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TW: mentions of rape

POV: Esther

The next morning when i walked into the great hall for breakfast, i was greeted with smiling faces from the group last night, except for Blaise, he looked quite embarrassed.

I walked over and Nott and Malfoy moved so i had a space to sit between them.

I poured myself some cereal and made a cup of tea.

"So Esther, we're all gonna go to the quidditch match today, do you wanna join us? Nott asked

"Who's playing?"

"Slytherin and Gryffindor. Malfoy plays seeker in the team. We all generally go to support him."

"Aw what a cute little bromance you all have here"

"Shut up," Malfoy ripped off a piece of his croissant and threw it at me. "are you gonna come or what?"

I ate the croissant he threw at me, " only if i can hex the Gryffindor team."

"Even better" Malfoy smiled


We were sitting in the stadium watching the game begin.

The clouds were beginning to grey over the arena and you could already tell this was gonna be a close match.

Slytherin scored the first few points and was now up, 60-0.

Malfoy spotted the snitch first and was chasing it before Potter could even realise what was going on.

Potter, he should've died when he had the chance.

As the game went on, Gryffindor were catching up, the score was now 120-110.

Every shot the Slytherins chasers went for, the Gryffindor keeper blocked it.

The next shot our team took, i jinxed their keeper to move the wrong way.

I did this a few times but not enough that they realised what was happening

But let's be honest, Gryffindors were never the brightest of people, except mudblood Granger.

Potter and Malfoy were still chasing the snitch, they were up high in the air, extremely high.

But suddenly, they both changed course and bolted back hard to the ground.

I was watching Malfoy but something else caught my eye,

What looked like a rogue bludger hurdling straight towards him.

"Oh shit," the three of us muttered it at once

There was no way to stop a rogue bludger discreetly, it had to be blown up.

The bludger was getting closer and closer to him but he didn't realise, he was too focused on catching the snitch in front of him.

Nott raised his wand at the bludger, which was now only a few feet behind Malfoy.

"Nott you have terrible aim, you'll hit Malfoy," Riddle stopped him.

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