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POV: Skyla

I must admit, the food here never gets old, hats off to those kitchen elves.

I had to wear a bloody turtle neck sweater to cover the bite marks Riddle left.

I was sitting with draco, lorenzo and theo talking about enzos move back here and what his life was like in america.

"It's nothing special, i'm just glad to be back to be honest." he give me a small smile, "Skyla, i'm interested to know more about you, it feels like i know so much about the boys and nothing about you. What can you tell me?"

"Nothing really, Voldemort adopted me a few years back and i've been hiding out and going on missions up until this year when he thought it was best to expose me to the boys and join them."

"Yeah that and the fact that she's the true heir of slytherin and all that." Theo piped up.

"No way that's actually insane! Wait hold up, i thought the dark lord was the heir? Wait and doesn't that make you guys related ? And therefore related to Mattheo ? Then why are you engaged to Mattheo if you're related? Damn what kinda incest shit has been going on here since i left?!"

"Wait, you're engaged to Riddle? Since when ? Why didn't you tell me?" Draco asks at me, his expression almost hurt.

"I only found out today." i responded to him unsure of why he was so surprised, i thought he knew. "And no, i'm not related to the Riddles in any way." i turn back to enzo with a small laugh.

"Okay good cause that really had me questioning a few things." he laughs back.

"Hey Skyla what are you doing tonight?" Theo asks.

"Honestly, i was probably gonna go back to the training grounds and avoid going back to my dorm for as long as possible."

"Oh yeah cause Riddles moved himself into your dorm." Theo laughed.

"Exactly. And i do not want to deal with that just quite yet."

Both theo and enzo laughed but draco stayed quiet.

"Well the three of us were planning on studying for the OWLs in the common room after this, we'd love if you would join us." Enzo continued.

"Yeah absolutely, sounds like fun. Are you gonna work on anything particular or just a bit of everything?"

"A bit of everything i think."

"Sounds good. Well i'll meet you guys there, i'm just gonna have a shower and change into something more comfortable."  i replied.

"Yeah what's with that turtle neck sweater anyway?" Draco questioned.

I stared at him before rising from my seat, "no reason."


Thank goodness Riddle wasn't in the dorm when i went back cause i was not ready to deal with that.

"In which scenario would you use a Deflating Drought?" my thoughts were interrupted by theo asking me a question.

"Nulling effects from a swelling solution. Cmon that was too easy, give me a harder one."

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