28. Three Idiots

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Author's POV:

"Ok. All the worries aside.. Rosé how was your blind date?" Yoongi asked.

"Oppa , it was hilarious." Rosé said making faces.

Hoseok alerted and got in protective brother mode.

"What happened rosé? Did aunty set your date with an old ass man?" Hoseok asked.

I guess he is only two years older than me. Not that much old, oppa!! Rosé thought guessing Jimin's age and said to him.

"Oppa i will explain everything in detail .. so what were you both talking about?" She tried to change the topic and succeeded to distract them.

"Oh . You know we are trying to reach her through email. But whenever we are sending emails it always saying 'something went wrong , please try again' ." Hoseok told her and Yoongi also joined.

"Yeah it's so frustrating. Letter was better than this." Yoongi sulk.

"But oppa! Aren't you both failed twice in terms of letter." Rosé said controlling her laugh, as she know how much talented and capable her these two brothers are but they are getting failure with technologies.

"Dont laugh rosé. It's not our mistake... Grandpa is the one who give us training under him. If he knew about computer science then he would share with us." Hoseok tried to cover up for both brothers.

"What made you think so.. that grandpa dont have computer knowledge. " She said making both of their jaw drop.

"Oh speaking of grandpa where is he?" Rosé questioned them remembering their grandpa.

"He is in New York. Woohoo! I did it." Yoongi exclaimed getting succeed with his computer.

Hearing this rosé and hoseok also started clapping and jumping.

"Now we will get our sister back ! Yeahhh!!" Rose exclaimed happily.

And three of them did a group hug.

"Exactly two years ago.." Rosé suddenly said grabbing two males attention.

"Exactly two years ago, we knew from our grandfather .. that we have a sister. Real heiress of The Park's. My elder sister." Rosé become emotional making both of them too. Three of them's eyes turned glossy.

"Park Jisoo. Our sister." This word softly escaped from their mouth and a small but loving smile eventually placed on their lips.

A beep of notification break this emotional moment. Yoongi checked his phone and got a picture. Its a picture of a man and with his biodata.

"Oh! Because of you both crybaby i forget to tell one thing." When yoongi said this both sunshines looked at him with sullen face and glared at him like saying 'weren't you the one who started crying' with their eyes.

But when yoongi showed his phone to them , their gaze went from yoongi to his phone.

But when yoongi showed his phone to them , their gaze went from yoongi to his phone

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