21. Bromance

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Author's POV:

She opened the door with full of anger.

"Who the hell is -" But words didn't came from her mouth.

Infront of her there was a man who's face is hidden because of the huge bouquet of flower in his hand.

She dont remember to have any guest at this hour. So who can be he?

"Sorry?! But who are you." She asked with visible confusion on her face.


In Korea , in the morning Jimin came to taehyung's apartment. He was forced by Taeri to come here as the mother is tensed for her child but at the same time afraid to come on her own .

And jimin also have confidence that taehyung wont burst his anger on him. After all he is cute , and lovely that no one can be angry on him.

Jimin slowly slowly opened the door of taehyung's room but he wasn't there.

"Huh? Where he went early in the morning?!.

Maybe he is in Gym.
Ok so i will make breakfast for him so that he will happy." Jimin said to himself and went in the kitchen started making breakfast.

Taehyung who is still sleeping in jisoo's room, woke up after hearing a scream.

His eyelids is still heavy , he want to sleep for more time but whoever's voice it is , it's really horrible for him.

With full of frustration taehyung get up from the bed and came out. Screaming voice is coming from kitchen.  Taehyung's brows knitted in confusion.

Who can be there? Other than jisoo , no one have entered in his kitchen then who can be there?

Standing on the door of kitchen he got to see jimin sitting on the kitchen platform and screaming on top of his lungs like there is no tomorrow.

"Why you are ruining everyone's sleep early in the morning?" As he woke up now so his voice sounds hoarse and deep.

Jimin who was screaming, stopped screaming after hearing his voice looking at him and then again started screaming while closing his eyes shut tight.

Now its really irritating to bear.

"Can you just shut up" Irritated taehyung said in loud voice making jimin stop, and this time he is finally stopped!

But he is also scared.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked so jimin pointed his finger on the ground .

Taehyung looked at there and now it's time for taehyung to scream.

"Ahhhhhhh mummmmaaaa helppppp." Seeing taehyung screaming jimin also started screaming in high note.

Taehyung jumped on jimin making him lose his balance. But jimin manage himself and he also hugged taehyung like he does.

"Ahhh mummaa cockroach !!! Helppppp" They were screaming and in this that poor cockroach went from there being scared of this two men.

When cockroach went from there they finally stopped screaming.

Suddenly they heard unlocking of main door. Before they can do anything someone came inside with full of enthusiasm but seeing two of them in these condition , that person also screamed.

" Ahh oh my god. My eyes." That person said covering her eyes.

Well if anyone will see them in that condition then that person's reaction is acceptable as this.

Jimin and taehyung were hugging each other on top of platform and their dresses also got misplaced and creased in the process.. so .. this is enough to create a misunderstanding .. easily.

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