with her house, the egg had a bunch of vines growing in there so I was helping her get rid of them, they had a really bad effect on her. They took her anyway though, I don't know what they did to her, but she went missing and later ended up working with the egg. I guess it was able to get to her. I did my best to save her house, but it was a bit of a lost cause. Then there was the Red Banquet, which. Ugh." Sam shuddered and Dream put a hand on his arm, trying to comfort him.

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