20. Laying Day

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With mating season over, it was business as usual for Sam and Dream. Sam was tired for a few days but then perked back up and returned to his various projects, and Dream spent his time mining and getting resources, as well as fighting mobs so he could recover his strength. He was eventually able to start wearing armor again without it tiring him out too much, and he was able to wear the netherite gear that Techno had given him.

It made him feel much safer and he spent long hours exploring underground and in the Nether, or just simply walking across the land taking in the sights, and he would return in the afternoon to spend time with Sam, usually having dinner with him. He usually ended up in Sam's bed with him, but they didn't always have sex. Many nights, they simply cuddled up and fell asleep together, comforted by each other's presence.

Sam has been more affectionate toward him since mating season, often looping his tail around him and grooming his hair while purring, and Dream loved the extra touching from his partner.

When he felt like making the trip, Dream would also sometimes go hang out with the other server members, wanting to see who he might be able to become friends with again, and who would keep their distance. He wasn't really surprised that Tommy continued to want nothing to do with him, and as Tommy's friend, Tubbo didn't tend to talk to him either, though he would say a brief hello if Dream talked to him first. Ranboo was openly hostile, and though he didn't try to attack Dream again, he would glare at him and hiss under his breath whenever he got too close. So he just gave him his space. If Ranboo was ever going to forgive him, it would be on his own time, and Dream wasn't going to push it.

But many people seemed to range from ambivalent to openly friendly toward him, and it eased his mind. They saw him as part of their community. They would talk to him and barter with him. It felt like the earlier days on the server and he hoped this peace lasted.

Quackity was apparently still vocally against his freedom, but he didn't come around much. When Dream did see him, it was from a distance as he talked to other people, and as soon as he realized Dream was nearby, Quackity's wings would shoot open and he would immediately fly away.

Dream was glad he wasn't bothering him, but he was also counting on Quackity making a move against him one day. He could tell it annoyed him to see how nice the others were being to Dream. Puffy outright told Dream that Quackity was sure Dream was just playing nice so that he could get everyone to let their guards down before hurting them again.

Dream couldn't even blame him for thinking that. He's hurt so many people and knew that they didn't care for his excuses or reasoning. He didn't plan to return to his old behavior, not wanting to risk another imprisonment, or worse, someone just taking matters into their own hands and killing him.

Sure, Punz could bring him back, but it still wouldn't be pleasant.

But even if he didn't plan on behaving like he used to, he doubted he would ever be able to convince Quackity of that. So he just wouldn't try. Let Quackity stew in his bitterness and hatred, until one day he snapped and tried to hurt Dream, and then Dream would be safe to retaliate against him. It was just a matter of time.

A few weeks after mating season, Dream stopped by Sam's house one morning, wanting to invite him to go fishing with him. When Sam opened the door, he looked a little pained, holding a hand over his lower stomach.

"You okay?" Dream asked.

"Oh, yeah. Just..." Sam shrugged, looking down for a moment. "It's about time for me to lay my unfertilized egg, you know."

"Oh! Can I see it when you do?" Dream was very curious to see what the eggs looked like.

Sam considered, then said, "If you want to hang around for a bit, I'll probably be laying it pretty soon. Though uh, I don't want you to watch that. I want to be alone when I do it."

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