O. W. L S

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POV: Skyla

When i woke up, he was gone.

It was the day of the O.W.Ls so i assumed he's getting everything ready.

I rolled out of bed and into the shower.

As much as i would've like to stand in the shower all day, i had to get going and do my own prep work.

I walked across to Snapes office, knocking on his door.

It swung open and he was sitting there, grumpy as the day i met him.

"Ms Saint-Claire, i presume you've come to talk to me about todays proceedings."

"Your assumptions would be correct sir."

"Take a seat, let's discuss."

It didn't take very long for us to get on the same page.

"So basically, you've planted the idea in the Weasley twins heads about causing some sort of distraction."

"That is correct."

"And if it doesn't work?"

"Are you doubting my ability, Saint-Claire?"

"Not at all, just ensuring our success." He stared at me with those assessing eyes of his.

I continue, "i suppose if it doesn't work,  we can just do it after the exams, doesn't make much of a difference really."

He doesn't respond to that but instead carried on the conversation. " The five of you will be sitting at the back of my class room, Potter and his group and imbeciles will be with professor Umbridge in the Great Hall. When commotion strikes, you will apparate to the Dark Lord while the others apparate to the Department of Mysteries where you will join them. From there, it is out of my hands. So don't fail."

"When do we ever fail?" The answer is, we don't.

"Are you strong enough to apparate yet  Skyla?"

"Yes. Riddle asked me last night, i'm fine now."

"And the memory, do you remember anything yet?"

"Nothing apart from what i've already said."

"I see." He stopped for a minute, "is there anything else you wish to discuss?"

"No sir, just making sure we're all on the same page."

"We are. You are dismissed."

Someone's grumpy today.

I made my way to the great hall for breakfast and, to my surprise, everyone else was already there, including Riddle.

I walk over and sit down between Enzo and Draco, knowing that it would piss Riddle off.

And it did.

He looked up from his newspaper and glared into my soul.

Although he didn't physically say anything, i knew what he was telling me.

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