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POV: Esther

I can't say i was listening to Dumbledore's welcoming speech, it's always the same shit, different year.

Although, i can't help but wonder if he ever gets bored of standing up there year after year doing the same thing over and over again. As soon as that thought crossed my mind, an ugly looking woman interrupted him with a little giggle.

'This ought to be interesting' i thought to myself. I was wrong, she was more boring than Dumbledore, although i recognised something in her demeanour that i couldn't quite put my finger on.

I was interrupted by the sense someone was staring at me. I look out across the table to see three sets of eyes staring straight at me; Mattheo Riddle, Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott, the Silver Trio.

I stared straight back at them, daggers in my eyes, "got a staring problem?" i questioned them.

The three of them ignored me and turned away facing back towards the headmaster.

I obviously knew who they were, everyone knew who they were. There was no way they could've known who i was, i've kept my identity hidden well, so why were they staring ?

I laughed at the thought that they could possibly know who i was. I glared at them once more before getting up from the table and making my way down to the slytherin common room.

I have a dorm room all to myself. I had roommates, but they found it in their best interest to get another dorm before they went missing like my previous roommates.

I had my dorm designed perfectly to suit me. A king size four poster bed with emerald green silk sheets, a black fur rug on the floor, to the left was a bookshelf built into the wall with a chair and coffee table in front of it. There was a bay window looking out into the Black Lake with some pillows and cushions on it, lanterns lined the walls and to the right was my bathroom.
'Home sweet home' i thought to myself.

I was unpacking my trunk when i heard the music start. The beginning of the year party has begun. It's tradition for slytherins to have a party at the start of the year, everyone gets in on it, even the first years, but we only let them join so we can completely humiliate them on their very first night.

Last year, i got this first year so fucking drunk, i convinced her that Hogwarts was all some sort a of fever dream that she was stuck in and the only way to get out of it was to swim to the bottom of the Black Lake, retrieve the sword of Gryffindor, and kill a first year Hufflepuff in cold blood.

She drowned.

My thoughts were interrupted when i heard the trio enter their dorm. They didn't know it but i had conveniently chosen my dorm directly next to theirs and charmed the connecting wall so i could hear into their room but they couldn't hear into mine. After all, it was also my duty to keep an eye on them.

I could hear them talking,

"Dumbledore's an old hag." Draco scoffed.

"You should kill him then." Theodore joked.

"No, no, no, i want to kill him." Mattheo interjected.

'Boys' i thought to myself and rolled my eyes.

"Malfoy, why were you staring at the chick in the great hall?"

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