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There was a knock on the door. Sage and Avahi were sitting on the couch, cuddled up against each other reading a book. More like Sage was reading a book while her husband was resting his head against her trying not to fall asleep.

The orange hue of the sunset, spewed through the windows, tinting the room a temporary auburn color. Avahi snapped up at the sound, his arm still around Sage, they both looked back at the door.

"Expecting someone?", he asked. To which Sage shook her head. Now that Avahi has gotten extremely protective over her the past month, she took to selling her produce from her garden and some of her other creations including candles, bakery goods, and woven dolls all from the comforts of her home.

He dreads the days he has to leave to work for the queens' fields, but he's cut down his visits to five days out of the week instead of seven.

"My last sale was an hour ago", she denied. Right when she said that the knock returned a little more forceful.

"Uggh", Avahi got up, struggling against himself for he did not want to leave his comfortable spot. Sage closed her book, watched him approach the door. The house didn't even have any light source to indicate anyone was home. The couple holds of their fireplace and candles till the sky was black.

When he opened the door, neither of them could of expected the oldest Archeron sister to be standing at their entrance. Quickly getting up Sage walked up beside Avahi, "Nesta?"

She just stood there. Looking to Sage then Avahi, keeping her eyes on him a little longer then back to her. And if the surprise visit wasn't enough, Sage then did a glance over her. Since falling into poverty, the family took to wearing the cheaper sets of clothing. Thin cloths and nothing fancier than that. But this time, it was the exact opposite.

Nesta wore a beautiful lavender gown reaching to her ankles. It had a touch of sparkle to it from the sunsets reflection that complimented her pale skin well. Her skin that was now full of life. Long gone was the hollowed cheeks and famished figure.

They are full and rosy as if she applied a blush to compliment the outfit. Because it was cold outside, she wore a white shawl, fringed at the ends and flowing at the slightest touch of cold air. Sage went over her a few times, not wanting to say anything but she wore it on her face. The curiosity.

"What are you doing here", Sage played a smile, feeling the equal confused gaze from Avahi. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him looking at her. Followed by a hand on the small of her back to draw her attention further. Sage ignored it, keeping the smile that Nesta hardly returned. Instead she was peering behind Sage to the interior of their household as if looking for something.

"Feyre's gone. I was wondering if you could help me find her.", she said blankly. Sage only having on a t-shirt and shorts was freezing from the outside weather. She crossed her arms over herself to combat the temperature, now realizing that was the true reason why Avahi was pulling her in. But at Nesta's request Sage's eyebrows shot up.

It's been a a little over a month since she dropped off her produce. Avahi had plan to venture over their in the upcoming week. "What?", Sage squinted her eyes. Her head tilted to the side a little bit. But Nesta instead of saying anything else, she just walked in. The gap left open by the couple fit her well.

This was when Sage finally looked up to him. While Avahi shut the door, they locked eyes, his nearly black ones searching her hazel pupils for a silent answer. But all it took was a  small scrunch of her eyebrows to relay to him that she had no idea as well.

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