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POV: Esther

I'm not sure if he actually saw it, but the way his face looked said everything.

I kept my head down and avoided his gaze the rest of class.

When class ended i rushed out of potions and into DADA.

Luckily, i didn't have this class with either of those boys, so i was safe, at least for an hour.

Professor Umbridge. That was the old hags name that interrupted Dumbledore the other night.

She was a pathetic excuse for a teacher. Saying that there was no need to actually practice defensive spells, only to study them.

What a load of bullshit.

However, it was better for me and father that they weren't prepared for what's coming.

Although, it would be a shame for it not to be a fair fight.

I had the urge to crucio the bitch, purely cause she was annoying me with that condescending tone of hers and her apparent obsession with the colour pink.

She disgusted me.


I was sitting in the great hall, eating dinner and keeping an eye on the entrance just in case the Trio walked in.

I made eye contact with Severus at the teacher's table. He gave me a concerned look.

'Shit, he must know something.' i thought.

Our, eye contact was broken when the owls came in to deliver the daily mail.

I wasn't surprised to receive a letter.

It was a black envelope. It had no writing on the front, and when I turned it over, it had an emerald green seal carved with a serpent logo on it.

I instantly knew who it was from, father.

I looked around me to see if anyone was paying attention. I decided it was safe to open the letter,


You are required for a mission.
I expect you home no later than midnight tonight to discuss the details.

That was it.

I sighed to myself, checking the time; 5:51pm.

I should try getting some sleep, this is going to be a long night.

I walked into the Slytherin common room, expecting to be alone as everyone was in the great Hall.

I was wrong 

I was met with all three of them, sitting on the couch, staring at me as I walked through the painting.

I ignored them and tried to walk to the staircase leading up to the dorms.

Malfoy got up from the couch and stood in front of me, blocking my path to the stairs.

"Not so fast, love. I think you have some explaining to do."

"Oh, i'm sorry, I must've missed the part where I'm supposed to listen to you."

"Oh, someone's a little feisty." Nott smirked as the other two got ip from the couch and took their places beside Malfoy.

"I don't have to explain myself to the likes of you three, not that there's anything to explain anyway."

"No?" Riddle asked. "Then what was that i saw on your forearm today?"

All three of them started taking steps towards me. With every step they took, i took one back, eventually, hitting the wall behind me.

Riddle grabbed my left wrist, pinning it to the wall beside my head.

His face inches from mine, I watch the smirk form on his lips as he looked down at mine.

He brought his lips to my ear and whispered,
"I think there's something you ought to show me, angel."

"No, i don't think i do." i say, lifting my leg up and kneeing him in the stomach.

He stumbles back in shock as i see Nott in the corner of my eye, raising his wand.

I spin around, kicking the wand out of Nott's hand at the same time I pull my own out my waistband, stupefying Malfoy, causing him to go flying across the room.

I see Nott coming towards me, i grab his arm and duck slightly, causing him to be thrown over my shoulder and on to the ground.

Riddle raises his wand towards me and sends a spell flying my way, i block him, sending one his way.

Eventually, i disarm him, his wand flying across the room.

I crucio him, watching him writhe around on the ground.

Nott, still on the ground, pulls my legs out from under me, causing me to fall, my back landing on the cold, hard ground.

I let out a small gasp as i hit the floor.

Nott taking this as an opportunity to get on top of me and pin my wrists above my head with one hand and leaning over with his other hand, trying to pull my sleeve down, exposing my forearm.

Before he could, i lifted my head and bit into his neck, hard.

He let out a yell as i tasted the coppery taste of blood in my mouth.

I took his second of vulnerability to knee him in the balls and push him off me, causing him to yell even more and curl up on the floor.

I get up off the floor, wiping the blood off my mouth, my eyes on Malfoy as he moves to Riddles wand lying on the floor.

Before he can reach it, i send him a jinx, causing him to trip and fall face first in the floor.

"Motherfucker!" he yells.

I look at all the boys lying on the floor in pain, admiring my work.

"Does anyone wanna continue or have you all had enough?" i questioned the three of them through a smirk.

No reply.

"Hmph, that's what i thought."

I start heading back towards to staircase,

"Who even are you?" Riddle says, still gasping for air after being hit with the cruciatus curse.

I stop and turn around, "the names Esther Saint-Claire." i say with a wink.

And with that i turn around and carry up the staircase.

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