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POV: Mattheo

We were standing in Hogsmeade getting ready for the long night ahead.

"Are you guys ready?" Nott asked.

"Yeah let's do this. Malfoy do you have the potion?"

"Yeah i do, it's all here." He pulled out a flask from his pocket to show us. "Who's going to take it though?"

"I think you should, Malfoy." Nott suggested. "Riddle and i are the muscle and you're the brains. It just makes sense for you to take it and lead the way."

I agreed with Nott, "Yeah Malfoy, take it."

Malfoy uncapped the bottle and took a swig. "Alright boys, let's do this."

He started walking back to the shrieking shack.

"Where you going mate?" Nott asked.

"Back to Hogwarts, we needa catch a ride." There was a little pep in his step and i couldn't help but laugh a little.

We made it out the whomping willow alive, and Malfoy made a bee line straight into the forbidden forest.

"This idiots gonna kill us." Nott whispered to me.

I let out a breath of air, "yeah mate, you got that right."

He walked us far into the forbidden forest until we met with the thestrals.

"Thestrals Malfoy? Are we gonna ride the thestrals?" Nott questioned.

"Yeah, that's exactly what we're gonna do." He smiled back at us.

"Are you mental? That's insane!"

"It's okay Nott. We'll all take one thestral. There's nothing to be afraid about. They're just seriously misunderstood creatures these skeleton chickens." He continued to smile.

We all climbed aback one of the bigger creatures, Malfoy taking the front position.

"One last time Malfoy, are you sure this is the way to go about it?" i asked

"Yes i'm sure, now hurry up, i can feel the effects of the potion wearing off."

Before we took off, Malfoy took another swig of the luck.

"Off we go!" he yells as the creature takes flight.

We must've been flying for what felt like over an hour before Malfoy leads the thestral back to the ground.

"This is where we need to be." He says.

But where the fuck are we?

"Malfoy, where are we?" Nott asked what i was thinking.

"Ermm."He turned around and looked at our surroundings. "Ireland i believe?"

Fucking Ireland.

"Alright Malfoy, lead the way" i said.

He took another sip of the luck before hitting the back of the thestral, sending it back to Hogwarts.

"Let's go this way," he begins walking west, straight through a dodgy looking alley way. Not unlike knockturn alley back in London.

We follow him down the alley.

We didn't make it far before some filthy, homeless, pathetic excuse for a wizard began bumping into me.

If it was any other day i probably would have thought nothing of it, however right now i was angry and on edge and i wasn't just gonna let something like that go.

"Watch where you're walking!" i yell at the fuck.

"Or what? What are you gonna do about it?!" the idiot yells back at me.

I see Nott begin to raise his wand behind the dude.

"Don't." i warned him, i wanted to deal with this one on my own.

"Don't what prettyboy? Are you threatening me?"

I scoff at his comment before throwing a punch, hitting him directly in his nose.

He stumbles and falls onto the ground.

I stomp on his face hard when he hits the floor.

The scum rolls to his side and spits out some blood.

I scoff down at him before stepping over him and continuing to walk down the alleyway.

"Piece of shit." i mumbled.

The other two stared at the man for a second before following me.

I'd say they're used to this kind of behaviour that it doesn't surprise them anymore.

The alley lead us to a dead end.

"Well Malfoy, this is a dead end. Are you sure you brewed that potion right?" I couldn't help but be sarcastic with him. It's been a weird night and i'm starting to get pissed off.

"Calm down prettyboy." he mocked, "let me take a look."

He pushed past me to look at the wall.

It's a fucking wall. How much information is he gonna get from a wall.

Before i could say anything, he pulled out his wand, casting revelio and a particular point in the wall.

"See, i know what i'm doing." he said as the walls began to part, revealing three separate corridors.

Nott laughed, "It's like the maze back in fourth year all over again."

"It probably is a maze" Malfoy agreed.

"Don't get us lost Malfoy." I warned. But, as usual, Malfoy rolled his eyes, completely disregarding what i say.

Malfoy had us out of that maze in half an hour. Even with the liquid luck, it was hard to navigate.

We reached a big, heavy metal door.

"Alohomora!" Nott attempted at the door to no avail.

"Bombarda!" I shouted at the door, causing the door to go flying off its hinges and into the building.

The room was empty, only a flight of stairs was visible on the other side of the room.

The three of us made our way to the stairs and quickly began to descend them.

After what felt like a billion flights of stairs, we reached the end.

Stepping out into the room, i took in my surroundings.

To my right i could see something in the corner of my eye.

Turning around to see it properly, i let out a sigh of relief,


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