23. Interrogation

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Secure in his knowledge that Punz would have no problem capturing Quackity, Dream was able to put all his attention toward looking for Sam. Most of the other server members joined him in searching Las Nevadas, though a few decided to check other areas just in case Quackity did move Sam somewhere else.

"What are the odds he put him in the prison?" Puffy asked as she helped him mine out the floor of Quackity's casino.

Dream briefly considered it, horrified by the possibility, then shook his head as he decided there was almost no chance of that. "I don't think he would have been able to. That would be a pretty long way to move him, and Sam locked the prison down after I was released. He's gone back a few times to get stuff, but last I heard, everything's locked and he stored his keycards in his ender chest. There's no way Quackity managed to get any of those cards, and the prison is useless without them. He wouldn't even be able to get inside."

Puffy nodded. "Alright, just thought I'd mention it. Well, hopefully we find him."

"We have to," Dream said, growing frustrated as their digging merely turned up sand and stone. But Las Nevadas was a huge area, Sam could be anywhere. And Quackity had said Sam might not even be here. But Dream was sure he wouldn't have led him too far away, not in the short time between Sam leaving for the meeting and Quackity making his announcement.

"I can't believe Quackity would go this far," Puffy said. "Kidnapping Sam and trying to kill you, and in front of all of us? What was he thinking?"

"Probably thinking that surely everyone else would side with him," Dream said. "He hates me, so of course everyone else must hate me too, they're just too scared to do anything. But if he starts something, then everyone else can just join in! But it didn't go that way. No one was siding with him. I hope he felt humiliated."

"He was pretty mad," Puffy said. "Wonder where he ran off to."

"I don't know but good riddance," Dream growled. Puffy nodded and focused back on her digging, and Dream wondered if Punz had gotten hold of Quackity yet. He probably had. With everyone focused on the search, it would have been easy for Punz to slip away and go corner Quackity somewhere alone.

Dream wanted to be the one who found Sam, but after over an hour of searching, he got nothing for his efforts but a lot of blocks and sore muscles. The others reported no success either. Dream looked around at them all, miserable and worried. His chest hurt, as if shards of glass had been driven into his heart. Where was Sam at?

"We have to keep looking," he said desperately, voice choking up a little. He didn't want to cry, but his nerves were frazzled, he was getting angry and frustrated and it was hard not to cry when he was feeling so much at once.

The others must have seen it in his eyes, because they offered sympathy and said they would keep looking. Dream thanked them and got back to it as well.

A few minutes later, Punz came over to him while no one else was nearby, leaning in and whispering, "I got him. He won't talk to me, so maybe you can try. Here." He slipped Dream a paper with coordinates on it.

"Thanks," Dream said, pocketing the paper. "Any ideas where Sam could be? I'm not sure he's in Las Nevadas."

"He could still be, possibly far underground somewhere. I'll help look. We could probably bring Fran over too and see if she can track him."

"Good idea. Let me know as soon as you find him. I want to see him, I need to make sure he's okay."

"Of course." Punz moved along and Dream looked again at the coordinates. It was fairly far from here, in an area no one lived in, but that was good. They wouldn't be bothered.

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