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The tide crashed along the shore as the sun reflected against the blue crystal water. She's been passing the time counting the amount of fish she could see through the frothy water after coming back from the Autumn Court. Her and Lucien's mom stayed in the library for the reminder of the day and it all just led to the same thing.

Same meaning as to what she was and what that meant. Sage couldn't just leave . She was stuck here no matter if she liked it or not. Bonded to the Cauldron and can create and command life in the palm of her hands.

She wasn't a High Lord, a commander, not even anyone who was considered special in the mortal lands. Sure she had certain labels in relation to her unique crafts, but at the end of the day, she was a broken girl tucked inside a woman's body .

Back in the mortal world she was called many things. A mistake and waste of breath as a child. Someone to fear, a monster as a teen. Who grew into someone she could finally be called as a wife, friend, sister.

The biggest shift to ever take place in her life was her change of title. And she'd rather be called a monster again. Atleast then people were willing to turn away from her, not rely on her as a means of peace. She's never known peace herself, how could she give that away across the courts.

Sage ran her fingers through the sand, the circle of white fire surrounding her. She created it as a way to avoid overwhelming herself with her emotions, she let them out in small increments until the white kissed flames sung with the wind in the closed gate around her.

She hugged her knees, and gestured her hands once again to move the tide forward.

The flames weren't enough. Those waves she was focusing on so hard were in her control.

She held out a palm when they got to close and it died down to coat the wet sand before her . As it drew back to meet the larger body of water. She snapped her fingers and the sand dried right before her.

It was a routine she's been playing with for a couple of hours. Controlling the tide, drying the sand, making fire. She'd be in denial if she said it didn't make sense for her to be the entity of life based on her powers alone. She had the entire lands before her at the control of her finger tips.

It was the familiar practice of her powers that she hadn't seen Barachiel in long time.

"Are you here?", she whispered snapping her fingers again for the sand  to dry. The next time she was going to learn without having to use her fingers .

Seconds passed and she didn't bother calling again, if he was going to show up he would. If not, than either something was wrong with her method of communication or he was gone completely. Like this control of her powers was his way to guidance and after that ......

"I am.", before her instead of the embodiment that she is used to seeing him in, Sage had to squint her eyes as the bright reflection coming off of him nearly blinded her.

However, once she adjust to it, she understood the true definition of an angel. In complete awe as she couldn't describe it as just ethereal. But that and divine.

His face barely contorted to replicate that of a normal person. But just a combination of all that's what she'd imagine it to be. Brachial smiled at the same time and Sage rose an eyebrow, "Trying a new look?", she stared at the wings that were prominent behind him. They were nearly transparent and were the same color as the waves that continued to crash behind him.

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