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POV: Mattheo

Back in my dorm room i was furious, i couldn't believe what i had just heard.

There was a knock on the door and Skyla entered.

I couldn't help myself, i stormed up to her, pinning her against the door she just closed.

"What kind of sick game are you playing at?" i asked her, staring directly into her eyes.

She didn't reply, only stared straight back at me, not looking away.

I started getting angry that she wasn't answering my question and i wrapped my hand around her throat, squeezing a little harder than i should've.

"Answer me!" i yelled shaking her a little bit.

"Mattheo let her go" Nott interjected.

I stared at her for a few more seconds before releasing her.

She didn't seem fazed by this at all and simply walked over to my bed and sat down on it.

She looked around at all three of us, "look guys i'm sorry, i would've told you but father told me i had to keep silent. I hope this doesn't change anything between us"

"Father as in Voldemort?" Malfoy asked looking between her and i, "as in your sister?"

I shook my head, "long story, but no we're not related"

Malfoy only smiled, he looked amused even

"No way darling, that doesn't change anything between us, if anything it only makes me like you more." Nott said

"Me too princess, or should i call you Slytherin princess" Malfoy smirked walking towards her and sitting down next to her on my bed.

"Guys she's dangerous" i yelled getting slightly frustrated, "she's a stone cold murderer"

"Can i just point out that so are the rest of you" she added

"That is true mate" Nott said, "i doubt she's that different from the rest of us"

They both did have a point, "Okay fine" i said "I suppose that doesn't change anything but don't think i'm not mad at you for outranking me."

"Aw don't take it personally, i'm just better than you" she grinned.

I glared down at her and she just smiled up at me. "Okay well i better get going." she said getting up off my bed, "i'll see you boys later"

And with that she left the room.


POV: Skyla

The only reason i had to go and apologise to those losers is because father told me i have to keep a close relationship with them for future missions.

And it also wouldn't hurt to have a few people i can trust with this traitor running loose.

The next morning i was delivered a letter from what i can only assume to be the traitor,


How nice it is to finally put your pretty face to the name.

The true heir of Slytherin walks among us.

You must do me the honour and meet me at the Three Broomsticks tonight.

I'll see you soon.

I had to send a letter to father saying that the plan is in motion.

Even though i wrote the letter in parsletongue, it was still best to leave out the details, just incase.

The time ticked by rather slow.

I was planning for tonight, i wasn't expecting it to be anything much, just meeting up with some person for a drink, simple.

It was finally 6pm and i decided to go down.

I snuck out through one of the secret entrances that lead all the way to the shrieking shack.

I made my way to the Three Broomsticks and sat down at the bar.

"Aren't you a little too young to be ordering a drink?" the bartender eyed me down.

"Aren't you a little too old to be perverting on younger girls?" i snapped back

He stared at me a little longer, "what can i get for you then?"

"Just a rum n coke please" i smiled back at him

He gave it to me unwillingly, and i only smiled at him more.

I downed the drink and ordered another one.

There was still no sign of the person i was supposed to be meeting.

"Hey miss?" the bartender caught my attention


"One of the lovely gentlemen at the bar bought another drink for you"  the bartender said as he handed me another rum and coke.

"Thank you" i smiled

I drank this one a little slower cause i didn't want to buy myself another one and i wanted to savour the taste.

I only made it halfway through when i suddenly had to urge to pee.

I sighed to myself, i hate having to pee when drinking alcohol, cause as soon as you break that seal, you'll be needing to pee nonstop.

I got up and walked over to the bathroom.

God, the bathrooms in here are disgusting, i wouldn't be surprised if i got some sort of disease  just from being in here.

I was finishing up my business and was about to walk out the bathroom when i heard a noise behind me.

I turned around to see who it was when all of a sudden, a hand came over my mouth and before i could react, a sharp stinging pain came from my neck as my body fell limp.


Hey guys, i know this chapter is short but i will post two chapters today to make up for it <3

Also let me know how you are liking the story so far, or if you want to see more or less of something, or just any overall suggestion. It would be greatly appreciated  —>

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