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POV: Mattheo

The whole night i stayed awake and watched over her.

Even lifeless lying on the bed, my body couldn't help but react to her presence.

I wanted to hold her in my arms and never let go, wrap her in a blanket of safety.

I could never tell her that though, i've never been one to fall for a girl, and i will not start now.

It was already bright out by the time the other two woke up.

"How is she doing?" Nott asked as soon as he opened his eyes.

"No change from last night." i replied.

"Shit." He mumbled back as he rolled out of the bed and into the bathroom.

"Riddle, you need to change her bandages," Malfoy said also rolling out of bed, "i'll get us some breakfast."

He threw on a hoodie and walked out of the bedroom.

I got up from my seated position beside her and walked into the bathroom.

"Can't you knock!" Nott shouts at me as i walk through the door.

"What? It's not like i haven't seen it before."

"It's still polite to knock." he mumbles

I ignore him as i look for bandages that i can use.

"What's for breakfast?" he asks me.

"I don't know man, Malfoys gone to get something."

"I hope he gets some pastries, i could eat a whole plate of them."

I scoff at his comment and walk out the bathroom carrying the bandages.

I walk into the bedroom to see the bed empty.

I drop everything i was holding and began walking to the bed.

Before i could get two steps in, i felt a sharp kick to the centre of my back, sending me falling into the ground.

I instantly retaliated by flipping around and swiping the legs out from under them with my own.

I took the moment of their vulnerability to climb on top of them and grab their throat, squeezing tightly before even looking at who it was.

My eyes met hers and i couldn't help but get lost in them.

She seemed to take a moment to recognise me and stop struggling under my grip.

I release my hand from her throat and get off her, sliding onto the floor.

She takes a minute to sit up, but when she finally does i pull her into my embrace and hold her.

Her body is firm at first, not wanting to give in to me.

But after a few seconds she softens and wraps her arms around me.

Secrets and Power || Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now