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POV: Esther

The next morning i was sitting in the Great hall eating eggs on toast and drinking some tea.

Mattheo and Malfoy came in and sat opposite me while Nott  came and sat beside me.

He placed his hand on my arm and leaned into my ear,

"Malfoy and Riddle told me what happened last night, i just wanna say thank you, i really owe you one"

I gave him a smile and squeezed his hand, " don't mention it"

I turned my head and looked out across the table, trying to see if that girl was stupid enough to show her face around me

Lucky for her, she isn't.

"How are you three feeling?" i asked  but was interrupted by the mail owls.

Surprisingly, a letter dropped and landed in front of me.

It wasn't addressed to anyone but the envelope was its signature black with an emerald green seal.

The four of us looked at it

We all knew who it was from, it wasn't a secret anymore that i was a death eater since Mattheo caught me talking to father.

Malfoy nodded his head in the direction of the envelope, "open it"

I glanced over at Severus sitting at the teachers table, he was watching me intently with a knowing expression on his face.

I opened the letter and took one glance at it,

It was written in parsletongue.

Father only writes in parsletongue when it's top secret and urgent.

It seemed like a pretty reliable system considering the only people alive that could speak parsletongue was father, Mattheo and i.

I quickly folded it up and shoved it in my robe.

"Excuse me" i said and got up to leave.

Once i made it back to my dorm, i opened the letter:


There is a traitor among us.

They know the true heir of Salazar Slytherin exists

Intel suggests they plan on using this knowledge to take over what i've built.

I have a plan, meet me now.

I burnt the letter after i read it.

I checked the time, 8:28

I changed into more casual clothes and and apparated to the Manor.

I was greeted with a house elf and was told that my father was waiting for me in his office.

I opened the door to see father sitting behind his desk with many files open and papers everywhere.

"Ah, my dearest Skyla, take a seat"

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